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Vaughn Bode


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There is a season,

a sadrabilliously sober season

that moves hollow crunchy cold

to smother out good green times...


there is a pretty bitch broad

dat dances through

the leay woods with me

when each Fall falls down on us...

She is big an' woody-wild,

whirling, curling, and twirling her busty dances.

She is mine ten times a someday

under evergreen oak

and waving envious cat willow tails...

Autumn Pussy is found down deep into the dark dingy woods,

lolling and pining on dry moss beds

like a' orange tangle-haired household wholesome whore...

She see me comin', skippin',

an' she light up like a sex-stoked furnace in the night...

Her tits stand out to be licked up clean

of cold crystal dew...

She grab me up an' we commence to dance...

We dance down rank dank rows of forest and path

and we scare up a billion dead brown leafs to watch us go.


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Nipple Kinky can stretch a yawning yawn

an' flink her bobbley brown tits

like butter chocolate

on da afternooon sunbeams...

She stretch up on her warm fanny

and' her languid lushishness stick out at me

to be pop-sucked like tiny island tower

on a swell of sweet meat...

They taste honey custard cream and chewing gum...

They tempts you to bite them off

but we can't be sure they will ever grow back again.

She dinkle her bracelets an' flutter her eyes

like coal black butterflies

dancing under a bushy forest of beautiful kink...

Nipple Kinky is smooth warm browned brownness

and deep wet mouth movin' along

over all tha things it's good to feel...


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Who could itbeen that I feeled up

on wiley last Wednesday

just a day before thirtsy Thursday the first?

I can remember the summer sky water was all rained out

down to the ground in splashy cocoa brown puddles...

I was just stompin', squahin' home...

Slippin', slidein, decidin' if I can ever find

a pretty piece of pink pussy to do again...

All of a sudden, in fron, right there,

rooted smack into my very next puddle,

stood the thebiggest best box girl

I ever did saw with my tawny seablue orbs!

I combed up my lashes 'cause I don't got no hair

and I snuk up from behind her like a nimble stalking, bare...

"Hiya." I goes groovy-loud

and flings my grab round her big pink leg...

I thumb testily at her tasty super-best hair...

Agosh, the big box girl showered surprise

but moved just da way to show me

no hurt and no noggin lumps

for my copper brash grabs...

So I grabbed dis and dat and stuck at things too,

as we standed last Wednesday like a puddle of two...


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I pick out a fluffy new style of piling towers or curls,

or I unsnag it out smack straight

to the length of her toes...

I comb careful rivulets of riled rivered hari

and flump-flop soft masses of very sweet fur...

I was her hair squeeky cleean

and I check on split ends and new everyday roots...

I do her hair green, blue, orange, or maroon...

She has a a hair on her nipple which I comb out careful, too,

and some hair somewhere else that is extra good to do...

We talks about things about me and her,

we talks as we listen to the dust in the air,

we talks away time in the noon afternoon...

I comb down a part and adjust up on my toes

to see if it meets my discerning best right eye...

Somedays I cover her front with her hair,

but today I'll let a pretty nipple point peek through,

and see that the part parts at her best part...


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Umph. Stumble. Step. Umph...

If i joggle her back and don't think on her warm parts,

if I grabs under her bottom to balance her wares,

if I minds to the path an' pitfalls of thought,

I can tote a big, buxom woman

forty times as far as the distance is long...

It's not easy goin' for a lazy, lizard libido...

it's heavy hard if she moo to do her windy flying hair

or paint her painted face while way up on top,

while I is dancing a balance beneath certain erotic motors...

I can lean onto a barky tree or rest under cliffside shade,

but burdens and burdens don't go away...

I pack on and on for a place to lay down

and make her do pay for the ride everyday...

I grumble on the turn in the extra long road,

no sign of bread or bed or tea...

If I shifts her some forward to shade under her tits,

I can manage da' sweet woman another while or so...


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I goes swashin', slitherin' across

cool cold Sheila's sheets like ice cubes over milk-glass tits...

I crawls around her baby blue skin,

like a waterdrop down a window

and I lick into dark, deep places of tasty taste...

Slinky, painted Sheila, she moves in at me

an' we do millions more things

beneath her scrumptious fields of sheets...

We climb up and down things to explore

making excited sheet wrinkles fall away

like running valleys of shadow...

We roll over on top, we roll over on bottom...

We do top kissess and we do bottom kissess...

We listen to our breathing when we stop

just before we start again...

We have lots too do in one afternoon...

We do Sheila's whole fat bed of rustling cool sheets...


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Tiddle, tiddle flower box just beneath the butonhole,

just beneath the beady beads...

I'll screw up my fingers into the button place

an' pluck a stem or two from the furry flower garden...

I'll stare along her sunny stark mysteries of softness

until I drink it donw full,

then I'll tactile my way into mind delved curves

and hills of proportioned meat...

Maybe I'll walk aroun' back after a while

an' see what's there to do,

a kiss or a pinch or a pat,

but for now I'll work at the front...

The warm tummy's the key, you see.

It hold all the first parts...

It's got things above and things below...

It's got this fantastic flaccid bellyhole for fingers to go...


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I is layin' back on warm, plump Virgin Virginia

wonderin' how to undo what hasn't yet been undone before...

She suspect da' way I let her let me

lean along her smooth bare behind...

