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Fucking Funny Shit... Must Read


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this whole conversation is about this pic that was posted earlier


and the conversation is between

flooed = me (apples)

adorabull420 = synderella420

fucking funny shit...

ADORABULL420: so u guys are tight with that kid in the wheelchair?

FLoo ED: lol

FLoo ED: unfortunately yes

ADORABULL420: aww how did he get like that

ADORABULL420: was he born like that

FLoo ED: lol

ADORABULL420: its not funny its sad

FLoo ED: thats fucked up what you are saying

ADORABULL420: how???

FLoo ED: i dunno..

FLoo ED: when he was younger

FLoo ED: like 9 years old

FLoo ED: his dog, spot ( i think that was his name ) he ran into the street

FLoo ED: and in order to save his dog, he put his life on the line

FLoo ED: and pushed it out of the way of the moving car

ADORABULL420: awwwwwwww

ADORABULL420: really

FLoo ED: and sacificed his leg for the dog

ADORABULL420: damn

FLoo ED: yes

ADORABULL420: so he has a prosthetic leg and one good one

FLoo ED: he cant afford it

FLoo ED: you see the hat he is wearing???

FLoo ED: he paid it with WIC checks

ADORABULL420: serious?

FLoo ED: yes

FLoo ED: medical bills are expencive


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Well I do hope this whole thing is a joke (although I can't quite see the humor in it....but hey, let's hope that nothing ever happens to atomicapples that would leave him in a situation like this).

Anyway, even reading the AIM conversation....please point out the parts that are "fucking funny" cause I can't see them.

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fine, its not funny...

its just this guy is a fruit cake... (nevermind)

ok this wheelchair is always the highlight of every house party we have at dg's sisters house (thats the dirty guy behind the guy in the wheelchair) anyways.. the reason why i say is the highlight, everyone who sits in that chair is always abused. for example, this halloween that was the chair when dg sat in it, i was the one who pushed him into walls/chairs/tables and people. and chair is also the one he was sitting when i lit his pants on fire and ripped the fuckers off...

ok i ust got up, and im beginning to ramble....

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Originally posted by atomicapples

fine, its not funny...

its just this guy is a fruit cake... (nevermind)

ok this wheelchair is always the highlight of every house party we have at dg's sisters house (thats the dirty guy behind the guy in the wheelchair) anyways.. the reason why i say is the highlight, everyone who sits in that chair is always abused. for example, this halloween that was the chair when dg sat in it, i was the one who pushed him into walls/chairs/tables and people. and chair is also the one he was sitting when i lit his pants on fire and ripped the fuckers off...

ok i ust got up, and im beginning to ramble....

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: HOLY MOTHERFUCK IS THAT SHIT FUNNY AS HELL yo me,u,dg,420,and darra all need to fuckin chill. *pretty damn evil of me to throw the strippers name in huh?* hehe

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Originally posted by quoth

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: HOLY MOTHERFUCK IS THAT SHIT FUNNY AS HELL yo me,u,dg,420,and darra all need to fuckin chill. *pretty damn evil of me to throught the strippers name in huh?* hehe

lol i met the real darra this weekend...

she is kinda hot, but mad short.. she was like 4'nothing. she had big titties, but too short for me. a cute girl i must say... and a nice one too. too bad she wasnt the stripper... :(

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Originally posted by atomicapples

lol i met the real darra this weekend...

she is kinda hot, but mad short.. she was like 4'nothing. she had big titties, but too short for me. a cute girl i must say... and a nice one too. too bad she wasnt the stripper... :(

as opposed to the fake darra? *im sorta lost, much be cause i live in this fuckstick state called New Jersey and not anywhere near this Vixens's strip club u speak of*

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