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It took alot of hard work, I had no sleep this week but it paid off. Everyone looked nice, very nice. The DJs we provided rocked the house including Aaron Swank who I personally discovered and one day you'll see that he'll be a big DJ. How did you guys like Lisa Pure? She calld me Tue and asked to perform, said she heard our party will be off the hook. I'm in love with this girl, what a great person. We gave out a 600-700 CDs, I know some of you didn't get any, we'll try to have more for you at the next party. Nice to see Eric Marillo, Armond Van Heldon, Paris, JP,, and Boris. Didn't get to see Johnny Vicious. Two funny messages on my machine when I got home, one was Jonathan Peters "Dmitry I'm coming tonight with my mom, please get me a table in the dark somewhere. Jason Ojeda "Dmitry, you wont believe this, my water pipe broke, I cant make it.


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Dmitry you did a great thing last night hun. And I now have 200 ATRIUM bags left over for those CDS. Make sure Joey Dollaz gets one. Some how Andy Z got 2 cds and Joey got none :tongue:

You, Chris and Dave did a tremendous job and I was extremely happy that Clubplanet and Nightclubcity both got their banners in time. Cutting it close but thank god they made it. Was really great to see Jill and Mercury. Memoriessssssssssssssss. Tunnel Flash Backs.

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Originally posted by cotoncandydream

Ronin I have some left over if you wanna swing by CP and pick one up.:D

Wheres CP anyway lol. Can ya mail em? i wanted a shawn Ink disk... i think i saw some1 with one, but didnt think to ask where he got it.

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Originally posted by cotoncandydream

Dmitry you did a great thing last night hun. And I now have 200 ATRIUM bags left over for those CDS. Make sure Joey Dollaz gets one. Some how Andy Z got 2 cds and Joey got none :tongue:

You, Chris and Dave did a tremendous job and I was extremely happy that Clubplanet and Nightclubcity both got their banners in time. Cutting it close but thank god they made it. Was really great to see Jill and Mercury. Memoriessssssssssssssss. Tunnel Flash Backs.

All I got was a rock...no bag for me :(

Dm Da and everyone else ivolved great job, I know it takes alot of work to put those things together....much appreciation. Had a great time...

Now if I can just remember all those people I met...

Also it was actually Noreyma's mom's B-day!!!

- Pete


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Originally posted by roninmess

I only got a lighter... I didn't even know cds were being givin out. Shawn ink was sick and the DJ before him was dope too.. was that aaron swank? Lisa Pure was amazing looking. Didn't run into JP or johnny, wish I had.


Shelon Romero was on before Shawn Ink...Aaron Swank was on before Sheldon....

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Guest gabo

The party was awesome!! the best one yet.

I wish I made it for the food though. linabina and xtcgspot handed me a goodie bag, and I put it on the speaker for 2 min and it was gone!! Damn damn damn... oh well next time

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Originally posted by dmitry1

I'm in love with this girl, what a great person.


Thank you for originally calling me to be involved. I look forward to working with you in the future and continuing our friendship! Makes me very happy to know that their are plenty of genuine people in the business, and most of them were a part of that night. I truly had a great time and wish I could've given you my actual show....I usually perform both Rainfalls and I'm Over You with my two dancers, but I was happy to get up and sing....was a treat to have Chad dance alongside me. I've known him for years!

Was equally great seeing JP & his mom, Edgar, Paris, Vivacious, Boris, Jackie Christie, Noreyma & Mom, Tina & Donny, Bob, and my whole ultra-supportive crew from VIPGuestlist.com, too many to name, but they know who they are! There are so many more I wanted to meet, but it was so crowded!

Thanks a million!

Lisa Pure

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I actualy got all dress up

and sulked for the first half an hour...

(Missing my baggy pants

and addidas for the floor)

but then I was swept up by the

VIBE and all the people

and the DJS where on the spot!

I didn't get a baggie

(What's up with thaaaat Laine?:( )

but I found a Shawn Ink CD

on a table and snagged it!

(And WOW..great shit)

Sooo many faces..

soooo many people!

Thank you SO MUCH


It was this MUGWUMP'S First meetup party

but certainly NOT HIS LAST!

Ray,Dave and CCD..

you guys ROCK!

Glad to see all of you...

and meet so many new (and yet familar)


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i had a great time...met Bkissa and DJFabioC..i totally wish that i met more of you....

I was upstairs then dancing on the stage..red and black dress, then i was sitting on the couches..anfd later back to the stage..

unfortunatly some one took the one CD that i got..totally sucks...oh well....

Ok remember that guy with the digtal camera ...does anyone remember what was his website? i want to see pics from Float ...

Oh and the music was great..reminded me of the old clubbing days....

Vibe was great...

thanks for the GREAT Party.....

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Originally posted by cotoncandydream

Dmitry you did a great thing last night hun. And I now have 200 ATRIUM bags left over for those CDS. Make sure Joey Dollaz gets one. Some how Andy Z got 2 cds and Joey got none :tongue:

You, Chris and Dave did a tremendous job and I was extremely happy that Clubplanet and Nightclubcity both got their banners in time. Cutting it close but thank god they made it. Was really great to see Jill and Mercury. Memoriessssssssssssssss. Tunnel Flash Backs.

What bags? Was those the ones not for VIP ppl :rolleyes:

Anyhow Dmitry thank you so much. I had a wonderful time. i can't believ how packed it was...When will be the next one?

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