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Originally posted by tribal

if u guys like that check out www.fuckedcompany.com that shit is funny! they report on all the sinking dotcoms and all the dotcoms that will layoff employees. so much for the promise of the internet.

search for t3media

i wrote some shit about the fuckedcompany the fired me back in november 2000, only to quite predictably close its doors (the reason they fired me is because i refused not to shut up about their many mangement flaws) the following march.

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Guest saleen351

NO IPOS???????????

IPO DEAD, yea overall but Prudential was huge!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Your guys 2 quarter prediction that the market will recover in the 2 quarter is such a guess...I'm not making fun of you guys but with your experiences you guys know from the top ceo to alan greenspan to ppl on cp, its only a guess.......Of course is a great time to buy stocks..........HELLLLLLLLLLLLLLOOOO its DEC, everyone dumps their loosers for tax implications, so the market is devalued EVERY year for stocks in DEC.................PPL arent gonna move their money markets accounts, my opinion is most americas said fuck it, not taking the chance of loosing it all. Fact is I tell every one to buy some god damm freaking Bonds or bond funds, out performed the market last year and probaly this year too. Well have to see on that one............Also there is plenty of other investments you can make that take advantage of up or down or side ways markets..........Hell if ebola out break continues in Africa you "may" see cocco prices fly up, soo ppl will be heavey on the calls and writing the puts................Volitility is your friend................Market avgs 12% a year in return since 1929...so you can't loose, not possible. Want rock solid investiment advise, simple, don't every sell, don't every open up your statments every month, brokers get paid by selling, but history tells you not to, so throw them out,,,,,,find your efficient market profolio, stocks , bonds, commodites, munis- both stock bonds, money market, cds, checking and saving, and staright cash...cash is king!!!!........Then you got your bases covered....don't buy on a rumor and don't chase a market and never never never ever think you can beat a market.............just my 2 cents......

good topic guys, I love this shit....................

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Originally posted by saleen351

NO IPOS???????????

IPO DEAD, yea overall but Prudential was huge!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Your guys 2 quarter prediction that the market will recover in the 2 quarter is such a guess...I'm not making fun of you guys but with your experiences you guys know from the top ceo to alan greenspan to ppl on cp, its only a guess.......Of course is a great time to buy stocks..........HELLLLLLLLLLLLLLOOOO its DEC, everyone dumps their loosers for tax implications, so the market is devalued EVERY year for stocks in DEC.................PPL arent gonna move their money markets accounts, my opinion is most americas said fuck it, not taking the chance of loosing it all. Fact is I tell every one to buy some god damm freaking Bonds or bond funds, out performed the market last year and probaly this year too. Well have to see on that one............Also there is plenty of other investments you can make that take advantage of up or down or side ways markets..........Hell if ebola out break continues in Africa you "may" see cocco prices fly up, soo ppl will be heavey on the calls and writing the puts................Volitility is your friend................Market avgs 12% a year in return since 1929...so you can't loose, not possible. Want rock solid investiment advise, simple, don't every sell, don't every open up your statments every month, brokers get paid by selling, but history tells you not to, so throw them out,,,,,,find your efficient market profolio, stocks , bonds, commodites, munis- both stock bonds, money market, cds, checking and saving, and staright cash...cash is king!!!!........Then you got your bases covered....don't buy on a rumor and don't chase a market and never never never ever think you can beat a market.............just my 2 cents......good topic guys, I love this shit....................

Yes agreed Pru's IPO was good, so was weight watchers, and so there was one more. however overall its dead, just because theres one or two winners doesnt mean everyone should jump on the IPO bandwagon...

Your comment saying that my predicitons ont he second quarter are just guess'... well youre half right... its an educated guess, im not an analyst, i never went to school for analytics, and I dont claim to be, however I do know market trends, and do know for a fact that history tends to repeat itself. and based on 1982, and 1990 alone we had the same set up with the market... like said with the the ratio of cash/stock those proved to be great bottoms in the past and I have a strong feeling that it will again... just my opinion, but who knows, this market was something different, and something unexplainable, so possibly everything we know about investing might not if hold true anymore... who knows... but what i do know, is regardless of what month it is, its time to buy stocks...(and im not saying just becuase of year end sell offs, and profit taking or short covering) im saying because markets are low right now, and when times seem the bleakest or pessimism is at its highest thats when you buy. not just buy but gorge yourself on stock... theres tons of examples i can give but its too early and I dont feel well... (longnight) so what youre saying is ppl arent gonna move ther MM accnts that are accruing 2%, and that have reached there peak? c'mon even on a bad year the market as at least a 7-10% return, and youre gonna tell me ppl wont jump? youre gonna tell me youd rather sit and get 2cents on a dollar when your neighbor for the same money is getting 7-10 cents on a dollar? c'mon.

