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dancing / Club Glow


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I don't mean to be insulting, but I noticed one thing in the few times I went to Glow. I really like how you all CP peeps meet up, and have a great time.. I like how you really seem to support each other and all.. but I can't help it, I gotta say this..

When you all are complimenting Vixen for her dance "performances" on the cage, or wherever....... are you for real?? It seems to me that you just feel bad for her.. many of you are djs.. don't you notice how she is NEVER going with the music? Making moves is one thing - she's got a few of them (2 or 3 that are repeated continuosly like if it was a loop) - but moving along with the music is different (which is what we all call "dancing").

So Vixen, since you dance in NY and all.... don't they notice that you are always off? If the song is 170bpm, you dance at 190-200bpm.... just some advice, please pay attention to the music when you dance, or else do not brag about dancing here and there.. that's all I have to say.. and please save us from being on the cage/cube.. Glow has got to get some decent dancers.. at Zei they had a few good ones, and it added a lot to the show.. so if Glow is reading this: PLEASE FIND SOME DANCERS!!!!!

VIXEN - Please don't take it personal.. it's just a fact.. and those who are going to insult me for this, PLEASE pay attention next time at Glow, whenever you go.. I've noticed that every time I've been there, which is most Saturdays..

Love to all!

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Originally posted by trance00

I don't mean to be insulting, but I noticed one thing in the few times I went to Glow. I really like how you all CP peeps meet up, and have a great time.. I like how you really seem to support each other and all.. but I can't help it, I gotta say this..

When you all are complimenting Vixen for her dance "performances" on the cage, or wherever....... are you for real?? It seems to me that you just feel bad for her.. many of you are djs.. don't you notice how she is NEVER going with the music? Making moves is one thing - she's got a few of them (2 or 3 that are repeated continuosly like if it was a loop) - but moving along with the music is different (which is what we all call "dancing").

So Vixen, since you dance in NY and all.... don't they notice that you are always off? If the song is 170bpm, you dance at 190-200bpm.... just some advice, please pay attention to the music when you dance, or else do not brag about dancing here and there.. that's all I have to say.. and please save us from being on the cage/cube.. Glow has got to get some decent dancers.. at Zei they had a few good ones, and it added a lot to the show.. so if Glow is reading this: PLEASE FIND SOME DANCERS!!!!!

VIXEN - Please don't take it personal.. it's just a fact.. and those who are going to insult me for this, PLEASE pay attention next time at Glow, whenever you go.. I've noticed that every time I've been there, which is most Saturdays..

Love to all!

Ok first of all her (aly) dancing is good, second of all GLOW does have good dancers...one of them is a real good friend of mine, her name is Rose, and she'll tear the fuck out of almost anyone...and third of all GLOW is only on Saturdays...oh yah, fourth of all, I don't know why you keep posting stuff like this, even though your message may have a positive vibe...your negative thoughts just make the whole thing look bad, which make people like the same people who tore you up last time, just want to tear you up again, because you know it's coming.

so that's all, if you don't have anything nice to post, don't post it at all.:D

oh one more thing...dont even think about posting back and saying some dumb shit like "oooh im gonna kick your ass" or stuff like that. lets be mature heads...respond maturly.

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....and here we go again.

Ya know what's funny, Trance00? I was just thinking last night that I *was* really off. I was feeling shin splints like fire up my legs and my knees are bruised and swollen, I was half drunk and wearing earplugs that made everything sound incredibly blurry. Why was I in so much pain? Most likely because I tore the house down dancing at Ty T's CD release party the night before and went to a several-hours-long dance team practice within the 20 hrs preceeding. But guess what. I wasn't up there dancing because I was being paid, because it was meant to be perfect, I was up there because I was having a good time. It hurt like a bitch to dance yesterday and honestly, I wouldn't have danced at all if it wasn't something I just wanted to do for fun. But sometimes I'd just hear something that made me want to move, and I decided to do that, regardless of whether I was dancing my best, whether I could or couldn't do more than 3 moves because I felt like there were large pieces of my shin bones scraped off, whether I could hear or see like I can when I'm not half deafened and part drunk... And that's what the scene is about there, killer. It's about... the music. It's about what makes you get up and move. And if you have a problem with someone living the moment even if she's in terrible shape at that moment and could've stayed home, then you shouldn't be here at all. Sweetheart, I have no idea who you are and I will invite you once again to please introduce yourself (and if you are such a perfect dancer yourself you can show me what impresses you), since in some semi-frightening way you know who I am. But whoever you are, you clearly have some kind of very big psychological problems that you are focusing on me, and it kind of worries me. I mean, don't let that chase you away from saying hello, because maybe that will help, and I'm always willing to help if I can, but really, you're not turning heads here. You can say what you like and you can hold your opinions, hell, I just conceded your accuracy! I was mad weak last night! Usually? No. But for god sakes, if you're going to go to the clubs, go for the music, don't go because you have some wierd obsession with my placement in the club in regards to the cage. That's frightening.

