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I'm just like you guys!


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Originally posted by vixenfoxxy

Shady! Vic! I'm just like you guys now! I'm working in an office with nothing to do and posting on CP. I've graduated to super-diddly-squat status! Yeeeeee!!!! :bounce::D

Horrraaaayyyyy vixen!!!!! Now your posts will increase ten fold :D :D :D ...woo-hoo more of vixen on CP!!!!

...i need to get my as back in school like kuro :(

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I love work so much better than school. But maybe that's because I was an Engineering major. Thinking back, Engineering schools just absolutely shit on their students. I mean, the amount of work they give you is completely unreasonable. And even though I never did any of the work, there was still stress knowing that there was work that needed to be done that I wasn't doing. Wait, I guess I still have that happening now at work. :( Life sucks.

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Originally posted by shadygroovedc

I love work so much better than school. But maybe that's because I was an Engineering major. Thinking back, Engineering schools just absolutely shit on their students. I mean, the amount of work they give you is completely unreasonable. And even though I never did any of the work, there was still stress knowing that there was work that needed to be done that I wasn't doing. Wait, I guess I still have that happening now at work. :( Life sucks.

I was in the engineering school when I was an undergrad. Sometimes I still have nightmares. Grad school has been a totally different experience, though. Nice and relaxed and easier than undergrad was because it's a different school. An altogether different experience (until the end of the semester when I have to do all the final projects that I put off till the last minute all at once).

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Originally posted by shadygroovedc

I love work so much better than school. But maybe that's because I was an Engineering major. Thinking back, Engineering schools just absolutely shit on their students. I mean, the amount of work they give you is completely unreasonable. And even though I never did any of the work, there was still stress knowing that there was work that needed to be done that I wasn't doing. Wait, I guess I still have that happening now at work. :( Life sucks.

I concur with shady...although I didnt go to engineering school, but still you get so much work in school and when you get to work you find out that practically all of it was useless because you simply dont use that knowldge at work...hell, I went to fukin' school for 8 years between undergrad and grad school and I've basically been revising friggin questionnaires and doing damn paperwork for a year, which bores the hell out of me.....but at least i get a pay check.

of course if i go back to school th eend result will probably be the same, a better job, making more $$$, but then finding yourself working 80hrs a week and no time for partying...shit, life sucks :( , .....oh well but I'll get all the gusto I can get before expiring....

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Originally posted by Kuro

I was in the engineering school when I was an undergrad. Sometimes I still have nightmares. Grad school has been a totally different experience, though. Nice and relaxed and easier than undergrad was because it's a different school. An altogether different experience (until the end of the semester when I have to do all the final projects that I put off till the last minute all at once).

I used to never go to class and live off the syllabus. When there was a quiz or exam, I would show up to class. But I still have nightmares too. I have this one nightmare every once in a while where I wake up, look at the syllabus, and realize I missed an exam.

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Originally posted by shadygroovedc

I used to never go to class and live off the syllabus. When there was a quiz or exam, I would show up to class. But I still have nightmares too. I have this one nightmare every once in a while where I wake up, look at the syllabus, and realize I missed an exam.

i just used a cheat sheet...never got caught!!!!

I loved writting papers, its the exams that sucked ass..:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

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I used to never go to class either. I sometimes dream that I've skipped all the work for a whole semester in a required class and I'm going into the final with an F right before I'm supposed to graduate and the course is only offered in Spring semesters. I did go into a final with an F once but still got a passing grade for the course. It wasn't right before I was supposed to graduate, though.

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Originally posted by Kuro

I used to never go to class either. I sometimes dream that I've skipped all the work for a whole semester in a required class and I'm going into the final with an F right before I'm supposed to graduate and the course is only offered in Spring semesters. I did go into a final with an F once but still got a passing grade for the course. It wasn't right before I was supposed to graduate, though.

I almost failed a class right before I graduated. Took a class in Robotics, thinking they'd teach me how to build androids that could take over the earth. But no, the course was nothing but calculus. 3 dimensional calculus at that. And it just so happened that I never went to my Calc 3 classes, so I was screwed from the beginning.

