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Bad news about METRO

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I have a friend that is what I like to call a 'superclubber' - he goes out like everyday of the week.. He guest DJ's at numerous places around NJ and NY.. I heard through the grapevine yesterday that the word on METRO is that PETE K is getting KICKED out of the Ramada Inn even though the party that was going on wasn't a party directly related to METRO. How you may ask? Well it seems that PETE was charging the people at that party in the back room $10 admission to walk through METRO.. so in other words the people who were attending that private party PAID to enter METRO.

This in turn from a legal perspective gives the Ramada Inn grounds to what I suspect will be a nullification of his lease agreement.

I am not sure whether this is 100% true, though it does seem to make sense to me. In any case, anyone affiliated with METRO.. good luck.. I really like Metro, I happen to think it is the best Friday night (or weekend party all together for that matter) in NJ and if it does close I am going to be awefully sad..

I don't go out clubbing every weekend anymore BUT when I do METRO always comes to my mind first.. As far as I'm concerned the other parties out there just don't compare.


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Originally posted by H-BomB

I have a friend that is what I like to call a 'superclubber' - he goes out like everyday of the week.. He guest DJ's at numerous places around NJ and NY.. I heard through the grapevine yesterday that the word on METRO is that PETE K is getting KICKED out of the Ramada Inn even though the party that was going on wasn't a party directly related to METRO. How you may ask? Well it seems that PETE was charging the people at that party in the back room $10 admission to walk through METRO.. so in other words the people who were attending that private party PAID to enter METRO.

This in turn from a legal perspective gives the Ramada Inn grounds to what I suspect will be a nullification of his lease agreement.

I am not sure whether this is 100% true, though it does seem to make sense to me. In any case, anyone affiliated with METRO.. good luck.. I really like Metro, I happen to think it is the best Friday night (or weekend party all together for that matter) in NJ and if it does close I am going to be awefully sad..

I don't go out clubbing every weekend anymore BUT when I do METRO always comes to my mind first.. As far as I'm concerned the other parties out there just don't compare.


Wow, you really got the scoop from the "super clubber", perhaps I can get on his rumor e newsletter???

Get a hobby bro, perhaps a stamp collection will prevent you from spreading lame rumors....?

Metro was banging Fri. night, great time even with out a diving board...

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oh yeah and wait dont forget about he 75 people that fell into the pool and near death experiences. PLEASE GIVE THE RUMORS A REST. Get over it they're open. if you dont like it dont go. Whats the difficluty in that. U heard this your superclubber friend heard that. Look what the papers said about the incident. They made it sound like the last days of pompeii. NOT TRUE.

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Originally posted by A to Z

>it's not true. Metro Lounge is not going anywhere. Put all the rumors to rest...it's old already....


Andrew Mendez :)

Andy's right, partially, Metro is not going anywhere.

Not today, not tomorrow.

But I predict, that 18-20 months from now is when you will see any impact to Metro. This based on the fact that it usually takes that long for lawsuits to work their way through the legal system.

Anybody who was hurt is going to be sueing the Ramada, Metro Lounge, whoever built and installed that plexiglass dancefloor, their respective insurance companies and anybody else who was connected with the promotion, managment, and operation of that party and who the victims think might be able to pay for their damages.

Basically it is sue everbody, let the court tell us who is liable.

Let's all hope that everybody had paid their insurance policies up to date.

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Originally posted by H-BomB

kostap and sandman kiss it.. i'm am going to archive this thread so if and when metro runs into trouble i can rub it in your shitty little faces..


You do that, and also take the time to see how much I care when you "archive this thread."


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Originally posted by shockwavepromo

I got FACTS! NJN NEWS CHANNEL 12 SAID 'Some of the ppl tha tfew into the pool are filing suit again Metro for 6 MILLION dollars! This is NOT a RUMOR it was on the news!

I think everyone should expect an increase in the cover charge from now on lol

Let me tell you something form personal experience. Just because it is on the news does not necessarily make it true. They often offer an exxagerated version of the truth. keep that in mind for next time. Im sure people are gonna try and cash in on this.Thats why nightclubs have insurance.

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Originally posted by shockwavepromo

I got FACTS! NJN NEWS CHANNEL 12 SAID 'Some of the ppl tha tfew into the pool are filing suit again Metro for 6 MILLION dollars! This is NOT a RUMOR it was on the news!

I think everyone should expect an increase in the cover charge from now on lol

Believe only 1/2 of what you see and NOTHING of what you HEAR!!!!!!

The news can never get the facts straight especially Channel 12, please, Channel 12 there not even a real news station!

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  • 2 weeks later...

"It was on the news, it must be true." What a f'n joke! Are you kidding me? The news makes a living on twisting stories completely out of proportion for the personal benefit of ratings and aimlessly creating drama in peoples lives at the same time. Beleive me, I know this all too well.

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