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question for fellow ravers


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Originally posted by snarfgirl22

you can have just as good a time sober and the best part is you can watch everybody who is fucked up and that tends to just make me so happy along with like two ginseng pills so i can stay strong all night;)


watching cracked drugged out people try to "function"

got to be one of the most the most hilarious things ever...

guaranteed entertainment, i tell you.....

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Originally posted by phuturephunk

. . I can party when I'm sober, I cannot, however enjoy myself to the extent that I want to (mainly dancing) without the use of various controlled substances . . :(

. . I think this stemms from the fact that I'm overweight, and have been my entire life . . When I was growing up I had to shield myself from the abuse that I was taking both at school and at home, so learned very quickly to be on guard all the time. . My whole universe revolved around my not trying to stand out in the crowd. . I was always the guy in the back who had wonderful ideas, but never spoke up because I felt that people were laughing at me . . As I got older I realized that people really don't care what the fuck you're doing, as long as it doesn't infringe badly on what they're doing, and yes there will always be cruel people who feel the need to put others down, but for the most part, be yourself . . THe problem with me, is that I cannot erase soo many years of being on guard . . It's almost like I forgot how to be "me" anywhere other than in the safety of my own solitude . . constantly holding my tongue and stifiling my thoughts is the way that I believe that I should act when I'm with other people . . Sounds horrible, but that's what I've been conditioned to believe . .

. . Knowing all this, I think you can see why I got into E in the first place . . It takes me to a place that I can never will myself to get even remotely close to in my reality . . I can say anything and do anything that my little heart desires, without immediately becoming self consious of the outcome . . In short . . I love it, I feind for it, but I realize that all I'm doing is exaggerating routine emotional response to the point where it WILL overcome any self-conditioning that I have inflicted on myself . . Drinking just doesn't produce the same effect on me, so It's never a good substitute (combine that with the fact that alcohol has a very dirty stain in my perception because of other factors in my life, and you can see that they'res really nothing that can loosen me up . .)

. . I can dance, talk with complete strangers and shamelessly trainspot the DJ, rawking on every drop and break and lull in the music .. That's a place I can get to without the chemicals, but only in the safety of my own space, with no one else around . .

.. Maybe one day I'll find a way to overcome. . one day .. . .

hey man totaly i hear what your saying, i too got involved initially with drugs for a wrong reason, well...there isn't a right reason, but i started to get rid of my troubles of some things and people too, :( , but good to hear your revamping everthing too, best of luck as well.

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Hey guys... my first post...

Anyway, I do believe you can party sober. I used to go absolutely pure... no drinks or drugs, and I had a great time back then.

This past year I tried other substances, and it's been amazing as well. I too set a limit as to how often to use it. I think saving it for special occaions is good advice.

I still party sober, but I also understand how hard it can be once you've tried other things. Surrounding yourself with supportive people and good music is key. You'll find the energy and good vibes are contagious even if you're not on anything :)

For those who have always been totally pure... that's awesome! But I think it makes it difficult for you to relate to someone who hasn't always gone sober. Sometimes you may come off sounding more self-righteous than sympathetic. Try to remember where people are coming from, and don't make them feel bad for choices they've made.

We're all about having a good time and being safe.

Good luck all! Peace

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Originally posted by barosoap

Hey guys... my first post...

Anyway, I do believe you can party sober. I used to go absolutely pure... no drinks or drugs, and I had a great time back then.

This past year I tried other substances, and it's been amazing as well. I too set a limit as to how often to use it. I think saving it for special occaions is good advice.

I still party sober, but I also understand how hard it can be once you've tried other things. Surrounding yourself with supportive people and good music is key. You'll find the energy and good vibes are contagious even if you're not on anything :)

For those who have always been totally pure... that's awesome! But I think it makes it difficult for you to relate to someone who hasn't always gone sober. Sometimes you may come off sounding more self-righteous than sympathetic. Try to remember where people are coming from, and don't make them feel bad for choices they've made.

We're all about having a good time and being safe.

Good luck all! Peace


well put.....nice first post!

