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Orlando info


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Whats up Miami CP people.

This might be a shot in the dark, but worth the try. Im headong to Orlando over the holidays and any info on good or decent clubs in the area will greatly be appreciated. Anything with trance, house, progressive house and even some techno..if anybody knows anything please let me know.

And if anyone from the MIA board comes up to DC, check out the DC board.

Thanx in advance! :D

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orlando is kicking ass lately. first place you need to check out is AKA upstairs at the pine street lounge. saturday nights are the time to visit. regular residents vary from week to week. rotating between dj three, tim skinner w/ barry robb (have several tracks signed to digweed's bedrock label) and a couple of special guests sprinkled inbetween. three is scheduled to play on dec 22, but last night i heard he's now scheduled to play miami? i guess it's possible for him to do both.

another place you wanna check out is a small bar/club called knock knock. they have a wicked resident named guillermo. this guy rocks deep funky house. a little bit tribally at times. good stuff.

if they have a guest, icon can go off. they have a smaller EAW system in there. sound is pretty directional. sounds good on the floor, crap by the bars. dj booth pearched high above the floor, and crowd can really go off in there. i know they have some special guests coming up, but off the top of my head i can't remember. balance dj's. lee burridge might be there on dec 22. but don't hold your breath. that date may have been changed once again.

yet another place to check out is elements. nice venue, they seem to change the config around every time i go. last time the booth was on the floor, w/ ton's of dance floor. time before that booth was upstairs w/ tons of couches. either way, the place is tight. side note on elements. i know they cancelled a gig last night and moved it to tampa, but i'm not sure if that was a venue closure or a promoter issue. so that venue may actually be closed now?

if you fancy driving the hour 15 min to tampa, i HIGHLY recommend a venue called rain lounge. this in my opinion is the BEST thing going in florida right now! friday nights is when you wanna go, residents are busto and matty usually w / special guests. dec 28 (or 29?? whichever is friday) is jeno and garth. venue is sublime, indoor/outdoor heaven. TRUST ME!! DON'T MISS THIS PLACE!!

most of all check for flyers at the music shops as soon as you get into orlando. that's your best bet. the staff at these shops are extremely friendly and will point you in the right direction. recommendations: vinyl frontier, drop shop, underground records, venus and mars.

have fun!

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Originally posted by ernextnation

Whats up Vic

You better come all the way down to Miami, lets cath Paul Van Dyke at Space.

Its only 4 hours away,what the hell are you thinking?????:D

Between MIA and Orlando I would choose MIA, hands down, but its family thing for Christmas so I am screwed club-wise for a few days, until I get my ass back here.

A group of DC CP people are heading down to MIA for WMC, myself included, so that is my next road trip down to FL. Hit me up the next time your up in DC.

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