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Bush Decides To Break The Bolistic Missile Treaty With Russia!!!!!

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give me a fucking break...this has to be the stupidest move he made so far....his exact words were "we need to defend ourselves." dont do me any favors casue starting the nuclear arms race of the 21st century is not a way to defend the country...you know what this means....russia, france, india, england, italy, and so on will start to increase there weapons as well.....YOU ONLY NEED ONE FUCKING NUCLEAR WEAPON TO END THE WORLD...once one is fired they all go....so bush wasting money in building nuclear weapons is a terrible decission....if it happens i just hope im near the blast casue i dont wanna be a survior of a nuclear war...if you saw terminator 2 then you know exactly what the reality of it is......

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not really mike, its not that simple. this is what real politique is all about. bush knows russia cant challenge him on an arms race, in fact, russia is sucking up to america, in order to justify its war in chechnya. besides that, russia is trying to improve its economy by westernizing its infastructure and banking system, which in turn will attract american venture capital. bush knows this, this is why he canceleld the treaty, knowing full well that russia cant and wont do anything in return. 30 years ago, such move would be disastrous, but today, it was actually inevitable. the biggest worry for US is not russia or china launching nukes at us, its a smuggled nuclear weapon by terror cells, shit like that is hardest to track and control, and there are a few known warheads that are missing from the russian nuclear arsenal. thats the shit id be worried about.

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Originally posted by tribal

not really mike, its not that simple. this is what real politique is all about. bush knows russia cant challenge him on an arms race, in fact, russia is sucking up to america, in order to justify its war in chechnya. besides that, russia is trying to improve its economy by westernizing its infastructure and banking system, which in turn will attract american venture capital. bush knows this, this is why he canceleld the treaty, knowing full well that russia cant and wont do anything in return. 30 years ago, such move would be disastrous, but today, it was actually inevitable. the biggest worry for US is not russia or china launching nukes at us, its a smuggled nuclear weapon by terror cells, shit like that is hardest to track and control, and there are a few known warheads that are missing from the russian nuclear arsenal. thats the shit id be worried about.

yo i hear exatcly what both u guys are saying... and weapons have been missing from pakisan as well...and you make very valid points about the whole money issue...im just worried that other countries are going to start an arms race and this whole thing can spiral outta control....just a terrible time to be people our age i guess
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Guest saleen351

There is no arms race. We won it............. Missle defence will protect not only us but our allies......Our allies know this and will not have huge problems with it....We are working on satelite arms now.

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The system that Bush wants to build is not even guaranteed to work - the star wars system is a big waste of money that isn't even efficient. All bush is doing is making some rich contractors even richer - Instead of throwing money away on that crap - maybe he should become a little more concerned about Israel and how those two sides are butchering each other. He should also take that money and try to build up some of these middle eastern countries and create some stability in the region, this way those people have more to live for other than sucide bombings!!

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Originally posted by crobra

The system that Bush wants to build is not even guaranteed to work - the star wars system is a big waste of money that isn't even efficient. All bush is doing is making some rich contractors even richer - Instead of throwing money away on that crap - maybe he should become a little more concerned about Israel and how those two sides are butchering each other. He should also take that money and try to build up some of these middle eastern countries and create some stability in the region, this way those people have more to live for other than sucide bombings!!

you cant tell me that they are still up on the star wars system that system was proven not to intercept any missles at all...

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fukin liberals=unbelievable

whats the most important thing for us to do right now?

Defend Ourselves

I dont see how increasing our defense is a bad thing..

please explain to me why it is

and Sassa...YOUR A MORON..

bush is not an idiot hes been handling this very well

why cant you people accept that fact?

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oh and nyc muzik

where did the money come from when clinton visted china and took 1500 GUESTS with him..

how about slashing half of these social programs we got that people take advantage of every day and use the money from there..

or we could do like your buddy clinton did an cut the milatary and defense budgets...you say republican deficit..how about all the money the democrats spent over the years on stupid shit like welfare===Billions..or how about buying 4 million acres from farmers to save the red-legged frog (which they dont even know how many exist)so it doesnt become extinct..granted its a good-hearted cause but to me national security is a little more important

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Originally posted by sassa

It's all about money...and certain promises he made to certain people to get elected.....Bush is a fucking idiot,I agree.

You are right ..Bush and the people he surrounded himself with are all idiots...

I can't believe he would build an administration of inept policy makers with no experience ....Cheney, Powell, Rumsfeld, Rice, etc....all idiots!

There is only one fucking jerkoff- and it is you Sassa.....

