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S&D in NYC - OMFG!!!


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How can I even begin to do justice to that night by trying to write a review in my half cracked out state! Let me say right now that last night, hands down, ranks in my top 3 EVER! FIrst the venue - a very classy looking place, almost like a symphony orchestra hall...expensive chandaliers, tapestries, etc. It was HUGGEE...the dancefloor was maybe 3/4 the size of a football field, marble everywhere, holograms, a fireplace (with fire) in the bathrooms! The staff were very polite, and the pat down was not bad at all. The only thing was that drinks were expensive as was water, AND THEY TOOK THE BOTTLE CAPS when they gave you water!! THat really sucked!

The set-up was amazing....there was an extraordinary laser show..I think the same people who occasionally did the lasers at Twilo did these. The sound was the best I've heard since Twilo...I can't even begin to describe the clarity and intensity of the system!!! It was INCREDIBLE. I can only imagine that it was a Phazon system.

Sasha and Digweed.....the best I've ever seen them do it! Jimmy van M was on the decks when we got there (about midnight), and was slowly testing the system. He spun till about 1am, slowly bringing the tempo up. Sasha then came on the decks, and from then on it was pure pure madness. They tag-teamed back and forth (I don't know how long each was at the decks) but they lay down pounding, blistering beats. I don't even know how to classify what they played...started with progressive house/trance, moved to some extremely hard trance and some techno, and came down with slightly softer trance. I'm still in awe from the intensity and pure "hardness" of what they played. I've seen PVD a few times, and I know people consider his music very hard, but let me just say that S&D last night completely blew any PvD set I've heard. For those that went to D:Fuse...it was sort of like that but much much deeper (better)! Sorry, I'm very bad at trainspotting....they did play a couple of familiar tracks (including Heaven Scent at the every end), but most of the stuff was new.

I am very ashamed that I ever doubted Sasha and Digweed ( I admit, after not seeing them for almost one year, I had my doubts)...I REALLY REALLY hope that they get a residency in NYC!!!

The beautiful venue along with the lasers, visuals and siiickkkk beats made this one surreal experience. A night to remember for a looonnng time!

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So, are you trying to say that you enjoyed it?

I've been reading reviews that the sound was fucked up in spots and echoing due to the sheer size of the place. Otherwise I here that Sasha and Digweed laid down a great set (it seems everyone missed JVM so I haven't heard much about him). Glad you enjoyed it. Now if one or both would just come to Buzz...

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I went up to NY as well to catch Sasha and Digweed, all in all it was a really great time. Started off w/ the train ride up, and the train loosing it's power @ Newark, then we had to get on another train after about 20 mins or so. My friend and I met up w/ his ex and she showed up around the city some (I hadn't been there since jan or so, and he's from new Zealand). After walking around the city all day, we finally got to Cipriani's a little before 12....after waiting in the qeue for about 2 hrs! we finally got in. The line outside was such a mess, one line for ppl w/ tickets and the other line (opposite side of the walk) for those picking up at will call and those w/o tickets. It was very dissorganized trying to get in and didn't seem like the promoters did that good a job in being ready for the amount of people or the event. Especially when ppl started to take the police barriers away when they got tired of waiting in line after an hour or two. Oh well, when we finally got inside, the place was huge. Really nice high ceilings and a great laser show. I agree the sound was a bit off, depending on where you were standing, and in the back by the speakers it sounded muffled, but making yuor way up front proved much better for sound. As the night went on I think the sound got better as well, maybe just me though.

Digweed was on when we got in and he played some serious hard, deep, progressive, and tribal beats. Really nice stuf. Then Sasha came on and laid down some good tunes as well. Didn't recognize much of either of their sets, then they tagteamed it up for a bit and played really well off each other. After about falling over from walking around the city all day and eating once during the same and then dancing for a bit it was time to leave. We left about 6 am before we fell asleep. In all it was a really great time, and i'm just about caught up on sleep now as well. :D

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Holy shit, holy shit, holy shit, holy shit!!!!! I basically shitted in my pants!