Anyhow, I ended up never going to class, and cramming for the final exam. I went into the final with like a 50% avg in the class. I ended up getting a 35% on the final. This was one of the last few credits I needed to graduate. I go to check my grade, and I had a 35% on the final, and like a 45% or something in the class. Definitely the lowest grade in the class. The next lowest grade was like 70% or something like that. I was sure I failed, but when I checked the curve, the professor had given me a D-, artificially setting the curve low. So then everyone else in the class got B's and A's because of that. :D So I graduated, and brought up a whole class worth of GPA's in the process.

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Originally posted by crank47

Pay checks, or play checks are nice. I don't think I could ever be the po' student again.

yeah, thats the one major difference...i wouldn t go back full time, that would definitly blow, BIG TIME! Part-time I would...just gotta find something to strike my fancy, 'cause sure as hell I'm not getting a friggin' doctorate....damn people at work continue to ask me the same dumb question over and over....

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Originally posted by shadygroovedc

I ended up getting a 35% on the final. This was one of the last few credits I needed to graduate. I go to check my grade, and I had a 35% on the final, and like a 45% or something in the class. Definitely the lowest grade in the class. The next lowest grade was like 70% or something like that. I was sure I failed, but when I checked the curve, the professor had given me a D-, artificially setting the curve low. So then everyone else in the class got B's and A's because of that. :D So I graduated, and brought up a whole class worth of GPA's in the process.

thats true shady spirit always thinkinbg of other people.......:rolleyes:

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Originally posted by vicman

yeah, thats the one major difference...i wouldn t go back full time, that would definitly blow, BIG TIME! Part-time I would...just gotta find something to strike my fancy, 'cause sure as hell I'm not getting a friggin' doctorate....damn people at work continue to ask me the same dumb question over and over....

A lot of my friends are hearing the same thing. Like you're not dick unless you have a PhD after your name. What's up with that?

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Originally posted by vicman

i just used a cheat sheet...never got caught!!!!

I loved writting papers, its the exams that sucked ass..:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

For most classes we were allowed to bring a sheet of information or they were straight out open book/notes and those fucking exams were even harder than the closed book ones. That's just engineering, I guess. b

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Originally posted by crank47

A lot of my friends are hearing the same thing. Like you're not dick unless you have a PhD after your name. What's up with that?

basically a PhD means youve endured 7 years of misery. between coursework, qualifiers, and dissertation and then dealing with the whol e bunch of asses in the dissertation commitee...i'd rather get another Masters and be out and done in 2...3 years max.

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Originally posted by Kuro

For most classes we were allowed to bring a sheet of information or they were straight out open book/notes and those fucking exams were even harder than the closed book ones. That's just engineering, I guess. b

yeah one of my ex roomates in FL used to be in computer engineering or something like that...his breakfast, lunch and dinner consisted of coffee...he slept during the day and worked at night..... the guy was insane, and he kept it up for 4 years....he probably is still at it....

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Originally posted by vicman

yeah one of my ex roomates in FL used to be in computer engineering or something like that...his breakfast, lunch and dinner consisted of coffee...he slept during the day and worked at night..... the guy was insane, and he kept it up for 4 years....he probably is still at it....

Yeah, that was my degree. Electrical Engineering with a Computer Engineering specialization and a minor specialization in Robotics.

But then I got into the carefree life of software. And then I discovered this amazing position known as a Sales Engineer. Which basically means I have none of the pressure of Sales quotas, and no real software development work to do. And no one really knows what I do, but they think I'm really important to be able to close deals.

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Originally posted by vicman


Vic, why don't you go tell that Taiwanese girl in your office that you love her? C'mon, now's the perfect time to do it. It's the Christmas season. And you know that when a man gets liquored up, he becomes ten times more intellligent than normal. So you'll be able to come up with really witty and clever things to say to her to express your feelings. Do it, man. Balls to the wall!

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Originally posted by shadygroovedc

Vic, why don't you go tell that Taiwanese girl in your office that you love her? C'mon, now's the perfect time to do it. It's the Christmas season. And you know that when a man gets liquored up, he becomes ten times more intellligent than normal. So you'll be able to come up with really witty and clever things to say to her to express your feelings. Do it, man. Balls to the wall!

WTF are u talkin' about?...oh well, struggling with that URL sobered me up.....:( oh well, I'll have to wait until next christmas to get drunk in the office and and go try to grind her.....:D

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