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Originally posted by saleen351

There is no arms race. We won it............. Missle defence will protect not only us but our allies......Our allies know this and will not have huge problems with it....We are working on satelite arms now.

that state of the art, multibillion dollar satellite defense system would not have prevented the destruction of the twin towers nor the attacks on the pentagon

it also would not stop say a nuclear bomb set off inside a briefcase, nor a biological attack

and who has the capability to send an icbm besides russia, china and our european allies? NO-ONE!!!!!!!!!!

i would feel much safer if that money were invested in the cia, fbi, nsa and the plain old military.

and sorry but our allies have big issues with it.

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Originally posted by rollo

fukin liberals=unbelievable

whats the most important thing for us to do right now?

Defend Ourselves

I dont see how increasing our defense is a bad thing..

please explain to me why it is

and Sassa...YOUR A MORON..

bush is not an idiot hes been handling this very well

why cant you people accept that fact?

The only ppl capable, right now, to send an ICBM as far as the US are basically our allies (and China). Hmmm, so what exactly is a missile defense system gonna do??? How would a missile defense system proterct us from terrorists who hijack planes for missiles??

ITs a waste of money, and worse it WILL lead to an arms race...not against the US, but for example India and Pakistan. And that could very easily lead to a nuclear war, and that WILL affect the whole fuckin world!

Bush is a fuckin moron!

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Originally posted by crobra

Instead of throwing money away on that crap - maybe he should become a little more concerned about Israel and how those two sides are butchering each other. He should also take that money and try to build up some of these middle eastern countries and create some stability in the region, this way those people have more to live for other than sucide bombings!!

sorry to say this but i gave up on peace between israel and palestine a couple of months ago

no one can save the peace process now. bush cant do anything to stop israel at this point. in a few days arafat will be assassinated either by israel or an extremist palestinian group, and then the bloodbath will begin. if you thought the past couple of weeks was bad...think again......


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Originally posted by raver_mania

The only ppl capable, right now, to send an ICBM as far as the US are basically our allies (and China). Hmmm, so what exactly is a missile defense system gonna do??? How would a missile defense system proterct us from terrorists who hijack planes for missiles??

ITs a waste of money, and worse it WILL lead to an arms race...not against the US, but for example India and Pakistan. And that could very easily lead to a nuclear war, and that WILL affect the whole fuckin world!

Bush is a fuckin moron!

Ah..once again, another member of the Imbecile Brigade speaks up- "Bush is a moron"....brilliance

I will grant you that as of today, the missle threat to our shores is minimal, but what about tomorrow?.....I don't think anyone ever imagined planes being flown into buildings either, so a hostile state developing the ability to deliver an ICBM to the US is not far-fetched (and is actually coming closer to reality in some states)

This is a complex issue, with compelling arguements either way, but to claim this decision was made based on stupidity by a moron is completely ridiculous and unintelligible...you don;t like Bush- that is fine- but putting aside party lines and differing ideologies, the administration and staff is probably the most experienced and skilled team ever put together- and is something that must be factored in here, and given the benefit of the doubt, as opposed to the continual cynicism demonstrated here

The better area of discussion is a more focused attention on nuclear proliferation, and a global agreement with a more modern control system....IMO, the real and more current danger is here

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Originally posted by igloo

Ah..once again, another member of the Imbecile Brigade speaks up- "Bush is a moron"....brilliance

I will grant you that as of today, the missle threat to our shores is minimal, but what about tomorrow?.....I don't think anyone ever imagined planes being flown into buildings either, so a hostile state developing the ability to deliver an ICBM to the US is not far-fetched (and is actually coming closer to reality in some states)

This is a complex issue, with compelling arguements either way, but to claim this decision was made based on stupidity by a moron is completely ridiculous and unintelligible...you don;t like Bush- that is fine- but putting aside party lines and differing ideologies, the administration and staff is probably the most experienced and skilled team ever put together- and is something that must be factored in here, and given the benefit of the doubt, as opposed to the continual cynicism demonstrated here

The better area of discussion is a more focused attention on nuclear proliferation, and a global agreement with a more modern control system....IMO, the real and more current danger is here

Ahhh, our blind, close-minded, right-wing fasc- ..oops, sorry, Republican is here.

Unfortuntely, in matters such as this, where the fate of the world is involved, one does not have the luxury of giving the "benefit of doubt". So, what happens, if I'm proven right..it'll be, "oops, sorry, you were right, there's a nuclear war going on".

If anything, Bush should have come up with a more modern control system BEFORE pulling out of the treaty.

