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I'm back you losers!!


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Yeah muthafuckers.

Keepin this shizit realz for you fake ass beeotches. I've been on the 6, that's right, 6 month tour of the west coast. And I can begin to explain how freakin lame all of you are. Well, that's all. And to my buddy pgiddy, fuck you and the seahorse you rode in on!

I'm audi.

Weeesssst Side!

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First of all, I know pgiddy because he and a bunch of his dumb ass friends trashed my last party. Secondly, I've met a bunch of people on this board from eggmok, jimi to our very own vixen, who by the way is smokin. Third, a bunch of you CP losers used my gueslist, which by the way, I'm not promoting anymore because a few of you here are ungreatful whinny beeotches.

Lastly, for Scotland Yard's very own Inspector Shady, confusing me with either of those two is an insult.

An insult to your intelligence. Kiss my ass donkey!

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Originally posted by jasontowns

Lastly, for Scotland Yard's very own Inspector Shady, confusing me with either of those two is an insult.

An insult to your intelligence. Kiss my ass donkey!

I just based my theory on the fact that a jackass like yourself could no way in fact be a real human being. A jackass like yourself could only be a figment of someone's imagination. Or even someone's alter ego.

But my apologies. And if you talk to me like that again, I will come over to your place and take a steaming shit in your living room.

So, why don't you quietly go home, open up that can of spam.gif that you probably consider to be gourmet food, curl up to your 13 inch black and white TV and kiss your ugly fat ass girlfriend goodnight.

Oh, and I didn't realize the welfare office took their patrons on fieldtrips. I'm happy for you. That you got to go to the west coast and all. I'm sure you fit right in, cause you seem like one hard ass, mo-fo, G-money, P-Diddly-Iddly, Poppin' a cap in someone's ass, gangsta G. And fuck the west siiiiiiiiide. That east coast/west coast thing died with Tupac and Biggy. But, of course, your Run DMC Adidas wearin' ass probably wouldn't even know that. asshole2.gif

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Originally posted by shadygroovedc

I just based my theory on the fact that a jackass like yourself could no way in fact be a real human being. A jackass like yourself could only be a figment of someone's imagination. Or even someone's alter ego.

But my apologies. And if you talk to me like that again, I will come over to your place and take a steaming shit in your living room.

So, why don't you quietly go home, open up that can of spam.gif that you probably consider to be gourmet food, curl up to your 13 inch black and white TV and kiss your ugly fat ass girlfriend goodnight.

Oh, and I didn't realize the welfare office took their patrons on fieldtrips. I'm happy for you. That you got to go to the west coast and all. I'm sure you fit right in, cause you seem like one hard ass, mo-fo, G-money, P-Diddly-Iddly, Poppin' a cap in someone's ass, gangsta G. And fuck the west siiiiiiiiide. That east coast/west coast thing died with Tupac and Biggy. But, of course, your Run DMC Adidas wearin' ass probably wouldn't even know that. asshole2.gif



:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

good one shady.

I dunno who this guy is but I wont bother responding to any of his posts, in fact this was the last and only one.

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Originally posted by jasontowns

Yeah muthafuckers.

Keepin this shizit realz for you fake ass beeotches. I've been on the 6, that's right, 6 month tour of the west coast. And I can begin to explain how freakin lame all of you are. Well, that's all. And to my buddy pgiddy, fuck you and the seahorse you rode in on!

I'm audi.

Weeesssst Side!

Let me see if I can translate this one, so basically you were in jail for 6 months. Let me guess....welfare fraud? robbery? I only wish you couldv'e stayed there longer. Hopefully at leat you got some ass in there, since we know a dorky Erkel(sp) looking skinny white man wanna be can't get any on the outside. Now STFU and get back in line(welfare that is) :blown:

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Originally posted by shadygroovedc


Although, I think the PC term is 'Carlton'.

As in Carlton Banks, yesss can I see the Carlton dance.

BTW, who is the white Bob Marley?? Was that just some random guy that decided to get in the pic??

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Originally posted by pgiddy

Let me see if I can translate this one, so basically you were in jail for 6 months. Let me guess....welfare fraud? robbery? I only wish you couldv'e stayed there longer. Hopefully at leat you got some ass in there, since we know a dorky Erkel(sp) looking skinny white man wanna be can't get any on the outside. Now STFU and get back in line(welfare that is) :blown:

OMG PGiddy, congrats, I think you've got your talent back! :laugh: :laugh:

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Originally posted by jasontowns

Yeah muthafuckers.

Keepin this shizit realz for you fake ass beeotches. I've been on the 6, that's right, 6 month tour of the west coast. And I can begin to explain how freakin lame all of you are. Well, that's all. And to my buddy pgiddy, fuck you and the seahorse you rode in on!

I'm audi.

Weeesssst Side!



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