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Ktu radio rip......

Guest saleen351

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Guest saleen351

Ok, I started to break out all of my old ktu rips, I find them to be some damm great music, with some great mixing, I'm missing a boris set, at some pt in the mix that dude club head chris?? I don't even think he works at the station any more, but any way, boris builds up a track and that dude says, "if your on the l.i.e., nj turnpike, the cross bronx, parkway,,,,,etc, TURN IT UP!" then boris drops the track....I've down loaded a million boris ktu mixes and I can' t find it. does any one have it on there comp, I have a cable modem so it will only take a second or two.....


and no boris bashing ,,,,,

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Hey Saleen351

If you can tell me the date that it was aired , I can give it too you if its at least 1 year old. I have all my archives of KTU rips on VHS casset , almost DAT quality, sorted by date. let me know and I will look it up,

also have Old Johnny Vicious sets from when he first started with Dangerous Dave Hansen.


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Guest saleen351

Hey mane I reall aprreciate you helping me out. I gonna try and get it from bless, since I don't know what date it was.....So thanks again..

Bless I tried to im you but you weren't on, what is the best time your on your im?????

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Originally posted by saleen351

Ok the boris set is 3-11-01

does any have this in mp3 form

You sure it is 3-11-01, not 3-3-01. On Boris' website, it says he did KTU on 3-3-01. Listen to the mix there and then find what minute the song starts, then you can ask Boris what the song is on his messageboard. He will be more than happy to answer you. He usually answers all the questions people ask him on his board.


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Guest saleen351
Originally posted by njdionysus

Saleen I have the DJ Boris rip from KTU you're talking about on mp3. I know the song you're talking about, its a phat trancy track he drops right after that guy says from the LIE, to the BQE and all that. I dont know the name of the track though, anyone else???

What is the EXACT name of the mix set, There is so many conflicting names that I can't find it...Or if you got it on mp3 then I got cable and it will only take a min or two....Boris will tell me the name, I just need to give him a cut of the track........Shoot me a AIM when you get a chance....

or you can send it to me over Audio galaxay...my screen name is saleen351sc

sextacy911, I'll let you know when I get it.........

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You'll never beleive this, but I can see the Boris set on my hard drive "DJ Boris KTU 11-3-01" which definately has the date labeled wrong, but when I look thru my AG it doesnt come up so I am having trouble trying to send it to you. Message me and I'll see what I can do to get it over to ya... I have cable too but its a 113mg file.

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Guest saleen351
Originally posted by njdionysus

You'll never beleive this, but I can see the Boris set on my hard drive "DJ Boris KTU 11-3-01" which definately has the date labeled wrong, but when I look thru my AG it doesnt come up so I am having trouble trying to send it to you. Message me and I'll see what I can do to get it over to ya... I have cable too but its a 113mg file.

Yea AG is fucked up like that, try and hit other songs...or all songs to see if it comes up.....Also restart your satlite so it refreshes your songs....

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Guest saleen351

If it doesn't play by opening it then save it to your desk top to play it...............Anyone know this track???? Thanks for any help, my mission is almost complete!!!!!!!!!!!!!LOL

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Guest saleen351
Originally posted by sextacy911

OMG the last second of the trakc sounds veryyy familiar... its mixing into it i think... if you can up a lil longer I or sum1 else can ID it much easier...

took me like 6 programs to convert and cut it so it would fit and be good quality....Boris is gonna get the ID for me....He has this thread and may post the name or on his own site....So if someone doesn't beat boris to the punch then I'll let you know when he tells me.........

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Originally posted by saleen351

took me like 6 programs to convert and cut it so it would fit and be good quality....Boris is gonna get the ID for me....He has this thread and may post the name or on his own site....So if someone doesn't beat boris to the punch then I'll let you know when he tells me.........


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Guest saleen351
Originally posted by njdionysus

Saleen did you get the ID on the track yet?

No, boris hasn't posted it yet.....and since I don't know the date I can't find it on his site....

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