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<Dunt dedunt dederededunt... dint dunt didnt dunt...>

(Mr. Softee Theme plays in background)

The Names have been changed to protect the innocent however the stories are real, and the incidents are as well sadly enough...

A certain friend of mine DjYodel, had a sexual encounter earlier this morning, and due to a enormous amount of drinking and "partying" our beloved friend experience something you would not wish on your deepest and darkest enemy... I <cough ahem> I mean HE couldnt stay up no matter what his friend did...

:( now keep in my this doesnt happen to me <cough ahem> i mean HIM often so he was a bit pissed, however we <cough ahem> they laughed off and said maybe it means something or so forth... and cracked a couple jokes and whatever...

However In any event, Im <cough ahem> i mean hes PISSED, and tired so I think hes gonna go to bed... Grrrr!!!

Tomorrows another day...

Heres the Topic, anyone else on the board have any experience with this matter or am I flying solo on this one???

Anyone? Anyone? Bueller? Bueller?:confused:

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stud spray... ahahahha...

yes theres always tonight... lets see what happens round two... bam!... however i think i can attribute this to the massive amount of drinking i was doing yestereday, and the fact that I had some crazy ass thanksgiving sex... my "sweet meat" might a lil tuckered out... :laugh:

btw... hope the song didnt get stuck in your head... :laugh:

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nah it didnt bother me at all however, its not healthy for the ego, and I was pissed as hell, cause i was laying there naked with a hottie and i couldnt do shit... well for myself... I made sure she busted and came.... however i was still pissed, I wasnt in the mood to do volunteer work yest... no biggie, Ill get back on that HORSE in no time... (not the girl, the figure of speach)

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Originally posted by synderella420

Definitely Kat he will be ready to stick it in no time lol!!!:laugh: :laugh:

aww man, you cut me my post is supposed to be here... now i look like that guy in the circle of ppl who always jumps in and says shit like 5 mins to late or always out of context... lol...


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bro that could have been me... or MAYBE it was her face... you know she snoores mad loud when she sleeps???? fucking i went inside to take a piss and sober up on wednesday night/thursday morning... and i was like... damn... she body is mad hot, but damn she look like a fucking pirate.. mad nasty looking... i was so upset with her snoring and her face i was going to run right un front of her face and laid a big one.... just like CKY... "i fucking wokeup to ass" and maybe give one to lennox for a treat.

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its not that i hate her or some shit...

i think im sick of the whole thing everyweek... thats all...

but out of the group the only person i really hate is tonya... cant stand her... fucking troll looking bitch~!~!~! fucking she got no chin...her chin intergrats with her neck... fucking almost look like slimer from ghostbusters...

but melissa is mad cool, koester is one of a kind, joey cool as hell, everyone is cool... as long as they dont get on my nerves...

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