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ok, so i guess i should clear everything up!!


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ok, so i just got home.....anyone wanna let me know whats going on?

first i guess i should explain how it couldnt have been me

i left my house at 1:00 pm to go to staples, from there i went to take my history exam, and then to get a haircut! i havent even seen a computer since 1:00!

yes i am mad that i cant post my list, but since when do i hide it?? i posted my feelings towards that a week ago

ok i run a team at limelight, and i have promoters under me - lavendermenace is one of my promoters, and a good friend

so why would i complain about her??

i could see princess lolita cuz she promotes the same party - but were not "competing" just 2 people doing the same thing

and roninmess and msoprano dont even do the same party as me!

ill post more when im not too pissed to type

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Originally posted by trancend

youre not allowed to post your individual lists....you can promote the party though

Why can't you post individual lists?? This is a club board, for clubbers, by clubbers. That's just ridiculous if you ask me.

Hey DaVe, care to jump in here with an explanation? I'd prefer to hear it from you as opposed to another moderator. I'm sure you can supply with me a good reason.


ur fav lil pussah kAt

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Originally posted by misskittie

Why can't you post individual lists?? This is a club board, for clubbers, by clubbers. That's just ridiculous if you ask me.

Hey DaVe, care to jump in here with an explanation? I'd prefer to hear it from you as opposed to another moderator. I'm sure you can supply with me a good reason.


ur fav lil pussah kAt

Sure, promotional posts are only allowed in the Promotions forum and on the calendar. Putting your list name, link, etc. in your signature circumvents the one thing we ask people not to do. It was getting out of control and we asked people to stop. Seemed like a reasonable request to me...

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Guest saleen351
Originally posted by DaVe

Sure, promotional posts are only allowed in the Promotions forum and on the calendar.

Bro, that statement is the biggest bunch of Bs I've ever heard....The NJ board is all promoters and no one is regulating....I want to be moderator now....So hook it up...I'll clean that board right up.........

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Originally posted by misskittie

Why can't you post individual lists?? This is a club board, for clubbers, by clubbers. That's just ridiculous if you ask me.

Hey DaVe, care to jump in here with an explanation? I'd prefer to hear it from you as opposed to another moderator. I'm sure you can supply with me a good reason.


ur fav lil pussah kAt

cp has its own lists

and cp needs revenue to keep the site running!!!!


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Originally posted by bigpoppanils

cp has its own lists

and cp needs revenue to keep the site running!!!!


I'm aware of that and never denied the fact. But CP makes $ when we merely open the site through pop up adds, links, posting and registering. Half the time, their list doesnt work so why would people use them? They would want one which would guarantee a reduced fee to a club. Just like CP needs to make money, so do others in this world.

I know its a business and I do not dispute that. But come on....all is fair in love and advertising. Maybe they need to put a disclaimer in their bi-laws saying you can not promote your own party. Since there isn't one, I see no reason behind people not being allowed to. And if I had a par-tay, I'd do it everyday until they banned me.


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Originally posted by DaVe

Sure, promotional posts are only allowed in the Promotions forum and on the calendar. Putting your list name, link, etc. in your signature circumvents the one thing we ask people not to do. It was getting out of control and we asked people to stop. Seemed like a reasonable request to me...

First DaVe, I'd like to speak with you and only you. Your staff seems to lack in the department of business appeal. I didn't notice this this post by you until now but honey, give me a break. When I first joined this board, promotions of one's own list in their signature or forum listing was quite evident in every way. It was everywhere...including my own to promote DJ Divine. You never had a problem in years past so why now?

Don't be hypocritcal Dave. I'm speaking to YOU and noone else . If you allowed it to go on for years, then stopping it now because it apparantly appears it's CP's agreements is hypocrtical on your own behalf...and Lanie callled ME HYPOCRITICAL! Isn't that amusing?!?DaVe, you know me. You know the person *I* am and know I would not argue anything unless I had warrant to do so. I don't mean to bring VIP into this, and I may get shit for it now, but I warned them of a certain moderator and their bad press before it came to and end. Do you want the same to happen to you?

No matter what, this is your board. Im being honest when I say people have commended me on challenging one of your moderators....and those on other boards for that matter. I don't know what to really tell you at this point other then open your eyes sweetheart. I love you to death but look around you. See what is happening. I see a demise of the board and it's at other people's default. But then again, Im just some stupid clubber who knows nothing about business depite all the credits she may have from Montclair State University in regards to this field.

~kAt~:) --- please excuse any erros for I drank too much tonight and nearly was in a fight - hahah --thank you

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Originally posted by DaVe

Sure, promotional posts are only allowed in the Promotions forum and on the calendar. Putting your list name, link, etc. in your signature circumvents the one thing we ask people not to do. It was getting out of control and we asked people to stop. Seemed like a reasonable request to me...

Dave the way that you put it im sure people would not have a problem with it, but when a certain moderator begins IMing people saying "remove your list or else"<-----even though i had no list------it causes people to put their defense up. Then when this same moderator begins to post that a certain member of CP (me) is causing DRAMA under a different name (when Im not, and my proff of that is posted else where), it causes even more drama. In my opinion there is only one problem with this board, and Im sure you can figure out what/who it is. Im not here to cause drama, but when im provoked, i most certainly will defend my self and the person that Iam.....and guess what, I will post it all under this name, I have no reason to hide, contrary to what a certain *super* moderator may believe


Etienne! :D

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