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This weekend, I...

1) Decided there was no f*ing way I was paying that much to see Saeed and Palash at Buzz (what are they joking? I heard it was like $30 cover???) and went to visit my ex bf's (both of which work at The Spot), they subsequently got myself so plastered I couldn't venture past the DJ booth without falling over. Went home, got locked out of my apartment, threw up for the first time due to alcohol allll over my friend's bed :puke: (the most vile thing i've ever done)

2) Missed Chyna's party 'cause I had no way to get there

3) Went to Glow, met up with Vic and Chyna (omg girl, how fucking funny was you-know-who, you totally missed him at the end, do i ever have a story for you!! :laugh2::laugh: ), and was thoroughly not into the night at all... i spent most of my time trying to take a nap in VIP while repeatedly falling prey to these E-tarded assholes who took it upon themselves to paw all over me like I was part of the couch or something :mad: WHY CAN'T THESE MOTHERFUCKERS LEAVE ME ALONE!?!?!? AAAAUGHHHH!!!!

I have to say though, as cheesy as The Spot is, that was the highlight of my weekend, a wildly entertaining ride on the booze rollercoaster (up until that puke incident) :laugh2:

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hmmm that sucked i have only gotten sick of the liqour one time myself.. im hopeing that next weekend i can get out and have some fun. i have yet to make it to buzz. i have been to only places in baltimore. and i think its about time to get out here in D.C. i have been to the edge but.. i dont think iwant to go there on that one. well maybe i should...i dont remember much detail because i had a visit with my friend Edna on the way in ack! he he so i wandered around exploring the place i guess. and i came to this outside part and these people were all just sitti there i was like wtf? hmm music = dancing.. but boy was i wrong they must have been smacked out on something kinda odd to me but hey im bored i had to say something about that...

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Originally posted by vixenfoxxy

This weekend, I...

1) Decided there was no f*ing way I was paying that much to see Saeed and Palash at Buzz (what are they joking? I heard it was like $30 cover???)

I guess someone who actually made it to Buzz can confirm this, but I believe the cover was $12 if you wore all white and $15 otherwise. Buzz doesn't charge over $20 except for the type of special events that they have advanced ticket sales for (and until this Sasha party even those big nights were only $25).

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Originally posted by vixenfoxxy

This weekend, I...

1) Decided there was no f*ing way I was paying that much to see Saeed and Palash at Buzz (what are they joking? I heard it was like $30 cover???)

Oh no Vixen, it was only $12 to get in dreessed in white and $15 if you didnt go in white. As Kuro mentioned, Buzz only chareges more if its a big name DJ or a Honeydew party.

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Originally posted by jeremyd

you guys must have had fun over the weekend not a post from one of ya.. i bet ya guys had fun with mr. Ebert and Adam or whatever your friend of choice is. unlike me i have been stuck in with the flu ack. my best friend is nyquil te he

during the weekend there is no time to lose, we have to party hard, no time to sit in front of a computer ....during the week we choose to shift or priorities from work and school to posting on CP :D

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Originally posted by vixenfoxxy

i spent most of my time trying to take a nap in VIP while repeatedly falling prey to these E-tarded assholes who took it upon themselves to paw all over me like I was part of the couch or something :mad: WHY CAN'T THESE MOTHERFUCKERS LEAVE ME ALONE!?!?!? AAAAUGHHHH!!!!

I don't know what the big deal is. I got groped a couple times on the dancefloor at Buzz and didn't mind. Of course, I guess being a dude makes me less likely to turn down a good groping. :D Conversation of the night:

Shady: Do you know this chick?

Brian: No, I thought you did.

Shady: She just started rubbing my ass and now she's working on my leg. I think she thinks I'm rolling.

Brian: You're not?

Shady: No, but I can pretend. I don't mind.

Brian (laughing): Yeah, but her boyfriend behind her might.

Shady: Oops.

Shady runs away for fear of getting ass beat.