*thumbs up*

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Originally posted by phuturephunk

. . I can party when I'm sober, I cannot, however enjoy myself to the extent that I want to (mainly dancing) without the use of various controlled substances . . :(

. . I think this stemms from the fact that I'm overweight, and have been my entire life . . When I was growing up I had to shield myself from the abuse that I was taking both at school and at home, so learned very quickly to be on guard all the time. . My whole universe revolved around my not trying to stand out in the crowd. . I was always the guy in the back who had wonderful ideas, but never spoke up because I felt that people were laughing at me . . As I got older I realized that people really don't care what the fuck you're doing, as long as it doesn't infringe badly on what they're doing, and yes there will always be cruel people who feel the need to put others down, but for the most part, be yourself . . THe problem with me, is that I cannot erase soo many years of being on guard . . It's almost like I forgot how to be "me" anywhere other than in the safety of my own solitude . . constantly holding my tongue and stifiling my thoughts is the way that I believe that I should act when I'm with other people . . Sounds horrible, but that's what I've been conditioned to believe . .

. . Knowing all this, I think you can see why I got into E in the first place . . It takes me to a place that I can never will myself to get even remotely close to in my reality . . I can say anything and do anything that my little heart desires, without immediately becoming self consious of the outcome . . In short . . I love it, I feind for it, but I realize that all I'm doing is exaggerating routine emotional response to the point where it WILL overcome any self-conditioning that I have inflicted on myself . . Drinking just doesn't produce the same effect on me, so It's never a good substitute (combine that with the fact that alcohol has a very dirty stain in my perception because of other factors in my life, and you can see that they'res really nothing that can loosen me up . .)

. . I can dance, talk with complete strangers and shamelessly trainspot the DJ, rawking on every drop and break and lull in the music .. That's a place I can get to without the chemicals, but only in the safety of my own space, with no one else around . .

.. Maybe one day I'll find a way to overcome. . one day .. . .

Dude, you need to party with me more often.....

See, you're fat, and I'm fucking 25 pounds underweight...

Together, we make, pound for pound, two metabolically correct persons....

so like....you can stop doing drugs, and maybe i won't be embarassed when cute girls hug me cuz i've no boobs (one way OR the other)...

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Originally posted by techno

i am really trying hard to party without any outside influences....really trying to stray from it, by now cuz it's getting to be a bit rough....so i'm asking, as stupid as it may sound(i mean i met tons of other sober ravers too) but , do any of you guys party sober?...and like...what's your take on it...? any feedback helps alot. thanks.

Yes, I go to "raves" & "clubs "sometimes sober , and I mean 100% sober ...

If you go need to go out every time being fucked up ,please think why are you in the scene to begin with...:( I have a much funner time sober :)

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Originally posted by princesslolita

Yes, I go to "raves" sober , and I mean 100% sober ...

If you go to every rave and need to do something why are u even in the scene to begin with. I have a much funner time sober sober.. :)

I remember meeting you at Stereotopia when you were a little detoured from that description........:tongue:

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Originally posted by princesslolita

Yes, I go to "raves" & "clubs "sometimes sober , and I mean 100% sober ...

If you go need to go out every time being fucked up ,please think why are you in the scene to begin with...:( I have a much funner time sober :)

i got in the scene for the right reasons. i live my life with it connected into for the right reasons. i produce the electronica that i produce for the rights reasons. don't get me or anybody on here wrong as to why we're in the """scene"""", i just ran into something that has become a problem, and it was my fault, and i'm dealing with the results, but i'm going to change it, because once i saw it really fucking with my life, and really altering my perceptions on things, i realized that it has become a problem, and what are problems for? fixing! :D and that's what i'm trying, posting this thread helped alot to give me concepts to abide by with, but just because people may use substances often @ the parties, it doesn't just automaticly mean that they are in """""""""""raves""""""""" and """"""""clubs"""""""" for that reason. some people just run into sittuations...that's all.

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I haven;t always gone out sober..but as of the last two months i have.

I think its better...

i mean for Tiesto on Frrday I was Sober...no nothing..not even caffeine or redbull just water...and i was Raved out..so everyone had the illusion that I was high on god knows what..and it doesn't help that i danced all night without resting..mostly because Tiesto kept on dropping the sickest beats..& i had more energy than anyone else.

Tiesto and his tunes were my drug.

Being a raver i constantly have people coming up to me asking for bumps in the night..some cola..or any other substance..

But don't have any..I am a raver not a clubber and i always go sober.

