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Life is a Theatre...Invite Your Audience Carefully(Those we choose as friends)

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Life is a Theatre...Invite Your Audience Carefully.

(Mugwumpian food for thought for Wednesday)

Not everyone is healthy enough to have a front row seat in our lives.

There are some people in your life that need to be loved from a DISTANCE.

It's amazing what you can accomplish when you let go of or at least minimize your time with draining,

negative, incompatible, not-going-anywhere relationships.

Observe the relationships around you. Pay attention. Which ones lift and which ones lean?

Which ones encourage and which ones discourage? Which ones are on a path of growth uphill and

which ones are going downhill? When you leave certain people do you feel better or feel worse?

Which ones always have drama or don't really understand, know or appreciate you?

The more you seek quality, respect, growth, peace of mind, love and truth around you.

the easier it will become for you to decide who gets to sit in the front row and who should be moved

to the balcony of your life.

"If you cannot 'change' the people around you, CHANGE 'the people' around you".

Remember that the people we hang with will have an impact on both our lives and our income.

And so we must be careful to choose the people we hang out with, as well as the information with which we feed our minds.

We should not share our dreams with negative people, nor feed them with negative thoughts.


:idea: :idea: :idea:

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That's pretty much how I feel 99% of the time. I would almost rather sit at home quietly or do something by myself because half of the people I know "just don't get it". I choose the people I hang out with very carefully - I never like too many people knowing too much about me. That's why I moved here - I like the anonymity.

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Originally posted by gwyllion

- I never like too many people knowing too much about me. That's why I moved here - I like the anonymity.






Is there something we don't know about you?

(Are you gonna pop up on "America's most wanted"?)

:shake: :shake: :shake:

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hahha, that should be my Mantra, MuGz:idea:

I really need to just relax, let things happen, and guide myself in the right direction. If that means letting go of some who i've felt attached to, so it must be.

"If you cannot 'change' the people around you, CHANGE 'the people' around you".

i'm trying to do that as we speak. It's hard to accept someone as they are after you thought they were someone else.

But letting go is my resolution of the new years. :letsgo:

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I have to agree with you Mugz.

My general rules of thumb are:

I dont keep people in my life who do things to hurt me.

I dont keep people in my life who cause me more harm then good.

thats it. cut and dry. black and white.

I dont do things that i know would hurt someone I care about and I expect the same.

respect and love are earned in the same way for everyone.

doesnt matter if its family, friends, or lovers.

(this must be why I have no family left, hehe)

Its a simple process, but you'd be amazed how many poeple dont PRACTICE this method.


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**Mugz adds sugar to his Expresso...**

Luckily those that truely

understand me never budged from their seats..

(Even when the play got ugly)

Act I: is always an introduction..

Act II: was a bit confusing..

(and a bit dark)

but ACT III:

has many surprises in store..

(the smoke is clearing slowly)

And I'm able now to look out

into the crowd that stuck with me

and find faces that are


Things are never what they seem

at first glance..

Acts of friendship should

not require a "TICKET REFUND".

Rather patience..





(Hey theatre policies)



*And through the darkest moments

seen through all the "operatics" in order to see the Pheonix

rise from the flames in the final act..

Mugz bows..

as curtains close..

**sips more Starbucks**

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Originally posted by joeg

I love the analogy... Very True....

Gotta dump the shit you don't need in life....

I don't think it's that harsh..

Love everyone..

we all make mistakes..

Forgive and LEARN..

but love yourself first..

those that bring you nothing


and sadness get in the way

of your own experiences..

We all go through shit..

but there are those that stand up and move on..

and then there are those that


I love to help those in need..

but after years of hearing

certain people WALLOW

and never move on..

never forgive events..

or hold grudges I

decide to move on...

There's too many fun things

going on..


to meet and

bring together

to become a full

time social worker..

I have limits..



But my insanity has

a self aware mechanism that

allows me to pick up

and move to new grounds after

a terrible episode..

I'm like the incredible HULK..

break all kinds of shit

and then I move on.

But I always thank

those around each town....

that I meet!

(And Just hope that they understand

the "mug" behind the "WUMP"!)

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INteresting anaLogy....

It use to be my philosophy never to dedicate too much time to negative feelings such as anger, hate, sadness, jealousy, insecurity, envy, instead of wallowing in the shit hole of an neverending always confusing relationship the attitude should be to learn & leave.

What always seems true throughout life is that the simplest answers are the hardest ones to arrive at.

There are moments when listening to music that I feel an inspiration to do good, i feel an awesome power, something overpowering. something crippling my senses because of the overload.

Simplest question but hardest to answer:

What makes you happy! ok time to listen to something deep and progressive...

later, cu guyz in the future:D :tongue:

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Originally posted by jmuneton

INteresting anaLogy....

It use to be my philosophy never to dedicate too much time to negative feelings such as anger, hate, sadness, jealousy, insecurity, envy, instead of wallowing in the shit hole of an neverending always confusing relationship the attitude should be to learn & leave.

What always seems true throughout life is that the simplest answers are the hardest ones to arrive at.

There are moments when listening to music that I feel an inspiration to do good, i feel an awesome power, something overpowering. something crippling my senses because of the overload.

Simplest question but hardest to answer:

What makes you happy! ok time to listen to something deep and progressive...

later, cu guyz in the future:D :tongue:

That's Beautiful man..

(holds smoke in lungs..




just kidding..

But I hear ya on the music thing..



JOY affects all those arround you!

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I like the comments, people.

It's my opinion that our interactions with people are just as much a factor of self-examination as they are a factor of examiniation of others around us.

I think it takes a lot of courage and effort to constantly and unflinchingly investigate our own shortcomings, fears, aspirations, ambitions, qualities and activities we find important and worthwhile. You can go to different clubs, cultures, countries and find the exact same kinds of people: good, bad, mediocre, amazing. Or you can stay where you are and think critically about yourself and respect the good, avoid the bad. Once the individual gets his/her self together, matters involving other people are easier to handle.

You sound an awful lot like Shakespeare, Mugz!

"All the world's a stage..."

Ok that's enough outta this young kid's mouth for now.

I'm ghost like Swayze.


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Nawwww... MuGz knows what he's doing ;)

Besides, he's got the claim to fame,

THE MUGWUMP STOMP (which i hope to finally experience this Saturday @ Loony :D

Once the individual gets his/her self together, matters involving other people are easier to handle.

thans kjlive, i needed to hear that ...i'm trying to do that now after being in a suffocating relationship. Now is my time to grow, to learn, to experience w/out any ties or bonds.


:: Let Go , release the tensioned grip

it's time to fly, baby::


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Originally posted by mugwump

That's Beautiful man..

(holds smoke in lungs..




just kidding..

But I hear ya on the music thing..



JOY affects all those arround you!


*coughing* :laugh: *coughing* :laugh:

damn thats good.

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