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the SEXIEST sight a man can bear witness to


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is a girl, barefoot, in the kitchen, caked in blotches of white flour all over her body, kneading dough with her knuckles, and grooving her ass to deepdish, all the while (wo-)manning an oven, 4 burners on a stove, and with a permanent grin stetched from ear to ear. (only missing element is that she ain't pregnant, but that can easily be arranged. ;):laugh::tongue: )

and her name is lavendermenace. overwhelmed.gif

i'm a carnivore, and usually require some sort of meat with my meal, but this has got to be the most kick-ass vegetarian thanksgiving dinner i've ever had!


> antipasto: italian bread with roasted peppers, provolone and morier (sp?) cheese (that "smells like feet"...YUM!) and olives

> traditional side: mashed potatoes (with finely chopped garlic...YUM!), peas and baby onions

> candied yams alternative: maple-syrup candied squash (YUM!)

> entree: grandma-forgot-her-name family secret x-amount of ingredients crumb-stuffed artichokes (YUM!)

>dessert: homemade-all-from-scratch-including-the-pie-crust apple and pumpkin pies! (mmmMmmMmmMMMmm)

>bonus: BROWNIES! OMFG the brownies! :D;)roll.gifoffwall.gif

you rawk, lm! thanks so much for having me over! headbanger.gif

(oh, of course, thanks to mr. barvybe for the venue, as well as joining us, along with mr. x, for the nightcap and entertainment, with lots of circular conversations and "what was the last thing that was said before the last thing that was said") :laugh:

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Originally posted by loch

(oh, of course, thanks to mr. barvybe for the venue, as well as joining us, along with mr. x, for the nightcap and entertainment, with lots of circular conversations and "what was the last thing that was said before the last thing that was said") :laugh:

your more than welcome. anytime anytime. very nice to come home to a mini party in full swing.

i'm very impressed u remember the game...so what was the last thing before the last thing....oh, nevermind. i think i just passed out again.

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awe shucks Loch. you're making me blush. :o

well, I'm glad you enjoyed it. I sure did. I love cooking for people and you are definitely fun to cook for.

although I dont know about the sexy part. I was pretty mangled from LL the night before.

Oh and hacker:



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ok, time for me to stop being an ingrateful bastard.

Folks, there are few ways more mellow to bring in the uh....the uh...thankgiving...holiday, i guess....right!

But yes, I didn't get a chance to take in the full scale of LM's cooking....having gotten there late and only eating half of the brownies...(J/K...sorry for swiping that other half...)

My meal at L'BarMenace was limited to the desserts, namely the brownies. I have to say that LM out did herself on it. Nothing to do with the stuff in the brownies, of course.

It was a great night, and I do have to thank Barvybe, LM, and Loch for making it so uh...interesting...:tongue:

I would suggest we do it again soon...and I propose that I contribute uh.....ingredients...next time around and we do this soon. I may even actually get there on time... :blown:

And hacker, to say the least, she didn't last that long after everything was over...:tongue:

Also, on another note...having been wrapped in tin foil and stored in my pants pocket and then reheated, her pies were still good :D

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Guest tilly

LM: As payment for pimping Loch out to you that night...humm...I would like some special brownies please.

Loch: YOU OWE ME!!!!

I'm done patting myself on the back now.:)

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OK, since i actually SAW LM when she woke up...here's the story:

1. she called me at 1 wondering where i was. of course, i was still at SF causei'mahardcoremotherfuckeraswell!!! How else do u think we could live together?

2. i wandered in at 2:30. She looked like someone had turned her inside out.

3. as i prepared to go straight up to Westchester (shower, eyedrops, no shave, comb the mangles out of my brain), LM was gamely working some vegetable shortening into something....quite honestly i couldn't look to closely - a giant spoonful of Crisco first thing after clubbing is certainly the path to disaster.

4. she kept looking at me with those soulful, pained, bloodshot, hungover eyes...but she said, "I gotta do it. I'm having company."

Well, when i arrived back at 11pm, Loch was KerFuckedUp!!! Great work lav!

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dudes & dudettes: the only reason you found yourself in here and/or posted is because the thread had the word "sex" in it. nympho-horndogs.

lm "I gotta do it. I'm having company": i'm glad i was welcomed out of obligation, duty, promise and guilt.

tilly: when i signed up to be pimped out, i was expecting a seven course meat-eating meal in the bedroom, not a 7 dish vegetarian meal in the kitchen. i owe you nothing. (unless you want to complete the deal personally)

and what's all this mumbo jumbo about special brownies with special ingredients? don't know about you, but all's i had was betty crocker's brownie mix.

:):D;):tongue: [edited to add smileys so sk13 doesn't think i was being hostile :blank: ]

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Guest tilly
Originally posted by loch

tilly: when i signed up to be pimped out, i was expecting a seven course meat-eating meal in the bedroom, not a 7 dish vegetarian meal in the kitchen. i owe you nothing. (unless you want to complete the deal personally)

I thought you said the food was EXCELLENT!!! I thought you said that you enjoyed the company. HUMMMM, good food and good company vs. being alone on a holiday thinking about how much you miss me.... back to what I said before... YOU OWE ME & I intend on collecting!:tongue:

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Originally posted by tilly

YOU OWE ME & I intend on collecting!:tongue:

t, dear. uhm. i seems as though you've completely missed the metaphor. s'okay. shhhhhhh....

btw. in order to collect, the other party needs to put out. i don't intend on putting out...(however, if the roles were reversed...) :tongue:

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Originally posted by sarahkim13

Yes, we met once or twice but both times you were running off the instant I introduced myself.

i guess you haven't quite grasped the subtleties of me being polite.

*laughing*. j/k. hey, it was YOU that always had to run off. petrol can vouch for that (i think...it depends how on how many drinks he's had)

and do let me know when you run into me friday. i'd be fascinated to see if you're successful...seeing as how i won't be there. :tongue:

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