Bond and Bond Funds are good, but risk follows reward. and theres isnt much risk in bonds so there isnt much reward. and i dont discount what bond have to offer. EVER! (its what I have my dad in, however hes older and he cant be as aggressive) but its not for ppl in our situations.. and im strictly taking a guess, but youre in your mid twenties, and making a steady pay check, so your risk tolerance is higher and I assume most ppl on Cp are in the same genre thats why i posted what i posted, I was giving specific investment advice to any specific person i was just stating my opinion and static facts about the market...

Addressing your statement on "other investments you can make" i disagree, i feel the market at this point as a greater upside and lower downside then any other market of the same risk factors... plus what else are you going to do??? Savings accnt @ 2%? stick with the MM @ the same area? do a bond with 5%? shit! inflation is at 3% so what are you really making??? and as for the real estate market its about to pop, anyone and everyone who knows about investing knows that typically 1-2 yrs after whatever actions happend in the stock market, tend to follow through in the real estate market... so we're poised for a pop in the R.E. bubble and i think it will be buyers market soon, we already see prices of rent dropping... (at least were ive been looking not saying everywhere... and i do feel there will be some buying oppurtunities int he battery park area, uptown manhattan, way up like towards harlem... more then what has already proved to be a great buy... along with...and this is totally a wild claim however i think Astoria is going to go up big...but thats a diff. topic all together.) And speaking of emerging markets, if thats what you were referring to what are you going to do buy some argentinas? or some mexicos? or get involved on the Nikkei? shit japans economy is worse then ours, and all day all night all you hear is bad news coming out of argentina... i wouldnt touch them for shit.

As for Commodities and Options I dont mess around with them, too volatile, and dont know much about them. so i cant voice my opinion on it. but im sure there is oppurtunity there, there always oppurtunity in those markets on a daily basis...

As for not opening up statements, not selling and so forth i agree with you 110% most money if not all money is made in longterm investments... (considering the investment dont want to generalize and have some dope buy stock in asbestos and keep it for the long haul then want to kill me cause i told him on a club msg board that all stocks go up...anyway) as for not selling it really depends on what youre buying and your goals... dont just buy something and say im going to buy it never sell it, and ill retire rich... set goals set prices, and set yourself up for loss as well.. and pick good strong core holdings dont put a trading, or cyclical stock in your core holdings and expect it to go from x to x...

Never Ever Chase the market, agreed because it always wins, and youll always lose... i agree with you on that. but i disagree with your statement of rumor... i feel, along with many investors, is buy on rumor sell on news...

anyway this is just my opinion and im not discrediting yours, and I do value it, and respect... who knows both of us could be wrong, like i said this has been an unusual, and unpredicitable (more then normal at least) market and all our knowledge put together might be totally wrong and we could all be standing here with egg on face and rabbit eared pockets... who knows. well good luck to you... and i think N'sync said it best, BUY BUY BUY!

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Originally posted by saleen351

NO IPOS???????????

IPO DEAD, yea overall but Prudential was huge!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Your guys 2 quarter prediction that the market will recover in the 2 quarter is such a guess...I'm not making fun of you guys but with your experiences you guys know from the top ceo to alan greenspan to ppl on cp, its only a guess.......Of course is a great time to buy stocks..........HELLLLLLLLLLLLLLOOOO its DEC, everyone dumps their loosers for tax implications, so the market is devalued EVERY year for stocks in DEC.................PPL arent gonna move their money markets accounts, my opinion is most americas said fuck it, not taking the chance of loosing it all. Fact is I tell every one to buy some god damm freaking Bonds or bond funds, out performed the market last year and probaly this year too. Well have to see on that one............Also there is plenty of other investments you can make that take advantage of up or down or side ways markets..........Hell if ebola out break continues in Africa you "may" see cocco prices fly up, soo ppl will be heavey on the calls and writing the puts................Volitility is your friend................Market avgs 12% a year in return since 1929...so you can't loose, not possible. Want rock solid investiment advise, simple, don't every sell, don't every open up your statments every month, brokers get paid by selling, but history tells you not to, so throw them out,,,,,,find your efficient market profolio, stocks , bonds, commodites, munis- both stock bonds, money market, cds, checking and saving, and staright cash...cash is king!!!!........Then you got your bases covered....don't buy on a rumor and don't chase a market and never never never ever think you can beat a market.............just my 2 cents......

good topic guys, I love this shit....................