Im just sitting in front of a computer since I got back from NYC and I agree with ravermania.......the show was totally unbelievable, the setting was incredible, the whole place on the inside is decorated in neoclasical style, with incredibly high ceilings, the sound was awesom, I spent most of the night in front of one of the speakers and just totally lost myself in the music more times that I can remember...and when I wasnt lost in the music I was lost looking at all the hot girls there :eek:

Jimmy Van M was money, started slow and slowly picked up the intsnsity. I was at a dilema: I wanted to get down and boogey whiule VanM played his set 'cause I was starting to get the groove going, but knew I needed to keep the sanity of my knees for the rest of the night. Most of his set was dark and progressive...slithering, sexy and dramatic.

During the last 30min of VanM's set Sasha and Digweed came out and hung around the bar area and talked with people, took pics, and signed autographs. My only regret the whole night was that I didnt take a camera. A bud I went with took his and a pic with Digweeed even though the dumb-ass didnt know how typo tell people how to cirrcetly shoot the damn thing, he basically hogged Digweed's time for 10min while he finally could explain how the damn thing worked. And the idot also got his CD covers autographed by bioth of 'em....now vicman knows for the next time.

Then Sasha came on and the crowd errupted. Through out the night S&D tagged teamed the rest of the night, switching on the decks 3 or 4 times each. Some of the tunes I recignized were:

Slacker- Fusion

DJV w/K-Mart- Your Name is Jesus

Saints and Sinners- Pushing to HArd

Killer Loop-The Blue Hour

King of Spin- Lifestyles

I also think there were a couple from Killahurtz in the mix, more than sure of it..and another cupole that are in Parks & Wilson last CD, I'll double check on that.

and there was one that totally blew me away that I dunno what its called but it had some lyriucs:

"The end of the world os comming...

ashes to ashes...

stone to stone..."

the damned cut looped a few times but it was just perfect for the night.

Oh, the bathrooms were incredible also, so nice! :D

Anyway, the light show was also !!WOW!! fisrt it was just your standard green laser ligh show, but around 3:30 the light show started getting better and better with more collors, more movement and of course by that time I was f*cked out of my mind.

Finally when the show ended around 7:30.

The 2 only bad points of the evening were the lines when getting in, and the $$$ of drinks $5 for a non-alcoholic drink, and $10 for an alcoholic one (kinda normal if you get LIT's like me) and $5 for a donut (Krispy Kreme) but at the end of the night there were lots of donuts left over still untoucehd in theior unopened boxes that I just grabbed one and munched on it. Anyway this isnt the cooking network, it CP.

Needles to say, I still have no idea WTF I'm doing at work when I should be @ home resting up for tonight :mad: and tommorrow.

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Originally posted by vixenfoxxy

Weeeeeh! I'm so jealous!!! I HATE being poor!

So wait, Shady, what you're saying is basically that you thought Oakenfold was way better than Sasha and Digweed right? I was a little mislead by your opinions... :laugh:

Oh yeah, I'm a bigger Oakie fan than S&D fan now. Yeah, right! But I'm over 'em. That is, until those fuckin' limey bastards finally decide to get their heads out of their collective arses and make the trip down to DC. If they decide to do that, then I'll consider putting them back in my top ten list. But until then, fuck 'em. If DC's not good enough for them, then they're not good enough for me.

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More trax:

Bedrock - heaven scent - pob dub

Cosmos - 'Take Me With You (Instrumental)

Evolution - Walk of Fire - Bedrock remix

Chemical Brothers - Star guitar

Brother Brown - Starcatching girl (Darren emerson remix)

Yum Yum - Heavy Fluid

New Order - Someone like you (FutureShock remix) - i think was dropped but not sure

Leftfield - 'Song For Ever'

Southern Comforter - Another Late Thursday (Spincycle Mix)

Peace Division - R U Somewhere

orbital - lush 3-1

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