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If the song is 170bpm, you dance at 190-200bpm....

wtf? Do I sit there with a fucking mixer at my feet in the cage? And even if I did would that help bc it clearly would have no matching meter to accomodate human movement which cannot possibly occur at the rate of 170 increments per minute? :shaky: i'm sorry, i just realized now what a positively inane statement that is to pretend you can put bpm-scaled measurements to a fluid and humanly-created movement :laugh: OK sorry I'll stop now.

Nite nite everyone :zzz:

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Originally posted by dcsglow

Ok first of all her (aly) dancing is good, second of all GLOW does have good dancers...one of them is a real good friend of mine, her name is Rose, and she'll tear the fuck out of almost anyone...and third of all GLOW is only on Saturdays...oh yah, fourth of all, I don't know why you keep posting stuff like this, even though your message may have a positive vibe...your negative thoughts just make the whole thing look bad, which make people like the same people who tore you up last time, just want to tear you up again, because you know it's coming.

so that's all, if you don't have anything nice to post, don't post it at all.:D

oh one more thing...dont even think about posting back and saying some dumb shit like "oooh im gonna kick your ass" or stuff like that. lets be mature heads...respond maturly.


(ina deep voice Standing behind DCsglow)

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WTF is wrong with this idiot Trance00?

Listen Trance00, if you just poke your dumb ass around here to insult people get the fuck out of here. We could care less on what you have to say as you generally are just full of shit.

So if you take everything this serious, buddy its time for you to get a life. Finally, keep your comments on Vixens dancing technique to yourself, I have yet to see YOU dance, in fact posting dumb comments on CP like this where it is easy to hide behind your CP name just proves that your nothing more than faucking loser and coward.


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Wow. I didn't know we had a professional dance critic in our midst. Of course you know what they say about critics: If they were really any good at what they criticized, they'd just shut up and do it!

Vixenfoxxy has awesome energy and ALWAYS has a good time. I don't care if she's freakn' doing the polka in the cage if she's positive and beautiful - which of course, she is!


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C'mon, guys. Give him a break. He obviously doesn't know any better. Anyone who would admit to liking fairy trance has got to be bordering on retardation. You like fairy trance, Trance00? You like listening to the huge breakdowns and the two minute drumrolls while Bubba burglarizes your turd? Is that what your trying to tell us?

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Originally posted by shadygroovedc

C'mon, guys. Give him a break. He obviously doesn't know any better. Anyone who would admit to liking fairy trance has got to be bordering on retardation. You like fairy trance, Trance00? You like listening to the huge breakdowns and the two minute drumrolls while Bubba burglarizes your turd? Is that what your trying to tell us?

Damn straight. Fuck trance. Fuck Trance00.


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Originally posted by dcsglow

...your negative thoughts just make the whole thing look bad, which make people like the same people who tore you up last time, just want to tear you up again, because you know it's coming.


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that was a low blow to try and seem like ur not trying to make fun of vixen and you are..a little advice grow some balls and come out and say what u wanna say instead of trying to sugar coat shit ..thats some biatch shit.. also for one douchebag..if u were trying to be "helpful" to vixen fawking pm her like an adult...dont come on a public message board to humiliate someone and what do u sit there and count how many bpm she moves..u must be jocking her shit..get off the clit...im done with you



*dont pay attention to numbnuts!!*


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Originally posted by chynado11

that was a low blow to try and seem like ur not trying to make fun of vixen..for one douchebag..if u were trying to be "helpful" to vixen fawking pm her like an adult...dont come on a public message board to humiliate someone and what do u sit there and count how many bpm she moves..u must be jocking her shit..get off the clit...im done with you



*dont pay attention to numbnuts!!*


Hell hath no fury like a Chynado scorned. Especially 11 of 'em. :D

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Originally posted by shadygroovedc

C'mon, guys. Give him a break. He obviously doesn't know any better. Anyone who would admit to liking fairy trance has got to be bordering on retardation. You like fairy trance, Trance00? You like listening to the huge breakdowns and the two minute drumrolls while Bubba burglarizes your turd? Is that what your trying to tell us?

who said it had to be a he and not a SHE...if it is a he..the guys got a thing for vixen and got turned down..fawking dorks...oorrrrrrrr...if its a girl which i think it is possibly..shes jealous, insecure, women seem to hate a little more when it comes to things as how someone dances and if shes getting attention doing so...i hope it isnt a guy..cuz get a fawking life and go whack off somewhere..:blown::finger:


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