I didn't expect this to turn into the finance forum, but that's okay. As stated, my guess was an educated guess based upon what I see at work. You're right, it's virtually impossible to "beat" or "time" the market over the long term, but there are points in time when it's wiser to jump into the market. People who bought after the '87 crash made a killing if they held on for a few years. People who bought tech stocks at the beginning of 2000 lost their shirts if they held on through the end of the year. Sure the market is devalued because of people taking capital losses for tax reasons, but it's more than that; we're still in a recession. When it picks up, people who bought now will have picked up great bargains. Tech stocks will probably never reach the levels they reached before, but certain blue chips and many small cap stocks will outperform the market in the not too distant future. Again this is an educated guess. I'm not claiming to be Miss Cleo. As for bond, yes, it's good to have some bonds in your portfolio (preferably in the form of a bond mutual fund), and yes, bonds have outperformed stocks this year, but with interest rates being set so low, money is moving out of bonds. Go to fidelity and check the three month performance of many of the bond funds out there now--many show diminishing returns and some ven negative returns. I don't think bonds can outperform stocks with interest rates so low. I just base that opinion of my experience in investing for myself and my former experience as a broker/trader. Finally, as for IPO's, yeah fine, Prudential did well, but check out the number of IPOs in general compared to last years, and check out the performance of smaller companies that have gone public this year--their performances are not very impressive. My $.02

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Guest saleen351

You guys kick ass, finally some financial ppl on here...

You guys are taking my bond funds thew wrong way. The bonds are a great way to protect your self in crash, when the market wets the bed money goes from stocks to bonds........So its more of a protector then a risky investment....I don't see ppl like my parents ready to cash out MM and get back in...............Too risky at the retirement age........Rule of thumb, put 2k a way each year in the market starting at age 22 and you can retire at 50 with millions, I think 12 million bucks if the historical returns of 12% hold true. ITs really that simple...............Commodities are for the big time guys, I traded them but not for my self , well I trade the indicies, dow e mini and the s and p, but you can always make a buck or two tradeing currencies and sugar , wheat and shit like that, its cheep, but nat gas is 18K a fucking contract..................market opened up limit like 8 times last year, so stay the hell away, shit is crazy..............Here is a cta I worked with, check out his stats..



only one problem with this CTA, which is a commmodites trading advisor for ppl who don't know is you need 250 k just to get in, this is how the rich stay rich.....Also check out Max ansbacher....hes real good but only 25 k to get in...........


my mom is a realestate broker, and she hopes the bubble will pop, and when it does the economy will get a much needed shot in the arm................. now if I could only figure out what the hell to do with the Big 5 automakers.......Its a tricky market with used inventories being sold for nothing....and 0 %,,,,,I say hold, don't buy, what do u guys think.......

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Guest saleen351

the big 5 automakers had a record oct in sales, 0% really got inventories moving. The sold over double what they usually sell. Here is the problem, what happens when 0% is no longer avalible? Also what if ford sees that Gm is canceling on the Jan 1, ford might say fuck it, we'll cancel on jan 5 to sell more cars...Then the fact that soooooooooooooooooo many ppl bought new cars that the secondary car market is flooded right now.. But ppl arent' buying used cars right now or new cars if they have to pay over 0%. If you want a used car, go get one NOW. Low ball the guy at the dealership. They are willing to sell this shit for nothing. Which leads me into the fact they ain't making money on used cars either........So its a tough market to predict....I can't figure it out........Thats it in a nut shell.

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ahhh i see... youre damn right about the used car inventories... if you look at high end cars, Audi,Bmw,Benz, theyre - 99 cars are selling for fractions of what they were brand new... If it drops a lil more which i pray everyday, i wish to scoop up a Clk430... oooooh yeah... damn Im about to jerk off i love that car...

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Guest saleen351
Originally posted by dgmodel

ahhh i see... youre damn right about the used car inventories... if you look at high end cars, Audi,Bmw,Benz, theyre - 99 cars are selling for fractions of what they were brand new... If it drops a lil more which i pray everyday, i wish to scoop up a Clk430... oooooh yeah... damn Im about to jerk off i love that car...

Well I'm a huge car guy too. so used foreign cars sell at fraction of new value.....You can even get 97 vettes for 18k!!!!!

There is a huge surge in AMG models....Benz doen't have the rep anymore that is why you see the AMG models....I would go for a JAG...But a clk430 AMG is a sick car!!!!! Fact is do it NOW...You probaly find one real cheep...Try a car broker. I'm a caddilac fan my self and lincoln....the new caddy next year will out sell the 500 SL's two to one.........Its the EVOQ < not offical name though, there still trying different names..........Even If I made 100k a year, I would still buy used cars...NEW CARS ARE THE WORST INVESTMENTS ON THE PLANET, HANDS DOWN.......YOU DRIVE IT OFF THE LOT FOR 30 SECS AND YOU LOST 5 THOUSAND DOLLARS......NOTHING IS PHATER THEN A ESCALDE THOUGH..........leasing aint' smart either,,,throwing money out the window.............


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