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yo .......

jjcbebe...i know exactly how u feel. I go to clubs...and raves. when i go to a club or a rave...ppl always look at me like...yo are u fucked up, even at my college...lol they think as soon as i say rave or if i wear ufos or something.... its like omg so u do e and k and bla bla " im the biggest druggy..dont u know lol..." and im like no lol. its such a stereotype that makes me sick sometimes. like someone can't go out and have a good time sober. i hate that. it is werid when u go out sober and u have so much energy and shit.

are u going to joy?

j =)

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Originally posted by cutie6190

yo .......

jjcbebe...i know exactly how u feel. I go to clubs...and raves. when i go to a club or a rave...ppl always look at me like...yo are u fucked up, even at my college...lol they think as soon as i say rave or if i wear ufos or something.... its like omg so u do e and k and bla bla " im the biggest druggy..dont u know lol..." and im like no lol. its such a stereotype that makes me sick sometimes. like someone can't go out and have a good time sober. i hate that. it is werid when u go out sober and u have so much energy and shit.

are u going to joy?

j =)

Oh yeah i know.... i think its the dam media that put this crap into people's head about raves and ravers & drugs

I mean Rave is a culture..we have our own music, style, ways of speaking..

Drugs is not a culture its what people do for every genre of music at all types of clubs. Hell people do drugs in the dark in their room...

Truth is most the ravers i met are not all into the drugs like people think..

when i hear someone sayign they go to raves all raved out to get high ... i think the enviroment is just an "excuse" and it has nothing to do with the love for the culture..

Being a raver is who i am 24 hours a day..and here and there i like to express that through dress so that everyone can recognize..

oh and yeah i am considering Joy... and i kind of feeling "peace on earth"

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Originally posted by cutie6190

yo .......

jjcbebe...i know exactly how u feel. I go to clubs...and raves. when i go to a club or a rave...ppl always look at me like...yo are u fucked up, even at my college...lol they think as soon as i say rave or if i wear ufos or something.... its like omg so u do e and k and bla bla " im the biggest druggy..dont u know lol..." and im like no lol. its such a stereotype that makes me sick sometimes. like someone can't go out and have a good time sober. i hate that.

yeah, i'm sick of that, too. i was at the drugstore the other day in my usual raver gear (it really is most of my wardrobe), and a middle-aged couple complimented me on my pants (very wide-legged, not ufos.). "those remind me of the bell-bottoms when i was young," the man said. i explained that i go to raves, and that's what kind of pants they are.

"are your teeth loose?" he continued.

i, of course, had no idea what he was talking about.

"they say that ravers have loose teeth because of the ecstasy, which makes them grind their teeth."

this was assuming that i do ecstasy, and he seems to believe every bizarre thing he hears on the news. loose teeth - hmmm. i just shrugged it off, said i'd never heard that and, "i'm not all ravers, and thanks, but my teeth are quite all right. :) "

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Drugs is not a culture its what people do for every genre of music at all types of clubs. Hell people do drugs in the dark in their room...

Truth is most the ravers i met are not all into the drugs like people think..

when i hear someone sayign they go to raves all raved out to get high ... i think the enviroment is just an "excuse" and it has nothing to do with the love for the culture..

all i can say is very well put lol. i agree. thats totally kewl. I wanna go to peace on earth sooooooooooo bad. i heard roseland is sick buttttt i can't which im very upset about cause i know im going to miss a great party. which i really wanna go. you should def. come to joy its 15$ can't beat it. and its goin to be good. and hey u looks so adorable in ur pics lol with ur little ufos and shit hehe. i feel like i've seen u but im not sure lol.

j =)

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Originally posted by weyes

this was assuming that i do ecstasy, and he seems to believe every bizarre thing he hears on the news. loose teeth - hmmm. i just shrugged it off, said i'd never heard that and, "i'm not all ravers, and thanks, but my teeth are quite all right. :) "

Dam the media and the stuff the put into people's heads...

I say Ravers of the World Unite.

that couple is lucky they did nto run into me ..i would have felt the need to give them some education...

Ignorance has a way of making me feel like purging..

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Originally posted by cutie6190

"Drugs is not a culture its what people do for every genre of music at all types of clubs. Hell people do drugs in the dark in their room...

Truth is most the ravers i met are not all into the drugs like people think..

when i hear someone sayign they go to raves all raved out to get high ... i think the enviroment is just an "excuse" and it has nothing to do with the love for the culture.. "

all i can say is very well put lol. i agree. thats totally kewl. I wanna go to peace on earth sooooooooooo bad. i heard roseland is sick buttttt i can't which im very upset about cause i know im going to miss a great party. which i really wanna go. you should def. come to joy its 15$ can't beat it. and its goin to be good. and hey u looks so adorable in ur pics lol with ur little ufos and shit hehe. i feel like i've seen u but im not sure lol.

j =)

Hey thanks... i might just put some "joy" into my life.

Oh and hey you never know..you probably have seen me...

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