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Law school was horrible. I dropped out after a year. Best decision I ever made.

Then again, it also depends where you go. I went to a highly comptetive school so people were pricks. Everything was based on curves and rankings so before tests people would steal notebooks and books so you couldn't study. Bunch of crap. Plus, unlike undergrad work, you actually have to attend class and study. Can't do it half assed. Either commite and do it 100% or don't do it at all.

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I'm in the same boat as q-ny...I did 2 years of law school before I dropped out. Uuuggghhh, I hated it.

But, if you are committed, both mentally and financially, and it's what you want to do...go for it...22 is still young. Like I said though, you really got to want it.

Word of warning...I found law school 30x harder than any undergraduate course I ever took. And be prepared to be miserable for approximately 3 years of your life.

Good luck!

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Well DG sweety! To be honest I am also 22 years old and i have been sidetracked from school many times. I should have graduated 2 years ago and instead im going back as an "upperclass Freshman".:rolleyes:

But I am going to school for physical therapy which may not be as extensive as your field, but it will take about the same lenght of time to complete. If law is what you truly want to do then go for it. We can have a huge celebration for you when you win your first case!

MUAHzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz! Good Luck kutie!;)

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