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Good Deed Saturday Night


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For no apparant reason, I feel like posting a story about my night this past Saturday. I don't post much in the sex section, certainly nothing long (for long ass posts of mine, goto the Polly Esther's section. :)) But anyway felt like telling this story. I doubt many will give a damn. :)

So I went out to Polly's on Saturday after work which I don't usually do because Saturday's are always TOO packed, but I had a bad night Friday and didn't want to sit at home and think about it, so I went out again. Did a few rounds of the place and I soon ended up on the backside of the 80's section dancefloor where I saw my friend Brandi there. Brandi is just a girl I know from the club, we see eachother alot and just became unspoken friends. You know that kind of thing. Anyway Brandi was dancing with 2 girls. One was her friend/roommate, the other as I found out was a girl she had just met and kind of adopted. It turns out the girl was suppose to come with a friend, who backed out at the last moment to SLEEP (What the hell?) so the girl being all dressed up, went anyway and like I said Brandi took her in as it were. Brandi introduces me to everyone and pretty much pairs me off with the girl before I have time to agree or reject to the idea. I didn't mind though, the girl was quite the cutie and her name was Shauna by the way.

The group of us spend most of the evening together. Shauna I noticed right away was pretty far gone and she told me very soon after we met that she was a happy drunk... and she sure was. Ok skipping ahead to when the place was closing, we all were trying to think how the heck we were going to get Shauna home. I had just met this girl and I usually don't get involved in things of this sort, but there was NO way in hell I was going to let her drive home... and of course Brandi wasn't going to either. Originally Brandi was just going to take her home but Shauna really didn't like that idea, she didn't want to leave her car or some such thing.

We are outside, Brandi is trying to talk to Shauna, trying to get her keys which she is clinging too like they are a million dollars. Meanwhile I am trying to hold Shauna because she is squirming to get away, thinking she is ok to drive! :eek: LOL YEAH RIGHT! Finally we get her keys, and her license and she tries to tell us where she lives. I promise her we are going to take care of her. For some reason, I really like this girl! Heh heh. So We have one address on the license, and another she is TRYING to explain to us. We decided I am going to drive her home in her car while Brandi follows to take me back to my car after. I look in her glove box and see her registation and that has the address she has been telling us, so that is the one we goto.

I'm driving a girl's car while she is half passed out in the back. Just when I think she is totally out she pops up when a song she likes comes on the radio. Damn it was funny! :D Anyway her place isn't hard to find and I get her there. She says she is going to sleep in her car for awhile before she goes in. But us coming up wakes her dad so Brandi tells me to get in her car (She hid me!) And Brandi says something to Shauna's dad who seems to be laughing about things... which is good. Still I guess I was hit just to be safe. Although I was a total gentlemen and took care of poor drunk Shauna. :) Seems Shauna is ok so we leave and I am taken back to her car.

I never had a chance to get Shauna's number but when we were dancing and talking she did tell me where she works and to drop by. But she hasn't been working, she has been off. :( I hope to see her again before she totally forgets me. I wonder if she will be glad and greatful to see me and how I helped her. I would hate to think how her night would of ended if my friend had not adopted her. :eek: :eek:

One more interesting note, and a big part of why I wanted to tell this story. As I said we had to get her license to try and see where she lived. All I can say is HOLY SHIT. Shauna lost some SERIOUS weight! The girl I had been dancing with was an adorable, sexy, and cutie of a girl of probably 120 lbs. The girl in the license looked nothing like her. It said 260 for weight and the license was made in late March of 2000. Wow and wow again. She did a wonderful job on herself. I guess Brandi knew a little about, they had been talking before I showed up. Seems Shauna is new to clubs too and that was like her 3rd time going to one. She seems like my type. :) But anyway she looks incredible. Would of never ever guessed she use to be a heavy girl.

Oops I think I carried on a bit too much. Update if I ever see her again.

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do you ever learn? You broke two rules again:

1.) She was drunk

2.) You think she will act the same way she did then when you see next time.

Believe me, don't expect anything from her, then you won't be disappointed and she won't feel any pressure put on her because she just had some fun last week. Don't scare her away, give her a chance to get to know you again - this time sober.

Have to work a lot,

so only a few words now...



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Should I just stop posting my stories or something? :confused:

Just so happens I saw her today and she was happy to see me. She had been wondering why I had not called her, and I told her I never got her number so she gave it to me. She was on lunch so we talked for a few minutes. She told me to call her tonight so that's what I'm going to do.

Turns out she is not a club girl, the night I met her was her second time to one ever. Since I am really not a clubber myself (No kidding huh?) This might work out. She seems to like me... sober even so maybe this one will go somewhere. :)

Do you ever PM back Legend? Have a good one man.

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So don't screw it man, looks as if you've got one on your hook ;)

Remember to be patient, don't rush in too quickly now or you will scare her away. Good luck and keep me updated with the latest development :)

Yes I do PM back, but it depends on how much work I have to do and on what I want to respond first... I promise I will PM you soon!


have a _NICE_ evening,


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