So, you see. No harm, no foul. :)

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Originally posted by vicman

Oh no Vixen, it was only $12 to get in dreessed in white and $15 if you didnt go in white. As Kuro mentioned, Buzz only chareges more if its a big name DJ or a Honeydew party.

wtf? that's what I thought too, and it seemed absolutely heinous to me that it would be that much for Saeed and Palash, but 3 different, totally unconnected people told me $30. What's up with that? Oh well. I'll get over it.

So Shady, finally got some action friday nite eh?

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my wallet got jacked and my crackhead candykid 'friend' ditched me on the way in. . . i was about to walk to the gas station to call my roommates but i ran into to some nice folks ;) at the front of the line who took pity on sad ass and saved me! :D

i've never heard scott henry live, hella decent. was expecting Saeed and Palash's set to be something like nights at red, but they kept dancing, which i guess is all that matters. . .

woke around 9 pm on sat, saw oceans 11.

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Originally posted by scratchapella

my wallet got jacked and my crackhead candykid 'friend' ditched me on the way in. . . i was about to walk to the gas station to call my roommates but i ran into to some nice folks ;) at the front of the line who took pity on sad ass and saved me! :D

i've never heard scott henry live, hella decent. was expecting Saeed and Palash's set to be something like nights at red, but they kept dancing, which i guess is all that matters. . .

woke around 9 pm on sat, saw oceans 11.

Aww, Scratch, you were telling me that, couldn't really hear that well in the club, but got the full scoop from malanee on Sat. That totally SUCKS! Did you have much cash and stuff in your wallet? How did it get jacked? yeah, and what sorta friend leaves you outside and goes in after that happens?!?!

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Originally posted by scratchapella

my wallet got jacked and my crackhead candykid 'friend' ditched me on the way in. . . i was about to walk to the gas station to call my roommates but i ran into to some nice folks ;) at the front of the line who took pity on sad ass and saved me! :D

i've never heard scott henry live, hella decent. was expecting Saeed and Palash's set to be something like nights at red, but they kept dancing, which i guess is all that matters. . .

woke around 9 pm on sat, saw oceans 11.

That completely sucks Scratch. Not to talk shit about your friend but he/she sounds like a jackass. What about your ID and shit?

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no, not a friend, a crackhead. a straightup crackhead. i know we use that term here and there to refer to our socially inacceptable behaviour. but for real, she was a original crackhead. bitch cared more about getting inside so she could be fucked up. i'm sure she was happy chillin w/the thugs who jacked my wallet on the way in. . . did i mention already that she's a crackhead? :mad:

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Oh, yeah, Scratch! You DID say you lost your wallet on Friday. I didn't know it happened that night. I thought you were just telling me you lost your wallet in general like earlier in the week or something. Which, I guess, would be just as bad. But in any case, I wasn't disinterested in hearing about your wallet that night, I was just mad drunk and stoned and had to use every last bit of consciousness to keep from vomiting and passing out. :(

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actually, this part of the story's kinda funny. . . i saw pete and brian at the front of the other line just about to go in. i called out their names and they saw me and came over. i justed wanted to call one of my roommates and have them come get me or somefink like that but pete was feeling happy, i guess b/c it was his birthday the day before, and offered to spot me. only problem was, how to get in? weird b/c you know how the security's usually really harsh at nation? we just walked in like it was nobody's business. . .:rolleyes: . the rest was taken care of by an angel named ruth. . .

but if i see that candykid ever again, not even plur can save her. . .

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Originally posted by scratchapella

yeh, i should've. had some that cake saturday morning though, yummy.

shady, that's ok, i didn't think you were disinterested, just fucked up. :tongue:

that was some mean cake..a bit sweet, but I downed 3 slices, 1 when we got back and 2 when we woke up.....and shady is permanently fuked up

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Originally posted by shadygroovedc

Listen, Vixen, just cause you practice the McDonald's philosophy of 'Over 1 Billion Served' doesn't mean you should talk smack to those of us that are more choosey. :D

No no Shady, on the contrary, just because you practice chastity-due-to-incapability doesn't mean the rest of us are sluts :D

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