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Anyone In Favor Of Military Tribunals????

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this seems to be the latest i discussion on all the networks the past few days...

for anyone that does not know what a military tribunal is you are trired in a secret location by 3 military leaders who are wearing hoods to cover there faces...you are appointed a military lawyer and you are not allowed to see the evidence which is held against you...you are not read any rights and you have no rights....the case is pretty much predetermined and you can be sent to a military jail and never know the reason why...these are what military tribunals..you dont hear this on tv when they talk about it you just hear that the govt wants to do them...just wondering if anyone is in favor of this.....this is a no drama post...lets try and have a rational discussion....

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Originally posted by trancend

what the fuck? how COULD anyone be in favor of this?

unless theres a benifit im missing.....

this is the whole point...on tv they do not tell you what a military tribunal is..they simply ask if you are in favor of it...once you know all the facts clearly why would anybody be in favor of this kind of court system in the unites states.....

the only benefit to this is if you are even a suspected terrorist and are held in front of this tribunal you WILL be found guilty, regardless if you are innocent or not...

hey tribal its exactly what you said with mccarthyism when they held people in front of a comittee and made people give answers about others who were communist....even if you were accused of being a communist you paid the price....history just seems to repeat itself over and over....

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You guys are definitely on point so far...

In addition, chew on this.

Whenever a foreign government has wanted to try an American in a military tribunal, the US has gone out of its way to bully the other country. If other people can't try criminals that happen to be American in military tribunals, why should we?

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Originally posted by trancend

what the fuck? how COULD anyone be in favor of this?

unless theres a benifit im missing.....

yeah.....texas style justice....

go bush and ashcroft...


somehow, I'm not too shocked that this was brought up in the national landscape in the first place...

and y'all can be sure that there ARE those out there who're behind tribunals all the way...

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Originally posted by furnace

You guys are definitely on point so far...

In addition, chew on this.

Whenever a foreign government has wanted to try an American in a military tribunal, the US has gone out of its way to bully the other country. If other people can't try criminals that happen to be American in military tribunals, why should we?

...can I see some documentation on this?

...just for my own viewing, is all....haven't read too many of these cases, would be very interested in seeing some.

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Personally I'm not so sure about the whole hooded thing. They showed a picture of the last militar tribunals a few decades back and the military guys didn't have on hoods. That's proposterous. Secondly, I wouldn't give a crap if we talk all the suspected terrorists and hung em upside down naked in times square and let children throw gold balls at em while they rotted above the dow jones ticker. :D Have a nice day.

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there's a reason for these types of trials. Were not dealing with just a couple of people killed, were dealing with a couple of thousand, and if they were tried by a jury of our peers, sympathy might be shown to them, and they could be let go, and do another terrorist act, for all of those not in favor of military tribunals for acts of terror, your putting your life at risk, cause most of these people being held, want americans dead, so why should we treat them like regular citizens, when they don't treat us as human beings, let alone citizens.

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...but there would be NO WAY that a regular trial can proceed. I mean, where are you going to find a panel of un-biased jurors. You're going to have to wait 400 years before you find a juror that can say, "I was not affected by the attack and I never heard of the WTC incident in the media."

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I can certainly agree that the regular judicial system is inadequate to deal with a situation like this... however, if everything MSoprano posted is correct... there's gotta be a better way to go about determining whether the suspect is guilty or innocent... If that were the case the only reason to hold a trial at all would be to keep up appearances.

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Originally posted by tastyt

I can certainly agree that the regular judicial system is inadequate to deal with a situation like this... however, if everything MSoprano posted is correct... there's gotta be a better way to go about determining whether the suspect is guilty or innocent... If that were the case the only reason to hold a trial at all would be to keep up appearances.

according to my teacher its true but i will try and find a link for you guys over the weekend....

as far as a trial goes why even bother bringing them here for what....kill the terrorists that are in afghanistan and get on with it...my problem with the tribunals that even if somone accuses you as a terrorist you will be held in front of one of these...

im glad to see we can finally have an adult conversation on the matter.....

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Originally posted by nrgy112

there's a reason for these types of trials. Were not dealing with just a couple of people killed, were dealing with a couple of thousand, and if they were tried by a jury of our peers, sympathy might be shown to them, and they could be let go, and do another terrorist act, for all of those not in favor of military tribunals for acts of terror, your putting your life at risk, cause most of these people being held, want americans dead, so why should we treat them like regular citizens, when they don't treat us as human beings, let alone citizens.

So its OK to kill some innocent ppl?!?

Thats dumb!

The option is a civil trial...it does not mean letting them go. If there is enough evidence against them, then they will be convicted.

What a fuckin joke "innocent until proven guilty" is!!!

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Originally posted by raver_mania

So its OK to kill some innocent ppl?!?

Thats dumb!

The option is a civil trial...it does not mean letting them go. If there is enough evidence against them, then they will be convicted.

What a fuckin joke "innocent until proven guilty" is!!!

so then we should give them an option of being proven innocent when in reality they could be guilty. well if that happens maybe you'll be in the next building one of these people bombs, there's always room for error in judicial court, especially in our screwed up justice system, where it's a fact that if you really are innocent there's a 50% chance the you'll be proven guilty.

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It's scary to see where this country is leading,and especially who is leading us....these tribunals will cause more problems for more innocents who just happen to look like the guys who bombed the WTC and the Pentagon. I agree with it to a certain extent on those who have clear ties to terrorist activities, peoples, and organizations, but to people who just came here in order to find a better life? Civil rights violations...there's going to be a lot more lawsuits in this country now.

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Originally posted by nrgy112

so then we should give them an option of being proven innocent when in reality they could be guilty. well if that happens maybe you'll be in the next building one of these people bombs, there's always room for error in judicial court, especially in our screwed up justice system, where it's a fact that if you really are innocent there's a 50% chance the you'll be proven guilty.

....as opposed to military tribunals, which are of course, flawless.

You're claiming that the judicial system lets the bad ones get away. Bad as that may be, you're perfectly willing to assume that everyone is guilty before proven innocent.

I do wonder which is worse?

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Originally posted by xpander

...can I see some documentation on this?

...just for my own viewing, is all....haven't read too many of these cases, would be very interested in seeing some.

I heard that on the News Hour with Jim Lehrer, a 1 hour public television news program. You all should check it out...they always have 2 sides to the story and have experts debate with a moderator. It allows you to get in depth with the history of these events quickly and find the real deal with what's going on.

Nrgy 112:

You remind me of medevil peasents and their public stonings of "witches" (more or less innocent women). Or the tar and featherings of the 17th century. I would hope that our society has evolved beyond that, but evidently, you have not.

Currently the government is holding hunders of people of Middle Eastern persuasion without reason. It is hard for me to believe that they are ALL guilty of something. Holding innocent people for no reason indefinitely is bad enough. Putting innocent people to jail or death for the events of Sept 11 would be nothing short of a travesty and a mockery of our judicial system, be it military or civilian.

I, for one, want to find the REAL culprits, not just some scapegoats that look Middle Eastern. That is why the trial must be public and the defendants should get the best council...because public opinion is already going to be against them. Those who are guilty will be punished...no need to risk the lives of the innocent.

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