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Filter 14: Sandra Collins Review

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Let me start out by saying that Sandra went a long way toward dispelling the rumours about her having a less than friendly personal demeanor.

And now for a review of her set. Her set was scheduled to be 2 hours long and this review is of the first 1 1/2 hours.

After a very nice set of warm-up tech house from Hiro. (My complements to Hiro on dropping some really engaging tracks)

Ms. Collins came on.

Her first track started out perfectly. Dark moody atmospheric elements produced an almost ambient feel for about the first 3-5 minutes. The crowd reacted, holding their energy in tense anticipation of what was to come next.

The beats kicked in and the crow reacted with an enthusiastic shout and started kicking it on the dance floor. At about the third or fourth track into her set Sandra dropped a very nice minimally tribal trance break. This had the effect of transforming the energy and creating another wave of anticipation that she built upon by banging back in with some dark, dirty trance that took the crowd to a higher level. She continued in that vein with the dancers following her every lead. Overall it was a very nice set.

Sandra certainly proved why she is probably America's leading female trance DJ, certainly on par with many of the guys.

I did go not last night being a fan, but I certainly left as one. Mind you I have heard Sandra play other times and was not impressed. I saw her many times in '93 at Metropolis in Irvine, CA and at Randall's Island during the 6th Element. In those previous times she had not impressed me at all.

For those who have not had the chance to check her out live, I would advise it is an experience worth having.

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while i am not musically proficent enough to give a review that makes sense, i nonetheless agree with yours. started out ambient-ish, got a bit tribal, then trancey, and a cross of things in between (yeah, that's loch's knowledge of music).

however, i felt that she didn't keep anything long enough or consistent enough for me to get into the music, and overall, was just too downtempo for me. some may actually like the jaggedly flow of her set. or, perhaps this is a consequence of having a short set. in any event, i just couldn't match MY beat with hers. maybe i was tired. maybe i just have NO beat.

not to take anything away from Sandra, but i found my beat (sorta) with the DJ (don't know his name) that came on after her. there was more energy and harder beats to his track selection.

i can't say i was disappointed. i just wasn't feeling it.

Originally posted by laraver

I saw her many times in '93 at Metropolis in Irvine, CA

btw, holy shit! i knew sandra's from out west, but didn't realize she had a gig back then @ metropolis! i grew up in that part of the neighborhood and that was my college hangout! i guess i can say i've caught her sets when she was a nobody. :tongue:

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Loch - I would agree that the set was on the down tempo side for a quote "trance DJ".

I guess I was impressed that there was nothing cheesey about the set.

I was kind of kicking back and grooving to it, enjoying the vibe.

I was probably so positive in my review because I came as a skeptic and left with a greater level of respect for Sandra's skills.

Her set was not what I expected after seeing her about 18 months ago at Randall's Island and being dissapointed by the lack of energy in her "Tranceport" CD. At that point I did not get what the reason for all the hype around her was about.

I'm not saying I agree with the level of hype about her is, I'm just saying that she has certainly come up a notch or two in my eyes.


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"Sandra Sandra Sandra...

my my my..

How you've grown..

or perhaps MY tastes have

caught up with your

skills finally..

No drunken blurbs..



Just a banging set that delivered

twists and turns slippier than

a wet cat!

and ooohhhh so effective..

Dark and tribal one moment..

techie and minimal the next..

epic for a few brief

goose bumps

then right back to slapping

us in the ass with a surprise

come back!

my how you've evolved from my days

of resenting you for all of the rumors

I'd heard..

(And sets I was less than pleased by)

And the Cream CD is no joke either..

perhaps one of the most beautiful Trance CDs

out right now!

(A slight reflection of your live sets

but a superbly mixed compilation never the less)

Tracks like:

"Derangement Of The Senses" - Voyager


"My Mind Is Going" - Piece Process

are dead on testamenst of how your

selections have evolved with the times..

(banging and full of the beauty that

I had hoped would surface from within..)

Being a female DJ in a male dominated world

Can't be easy..

but you certainly have proved yourself beyond




and we all love your decision to

do it for $5 bucks in one of NYC coziest..

most lovable sweat boxes with the best vibe


Power to you...


Mugz did you fall in love last night? or was that just a pickle in your pants?

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I was there too last night and was pretty impressed with Sandra's set in comparison to other sets I've seen her play. She wasn't trainwreckin at all and her record selection was pretty sweet. Did you catch the Britney Spears remix? What did you think of Honey D?

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laraver: no, i follow what you're saying. like i said, i can't say i was disappointed...i just wasn't up for it at the moment. i understand, after all, that our musical tastes and how hard we rock it on the dancefloor can often be dictated by our moods.

(btw, love & pickles are one in the same for the mugwump. ;) )

jtek78: you're not sai's friend are you? cuz i was standing next to this dude (sai's friend) and he trainspotted that track as well.

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No I'm not sai's friend. Actually someone I know asked my if she played that track b/c they were hanging out with her earlier and she played it for them. Did you also catch the Green Velvet track? I can't remember the name of it but I know it's an older song.

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she was good, but one suspicion i had about her was confirmed, shes scared of mixing. She always mixes in the breakdown so theres's no beatmatching to do. Otherwise, she puts onm an effect to distract you from the mixing. Good choice of tunes though, she sounds like S+D circa Expeditions. One other note, why must beers be $6 at clubs?

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Originally posted by saigray

Why aren't you my friend? Everyone should be my friend...I'm a nice person if you give me a chance...

ah, so THAT'S your hook...schemey, schemey, schemey...

jtek, don't you believe it. it's the sirenesque lure of the sai; draws you in, then lets you plummet to your death.

(btw, this "dude" got tits, i.e. sai is a female)

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Originally posted by jtek78

Hey sai, I didn't mean it like that. I just meant I wasn't the same person they were referring to about trainspotting that track. sorry dude. I'm sure your a nice person..:)

Dude, I know. I guess Loc was so busy trainspotting my rack, he confused you with my friend who is not on the board.

Loc, that;s Suntosh- you've met him 3 times by now..wouldn't u know if he had a board name???

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Originally posted by saigray

...Loc, that;s Suntosh- you've met him 3 times by now..wouldn't u know if he had a board name???

i suppose this is the bizarro world of the superficial clubbing friends...when you know their real name but don't know whether they have a board name. :idea:

unless there was music emanating from your 'rack', the only trainspotting i would've done came from filter's sound system.

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OK, I'm a little behind, but I was there. I thought Sandra had a good, (even if it was too short) set, except for that one early trainwreck. Not as good as her last set at Vinyl, but I think she definitley suits the smaller venue.

too friggin crowded though, by the time there was enough room to dance It was like 3:00 and it had basically gone directly from packed to empty. I love filter, but when they get the bigger names it always winds up that way.

ANYWAY, had a good time nonetheless.

as always with my awesome crew. damn I love you guys. (wipes a tear)

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