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mad delema


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check it out there is this chick i know for about amonth or so i met her up at school but u see the delema is that im so atracted to this chick . ive been talking to her for a while now on the phone and when i see her out but u see sometimes she seems like she likes me and somtimes not what should i do i really like this chick but i need feed back on some help

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Just be straight up with her. Ask her on a date and see what she says. If she doesnt like you, most likely she wont go. At least that is the case with me. Just make it clear though that you like her as more then a friend otherwise you will never know.

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Oh, I feel for ya... I just ended a nearly 3-yr relationship... getting back in "the game" mode is not easy when you're used to being so comfortable with someone... Unfortunately there's no way around it, listen to lollib... you'll never know unless you try!

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Originally posted by mikeynine999

im gonna try but i just dont understand girls anymore they never show you what they want

I dont think it's that they dont show you what they want but maybe she doesnt know herself. If you guys are friends, maybe she doesnt want to ruin that. I've dated people that I was friends with and after things have ended, things werent the same. Well, when you say you think she likes you sometimes, how does she act??

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she knows i want her more then a freind

when she shows me sometimes she likes me she will say like oh dont think that i dont stare at u in class or like u deff dress the nicest in school or you are the hottest guy in any of my classes and then when i call her she will call back but u know sometimes i get mxed signals

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Ok, maybe it's because she knows you like her and she is feeding off on it. I have to admit, I have done that. Maybe she likes the fact that someone likes her and if she pretends then you will keep liking her. Or maybe she really does like you. If you dont ask, you will never know.

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