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i got jealous thoughts...


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last nite my gfriend went out with her girlfriends, and i was working overnight so i couldnt go out. she met up with some of my guy friends from school, and they all went barhopping. i dont know, i got these thoughts like i see her fucking my friends while im stuck at work. i think its because she was flirting with them when we hung out the last time. evreyone keeps telling me its innocent flirtation, but thats bullshit. i mean i wouldnt flirt with a girl if i didnt think i would end up in a sack with her. im being honest, why would i flirt otherwise? damn, i got these thoughts now, i cant concentrate on anything. i hate this..

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i hear ya, man... i used to get those feelings about my ex g/f

But really, if you let her do her thing and hang out with her friends, she'll respect u even more. I know these thoughts are arising in your head, but they're just your own creation.

i bet she feels the same when u go out with your buds, that's where trust comes in.

just be open with each other and talk about your nights out...keeping things behind closed doors isn't good, it just leaves you thinking.

TRUST, baby ;) it may take time, but it's well worth it 4 a healthy relationship

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boy oh boy oh boy

this brings back memories (definitely not ones i am fond of)

i went out with a girl for a year and a half, and these thoughts were in my head very very often. i learned one thing, trust is very very important, and if it doesnt exist, then there is one of two problems: either she deserves to be trusted and you are too paranoid, or she shouldnt be trusted and then this relationship aint goin too far

early in my relationship it was problem number one, i was too paranoid,

but towards the end, my gf turned into a lyin bitch

i broke up with her, she came back in a month, we broke up again two weeks later, she came back in another month, etc, etc.

anyway, the drama doesnt amtter much, but you have to decide, whether she should be trusted or not. oh, and checking her might do you some good, but keep in mind it is usually not enough to check her once, so you do it again, and again, and then its never enough to be sure.

oh, and another thing, if she flirts with other guys, then she has other guys on her mind, and then believe me, you dont want to know what happens when she has a night out without you, especiually with alcohol involved.

(P.S. you're russian, right? them russian girls should be trusted the least! this i say from personal experience)


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Hi Perfecto...good to hear from you although the circumstance isn't too nice..I hope you are feeling better by now and aren't too paranoid anymore. Well, coming from a girl....believe me, not every girl flirts with guys that she wants "end up in the sack with". For some of us girls it is just a little ego-booster, or maybe she flirted with your guy friends cause she wanted to see you a bit jealous... sometimes we need that too....I know it is stupid but I can only tell you from personal experience....when I get jealous of my baby's exes or something like this, I do enjoy his jealous facial expression next time I get a message from my ex...well, what can I say...it's the evil streak in all of us and the insecurities we all face from time to time ;)

So, don't worry too much (especially if she flirts while you are around and not behind your back). Talk to her about it and let her know how you feel about it without accusing her of anything. Hope everything works out and you can work in peace again without being haunted by jealous thoughts.... :)

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hi guys, thanx for all the suggestions. flying-high, thanks hon, i did what you said, i talked to her about it today, and let her know how i feel. i said that ive never felt like this before, and i had these jealousies running through my mind. she smiled and told me that she didnt honeslty mean anything by talking to my friends, but she said that she wont go out with those guys because it made me feel shitty, she also said that she appreciated me telling her, and she felt more special, that i was jealous over her. to make the story short, we went back to my place and had fun for 4 hours, so i am feeling very very very good! :) communication kicks ass! thanks guys. this board is pretty useful after all!!

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Leave your hands loose and the sand remains , close your grip tightly and the sand will pour through your fingertips. Same thing with relationships. Its a good Analogy I really dont remember where I read it. But Let the girl do what she does she cheats on you then good, you obviously were not meant to be with this girl and she is a whore ( no offense). You dont want to walk around watching this girl like a damn hawk you have to trust her and let her do what she wants to do. Y ti snayish vsegda yest harashiya ruski devadgeki ve Brooklyn, cta hatich ybat vseh :). I used to be the same way, but now I see that you cant always be on the girls jock. Do what you need to do. And harmless flirting is always fun as hell, it makes girls and guys feel sexy. You should do it more often, and if the chick does it in front of you then you should do it more often in front of her :) I mean if she can, then you can ... Good Luck with this girl and dont stress it. Wish you the best

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