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My Night Sucked... (just venting, you skip this one)


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Originally posted by sumguy

didn't even read what u wrote. just glad your night was ruined asshole.:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Ummm is this guy kidding? If not...what a fucker!

Dg and Apples...seriously your conversations are always entertaining. Apples mackin it to girls by telling them he's gay! :laugh: :laugh:

Reminds me of the Married w/ Children episode where Bud tried to get the girls by saying he was gay, so he could gt their sympathy and get them to try to make him straight. :laugh:

Apples...was this your strategy? hehe

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Originally posted by xtotaleclipsex

Ummm is this guy kidding? If not...what a fucker!

Dg and Apples...seriously your conversations are always entertaining. Apples mackin it to girls by telling them he's gay! :laugh: :laugh:

Reminds me of the Married w/ Children episode where Bud tried to get the girls by saying he was gay, so he could gt their sympathy and get them to try to make him straight. :laugh:

Apples...was this your strategy? hehe

naah not really, but its mad funny... i mean have you ever seen a 6'4 asian kid, trying to kiss a 6'3 ukrainian kid? funny as shit.. but i know i always make marko (dg ) feel wierd, so now i just want to find a female and stop looking like a dick...

i think im going to give up.. i dont like this chase, and i dont like how its going...

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Originally posted by dgmodel

wtf give up? you didnt even start yet...

you posted some garble on cp and then you give up? first try... damn...

where are you bro???

they said they like to be friends.. i think... me and her been talking on inter office emails all day... let me give you some quotes...

Hot shit? who told you that? he is so ugly and distusting? yuck! Not to be mean but he is nothing to look at. One of the girls that works for vital is pretty but she is married. I hate computers! they suck! I'm just doing this for the money. I just want to be rich. I will be happy when I make $100,000. There is just so many things that I want. It's fun having a boyfriend but it's a lot of work. Some times I wish I could have met mine like 2 years later then I did so I could go out like I used to, not like i don't still go out, but it's just different now not as much fun. I have another sister, she is home from school until jan. she is so cute. we all get along really good, especailly that we don't live together any more. Do you have any of your Cisco certs? My friend just passed the ccie, he said it was really hard, he studied for 2 years for it. Jersey is really cheasy....you would hate it. There is supposed to be this new lounge called Taste in Bloomfeild....my friend said that its good, but who knows. There really isn't many places to go. They aren't even worth the money.....a lot cheaper than ny though.

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Apples....if you give up I'm getting a sex change and you can call me Biff!!!

Don't "chase", just be. You can't go looking for love, love will find you! It's all about patience......

And DG...babycakes....why do you even answer sumguy? Don't you know there are other methods to letting out your aggression????:eek: :eek:

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Originally posted by xtotaleclipsex

Ummm is this guy kidding? If not...what a fucker!

Dg and Apples...seriously your conversations are always entertaining. Apples mackin it to girls by telling them he's gay! :laugh: :laugh:

Reminds me of the Married w/ Children episode where Bud tried to get the girls by saying he was gay, so he could gt their sympathy and get them to try to make him straight. :laugh:

Apples...was this your strategy? hehe

LOL, Bud Bundy...

Apples is now Grand Master C.

(his last name starts with c, for those of you who didn't get it)

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7 years isn't a relationship, its a fucking commitment... so forget that shit.....

2 years is a lot, but it could be at that "i'm sooo bored with this, I wonder if i'd be better off with another guy or single" stage.... so its atleast worth a try...

but like i said in the other thread... fuck it... probably not worth the trouble unless shes going to be your fucking soulmate or something, but finding girls like that is like 1 in every 10,000 or less....

and again, I agree with "don't shit where you eat"

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  • 8 months later...
Originally posted by dgmodel

did you set anything up for yourself? did you get her number??? anything happen? did i miss anything??? did they say anything about me???

I cant believe you told them i was gay... why would the fuck would you lie to them... two the hottest girls in the place and you had to tell them that... what a pick up line... dork... anyway... i hope you had a great time and im glad you got home safe... give me a buzz in the morn...

My night didnt turn out to be so bad... I wound Up chitty chatting on the phone with a a beautiful woman... grrr!

(doing the cabbage patch and singing Go me... go me .. go go go go meeee... lol j/k)

...not so beautiful anymore....but..

:::sigh::: <3

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