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Just Wanna Vent.......


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Can someone tell me how long all miami clubs have been 21+, or have they always been? As you can see by my signature im only 20, ill be 21 in July, so I still got a ways to go. I been living here for not long, and because there are no clubs that are 18+ I got no life, this sucks.

In my opinion they should make some clubs 18+, and since there not gonna let everyone in anyway and can say who comes into there club or not, if someone who is under 21 doesnt look right or something, then dont let them in, sorry im really UPSET and PISSED cause im missing Johnny Vicious this Saturday night. Im not able to go to NY for the holidays and Vicious is spinning Wednesday Night in NY, so I miss him 2 times, sorry again just venting and letting everyone know my $0.02 :mad::(


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Oh by the way I been to every 18+ club, I just cant hang out around the kids who swear there gonna be a rapper or they got gold teeth and stuff, aint my style, a lil too immature for me, this goes for 609 and Atlantis, as far as Atlantis on ft.lauderdale beach I dont know how that place stays open, people can just play y100 and flick there light switch on and off and here the same music. Big thumbs down for them...:tongue:

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Sorry -21....but that's life ( I really don't mean this in a mean kind of way) .....when you become 21, you will be glad that clubs are not full of immature ponks. It sounds to me like you'll really be able to appreciate it once you get there. As for me, I am a female....so when I was your age I used to slip some extra bucks and give a pretty :D ....and I was in. I really don't know how strict they are these days about that!

Don't give up on the fake I.D......Do you know anyone that works at a bank??? When I use to work at a bank, there were people that used to stay with lost IDs for others that they knew needed them.....just an idea.... :rolleyes:

Hang in there.....soon enough you'll be partying with all of us!:D

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Originally posted by nightstar01

I know:( .......but unfortunately.....that's the way it is.....I know how it is....I was there once!

yep its the jerks who ruin it, hopefully i get lucky somehow, im looking foward to meet people who post, i talk 2 a few people off the board on messanger, and they all seem cool, ill send my spirit to liquid saturday to see vicious :D

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feeling your pain. :) I can understand, loving the scene so much, and having to sit on the sidelines. growing up in new york, I was clubbing at 16.even though, you had to be18 ,to get in. just hang tuff, you never know. what tomorrow will bring..

I see photon’s in your future..:bounce:

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I actually like the 21 scene in MIA soooooooooo much. In NYC I hate putting up with the 18+ because most of them are 16 plus, they are just there to be ROLLLLLlllllling face. I know its not true for all of them, my suggestion is Fake Id or get hooked up with a couple of people who know people at the club. Its seems as if many places in MIA don't ID hard. GL,

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Exitheaddz i know how u feel man

i turned 21 last July and i got lucky twice with a really crappy fake ID my friend made for and then on my third time using it, i got caught and i missed digweed. I was so pissed about it. All i gotta say is that once u turn 21 its well worth it, and well worth the wait. I only went to a couple of those open club nights and couldn't stand it being without the older crowd i met here in the CP board, it was a whole bunch of kids wearing 400 dollars worth of clothes just hanging around the dance floor and talking and or rolling, and if they weren't on the dancefloor they where sitting down "getting blowned up". So it was worth the wait. Just let us know when your Bday is and most probably we'll celebrate.

Good Luck in your fake id if i hear anything i'll let you know.

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