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CP Game: you know your "friends" are only superficial clubbing buddies when...


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Originally posted by loch


...when you run into them on the streets and they they walk up to you to say hello, and you're like, "who are you?" then they do the bouncy dance/strut moves and you're like, "oh, JOE! what's up man!"

just the visual of someone doing that is so funny and then recognizing them once they do it is even funnier :laugh::laugh:

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...when they call you only for guestlists and comps

...when you exchange a gazillion pm's a day, but after meeting 'em in person, never got another pm again.

...when lines like "nice shoes, wanna fuck?" and "are your parents retarded? cuz you're special." actually works

pkern: i feel sorry for the poor bastard that had to go through that with you.

Originally posted by pkern

or worse, you actually DO attempt these activities, only to realize after five minutes of awkward silence that you have absolutely nothing to talk about.

"Ugh, soooooo, uhhhh...wanna hit Baktun?"


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Originally posted by jjcbebe

and you only call each other starting thursday to organize plans for the wknd..and if your not going out then you don't get called till the next thursday...

This is so true. Until you become hardcore, and then you divide your phone book into those you can call on Monday, to plan Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, and those who only get the Thursday night weekend update/rally cry!

But seriously there are ppl I only here from thur-sat.

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Originally posted by deanna11

you've spoken with them many times, exactly like this:

"hey! how's it going?"

"hey! great, thanks! how are you?"

"great, thanks! wow, i haven't seen you in a while"

"yeah, that's because we only see each other in clubs and even if we were in the same one on the same night, we were probably too wacked out to see anyone!"

"i love you"

"i love you too. you are special; your parents are retarded"

. . . :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: . . I think I just wet myself . . :laugh: :laugh:

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Originally posted by deanna11

you've spoken with them many times, exactly like this:

"hey! how's it going?"

"hey! great, thanks! how are you?"

"great, thanks! wow, i haven't seen you in a while"

"yeah, that's because we only see each other in clubs and even if we were in the same one on the same night, we were probably too wacked out to see anyone!"

"i love you"

"i love you too. you are special; your parents are retarded"

:laugh::spin: :square: :spin2::half:

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Originally posted by loch

...when you make a point to hang out at some coffeehouse/some activity outside of clubs so as to not fall into the superficial clubbing buddy category, but in fact, never got around to doing those things.

speak for yourself.

i had a sunday lunch @ replublic with

someone i met @ ps1 in july; it took

many conversations and nights @ baktun

to make it happen though :half:

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Originally posted by saigray

Or you wish you had, cause u keep finding new names and numbers in your phone, but can't quite remember who they belong to or where you know them from

but you're sure at the moment you punched it in, that person was your new best friend.

i woke up last sunday with a new entry on my phone.

"jimmy" - who the fuck is jimmy? a dj i met maybe at the lunaterium?

*delete* :half:

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Originally posted by thehacker

i woke up last sunday with a new entry on my phone.

"jimmy" - who the fuck is jimmy? a dj i met maybe at the lunaterium?

*delete* :half:

Yeah, any Dave F. 's out there meet me recently? Nikki's with a 646 area code? or my favorite ....anyone's name start with "c' in 212, cause that's all that made it into the phone!

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Originally posted by saigray

Yeah, any Dave F. 's out there meet me recently? Nikki's with a 646 area code? or my favorite ....anyone's name start with "c' in 212, cause that's all that made it into the phone!

LMFAO! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! (it's a wonder "loc/h" hasn't experience the "clear? yes/no" wrath of the sai phone purging process)

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...when talking to your regular non-clubbing/non-board friends and they ask you how you know all these people, you tell them they're your co-workers, you met them through a friend's friend, at an art festival, or make up some other evasive story of how you met them because you're too embarrassed to admit you met them on the board or at a club.

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Originally posted by loch

...when talking to your regular non-clubbing/non-board friends and they ask you how you know all these people, you tell them they're your co-workers, you met them through a friend's friend, at an art festival, or make up some other evasive story of how you met them because you're too embarrassed to admit you met them on the board or at a club.

MESSAGE BOARDS RULE! *hiccup*:tongue:

-Jamms "iainttoproudtobeg" :cool:

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oh man. all this shit is so true. I'd just like to add my two cents. once you meet someone from the board and actually remember their real first name, their board name then becomes their last name.

An excerpt from my cell phone book:

Al Trippintrance

Justin Trancend

Kris Hacker

Mike Apotheosis

Mike Noiseboy

Mike Quoth

Nathan Xpander

Pete BarVybe

etc. etc.

And even after I learn the last name it still stays that way.:rolleyes:

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