Regarding threats in the future: Do you really think the US (or allies) is going to let another country test out state of the art missile systems?? Stuff liket that can be pretty easily identified (after the embarrasment of not catching India and Pakistan testing nukes)... My point is, since the US is watching everyone else so keenly, there probably will never come a time when it'll have to protect itself from missiles.

Now with the way things are, whats to stop other countries from starting an arms race.

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Ahhh, our blind, close-minded, right-wing fasc- ..oops, sorry, Republican is here.

you people are so ignorant..nice genaralazation..i like that..

just cause someone is conservative doesnt mean hes close minded..shows how close-minded you are

there might be a time when we have to defend ourselves from a missile attack if they get in the wrong hands...im sure bush and his whole team have mapped out every possible scenario that could take place if we pulled out of the treaty.

The only ppl capable, right now, to send an ICBM as far as the US are basically our allies (and China). Hmmm, so what exactly is a missile defense system gonna do??? How would a missile defense system proterct us from terrorists who hijack planes for missiles??

what makes you so sure that our enemys arent working on that right now??how do you know what the future holds?

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Originally posted by raver_mania

Ahhh, our blind, close-minded, right-wing fasc- ..oops, sorry, Republican is here.

Unfortuntely, in matters such as this, where the fate of the world is involved, one does not have the luxury of giving the "benefit of doubt". So, what happens, if I'm proven right..it'll be, "oops, sorry, you were right, there's a nuclear war going on".

If anything, Bush should have come up with a more modern control system BEFORE pulling out of the treaty.

Regarding threats in the future: Do you really think the US (or allies) is going to let another country test out state of the art missile systems?? Stuff liket that can be pretty easily identified (after the embarrasment of not catching India and Pakistan testing nukes)... My point is, since the US is watching everyone else so keenly, there probably will never come a time when it'll have to protect itself from missiles.

Now with the way things are, whats to stop other countries from starting an arms race.

Son...my benefit of the doubt remark was not at the heart of the debate, but aimed at the Bush team, in terms of having some faith that they are competent to make these decisons, and far more seasoned,informed, and experienced as compared to the likes of those, like you, who called Bush a moron.......

or simply put- leftist cynicism...(you know the same kind that was calling for a Afghan quagmire, and the Pentagon planners were incompetent, and the blame America first crew, blah, blah, blah)

And my leftist free-speech hypocrite, uh I mean, patriot in the same of never ending govt critisism....a missle treaty and a nuclear proliferation treaty with a control systems are two differing things, and are both threats- whether you believe we can "control" missle development ...

BTW...we didn't think something like 9/11 would happen either, so I am all for any developments that plan for all contingencies, with respect to your arguement about a new arms race...

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Originally posted by rollo

you people are so ignorant..nice genaralazation..i like that..

just cause someone is conservative doesnt mean hes close minded..shows how close-minded you are

there might be a time when we have to defend ourselves from a missile attack if they get in the wrong hands...im sure bush and his whole team have mapped out every possible scenario that could take place if we pulled out of the treaty.

what makes you so sure that our enemys arent working on that right now??how do you know what the future holds?

Dude, look at a post closely next time before jumping to conclusions...my post quoted igloo's..I have idea who you are!

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Originally posted by igloo

Son...my benefit of the doubt remark was not at the heart of the debate, but aimed at the Bush team, in terms of having some faith that they are competent to make these decisons, and far more seasoned,informed, and experienced as compared to the likes of those, like you, who called Bush a moron.......

or simply put- leftist cynicism...(you know the same kind that was calling for a Afghan quagmire, and the Pentagon planners were incompetent, and the blame America first crew, blah, blah, blah)

And my leftist free-speech hypocrite, uh I mean, patriot in the same of never ending govt critisism....a missle treaty and a nuclear proliferation treaty with a control systems are two differing things, and are both threats- whether you believe we can "control" missle development ...

BTW...we didn't think something like 9/11 would happen either, so I am all for any developments that plan for all contingencies, with respect to your arguement about a new arms race...

O' Wise One ....there's a big difference between what happened on 9/11 and identifying missile testing abroad. Terrorism is a much wider threat, with an enormous number of ways it can be carried out...however, a focus on identifying other countries developing long range missiles is much easier because of its highly specific nature.

Its much easier to catch something when you're looking for it...a missile defense system is only going to do that...stop a missile. Thus, it still does not address terrorism by other (and more probable) means(eg, a "brief-case" nuke).

The risks of pulling out of this treaty are greater than the benefits.

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