I is layin' back on da' soft brand new opulence of Virgin Virginia

wonderin' why she lasted so long when she feel so good...

I expect she anxiously anticipte

what I about to do wif my adventurin' hand digits...

She quiver softness,

like a tiny, trapped timid rabbit stucked by fate...

She just exactly rapingly ripe

for my sought-after plunging plucker...


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Sweet Five Strap strapping stretchy straps

around this and taht...

Sometime it wiggle and sometime it smunches in like lamb tummy...

She hook up around a' arm, she hook up over her pussy willow hair...

Darling Five Strap goggle her breaties

And point her nipplies at fixed eternity and me...

I sucks a little hair while I waits to suck a little everywhere,

but first I waits for smooth Five Strap

to strap up her wholesome whole self...

Straps buckle in and caress compress cream juice skin

like squashing at jello with a seven-month mouth spoon.

Honey Five Strap buckle up between long lolling legs

and I dash back my touching hands behind me

before I spoils my flossy fantaises of two seconds to come...

I runnin' down mind list of ways to do her strapped-up self...

I'll do her on her head, rolling through sheet worlds or rustling rustles...

I'll do her all over, touching and snapping snappy straps

until I come panting down places of delicious delight...


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WAter walking down slow swift lilly flower brooks

of pooltable moss and bottom slippery feelstones...

I scoops up wandering wavey wet hair

and minches expectantly behind your soft behind you...

Flowers petal from fat blossom trees

and lay on us like feather sweet wind...

You turn your head regal

and I googily twists troubled tumbled strands

like hopeful, woeless bridles...

If she let me kiss on any part I want,

I will kiss her soft wet hair...

I will do that to start...

We water walk past gurgles and burbles

and waltzing rainbow bubbles...

Goldfish dart around like sun-flecked foil,

but I stuffs more honey hair

and blinks off Summer petals of blinding admiration...

My little heart is bumoing butterfly and jelly bugs

as I anticipate she making a decision

about the things I want to to today...


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Tantalizing muffins of tender tasty fat brown...

Squashy flesh mounds of soda fountain milk and chocolate drops...

Plunking, dunking, licking wrigglers

of bedroom hors d' oeuvres and pillo pressing warmers...

Kiss nipping and suck popping

either you choose

or you squash 'em together and do 'em in twos...

Rolling and wobbling like heavy custard balloons,

they hang down on top when you mount from below...

Four hundred kinds, all sorts and designs...

Pointy, peaky, perky...

flat, fat, firm

bouncy, jouncy,

or haltered and packed.

Tits is diversions of pleasures

as we pump-ride along

or just nice to fondle

if we don't know her dat well...


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Crawling Carolina never walks, slowly moving,

wasting away on wandering ways.

Rolling back and arching ass, lolling head,

so close to dead...

Carolina Caterpillar rocking like a desert boat,

spills my teatime tea for me...

I stop to wonder if I look up to speak

if she will ever even heed my head...

And if I were at home to speak of things I see should surely be,

I see she never slacks her pace of silent ways

nor fears that I can see a why...

She never knew that what I know now

nor knows I know no more than me,

but she keeps a steady pace

and infrequently spills my cup of tea...


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Mad, crazy rocking, maoning, boning Mona

with a stick in her nose and paint on her face...

She whams her jigglers and shakes her frizzy head

like a tigercat in heat...

She twists and writhes her dark tan trunk

and scissor-squeezez her big, buttered legs

like a fetished nutcracker in a peanut store...

Mad Mona rolls and screams and claws and jams

like a pissmad pussy piston

until she's shiny slick with body sweat

and luscious love juice...

Mad Mona walks along down dusty jungle roads

and bump-bangs her hippy hips

and bounce-wiggles fer favourable fleshy fanny...

Mad Mona does bedrooms and pillows

of everything there is to do everyday and through each night,

but one day, on Sundays, when the missionaries come,

she just sits quietly down on top of me to milk herself a while...


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Ahh, looking round, upside down

at da' dizzy world on top my head...

I spots and sees thingy things

from the bottom of my strangely perfect perch...

I see amazing stuff that must be super different to see...

Consider an hour, a great shining swinging sword,

a little depleted, dented and worn,

but both its long edges tell some bitter biting truths

of ridings in and ridden throughs.

Obserb for a day a rope of pleasing pleated hair

just danglin' down asking to be cooly climbed or chickly chewed...

Notice a fortnight of upside down tits

hanging up to be tasted like Viking horns aplenty...

There is everything to see between Barbella's legs...

Between her legs I even had another place to some seeing at...

A place I was lookin' for before I found the other sights,

A plenty, pieceful place to dwell away a month or two

in tasteful contemplation...


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Walking lonely through the woody wordly woods one day,

I has come upon a certain lovely living-tree...

A tree all root-dangles and leaf-tossed,

standing near my only path...

I thought it thought a thought at me,

but now I know it can't...

It has to stand beside my path and shade me where I stand...

It has to let me climb its trunk and lick on all its bark...

It has tomove its leafy head and do the things I ask...

It has to catch the raining rainfall full and not let a drop splash on me...

It has to hear my little heart when it is thumping blue...

It has to let the windosong sing through leaf-born branches in her hair...

It has to be a tree to me or I will go away...


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