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It's not a Lovely Day, Yoshi raped me


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Somebody tell me how I went to Yoshi this evening looking for one record and ended up spending $170 and DIDN'T get the record I came for?!? :mad:

And somebody also tell me how I'm fucking stoned out of my gourd after two bong hits?!?

Oh, the original point of the post. Kuro, if you're looking to get Lovely Day, don't go to Yoshi, order it online. Apparently they only have it online.

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Originally posted by Kuro

I've never been to Yoshitoshi. I don't have a clue where the fuck it is. I only order from there online. And I ordered Lovely Day after struggling with their fucked up site.

u guys know where i can get hits like the legacy, strange world 2000 remake, sunset on ibiza...songs like those, i always goto yoshi but i can never find em!

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Originally posted by dcsglow

u guys know where i can get hits like the legacy, strange world 2000 remake, sunset on ibiza...songs like those, i always goto yoshi but i can never find em!

yeah, i got strange world just on sun when i went to yoshi....it was the only copy i think they had, and i got sunset on ibiza there as well about a month or so ago. they had about 6 or 7 copies at one time, but i guess i got lucky when i went in and it was in stock...i've had luck going on thurs. when the new shipment comes in, or just order online either, both work well.

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Originally posted by dcsglow

u guys know where i can get hits like the legacy, strange world 2000 remake, sunset on ibiza...songs like those, i always goto yoshi but i can never find em!

Jimi-Jack. One thing about vinyl is that tunes go out of print very quickly. So if you miss out on getting a release, there's probably a 60-75% chance you'll never see it again. Every once in a while, labels will reprint tunes, but for the most part, the labels are too busy printing out new tunes to bother with older tunes.

So, your best bet for older tunes like that may be eBay. People are selling older vinyl all the time. And most of the time, they've got good stuff up there.

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-Sigh-. Make that an even $200. I just went on yoshi's site and ordered the two tracks I was really looking for - Lovely Day & Geno Sequence. :(

Well, may as well share with everyone what tracks I got, since I've got nothing better to do today at work. I mean, I could be working, but it's the day before I go on vacation!

Lemme get on Yoshi.com and try to remember what I got:

Sunkissed - Round Trip (Steve Porter remix is tight, as usual. Now, my TWO favorite tracks at the present time are Steve Porter remixes)

B.P.T - Moody (Did anybody know that this tune was getting remixed? I was caught by surprise yesterday)

Kings of Tomorrow - Finally (DT mixes)

Sumantri - Diversion (It's got a Nukem remix. I HAVE to get anything done by Nukem or Chab. Have to.)

Subtech - Future Retro (Tribal funk, like a cross between DT & Lawler)

Weekend World - Round and Round (Let's see, I've bought Weekend World's last four tunes/remixes. I think they qualify for my top 5 list)

DJ V Feat K Mart - You Think You're Jesus (Weekend World remix. This is a sick, sick track.)

Rarebirds - Blow Wind Blow (Photek remix. Sick yet again)

Jayn Hanna - Lost (Hamel & Nobel mix. Whoever did the vocals on this tune, I'm in love with her. I'm guessing maybe Jayn Hanna?)

Pappa & Gilbey - Twisted (Had to get P&G)

Richard F - Cookie Dough Dynamo (I like the way the cookie tastes)

16C+ - S.T. Fuck Up (Another dude I have to get every track of. )

North Atlantic - Lights Out (It's got a Lemon 8 remix, but I haven't decided which I like better. The original is a hard, techy, tribal tune. You know, has that bouncey feel to it. I may like the original better. At least, that was my first impression.)

Recommendations out of this batch? ALL OF 'EM! But top one's have to be Round Trip, Lost, You Think You're Jesus, and Lights Out.

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I'm home lsitening to You Think You're Jesus right now. I got it in the mail from Ysohi the other day. That Weekend World remix is fucking sick. I got Genosequence from Release records the other day along with some other good stuff. I got Dayna by Chab and Nukem and Shaiva by Chab and Nukem because I guess it was re-released or something and I had to have it.

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Originally posted by Kuro

I'm home lsitening to You Think You're Jesus right now. I got it in the mail from Ysohi the other day. That Weekend World remix is fucking sick. I got Genosequence from Release records the other day along with some other good stuff. I got Dayna by Chab and Nukem and Shaiva by Chab and Nukem because I guess it was re-released or something and I had to have it.

Yeah, I saw they had Dayna and Shaiva up on Release. Those are probably the only two Chab & Nukem tracks I don't have cause I wasn't into them when those came out.

You Think You're Jesus - what a fucking track. I kinda dig male vocals just cause it seems everyone and their mother has some issue with them. But I love tracks like You Think You're Jesus or Freelove with the sensitive male vocals just cause they're different. And it's got all the dude's just cringing, while all the chicks are like "Awww". Or something like that.

Speaking of, Deep Dish remix of Freelove. Jawdropping. Got my copy last week.

Also, definitely check out that Hamel & Noble remix of Jayn Hanna. The vocals are very poppy. But it completely works in a Dido sort of way.

Hmm, what else am I feeling these days? differentGear remix of DJ, the Music, and Me. Blackwatch-Discotek is bomb. Innate-Roots Rock is fucking awesome. Especially the Disco Dub. Hydrogen Rockers/Leah - Faith. More vocals. Whole lot of vocals. I love it!

December's been a pretty sick month. I don't remember ever getting this many tracks and digging each one of 'em. This is gonna be one insane vacation for me. I've got so many new tunes to spin, I'm gonna have to churn out two or three CD's!

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Originally posted by shadygroovedc

Sunkissed - Round Trip (Steve Porter remix is tight, as usual. Now, my TWO favorite tracks at the present time are Steve Porter remixes)

B.P.T - Moody (Did anybody know that this tune was getting remixed? I was caught by surprise yesterday)

Kings of Tomorrow - Finally (DT mixes)

Sumantri - Diversion (It's got a Nukem remix. I HAVE to get anything done by Nukem or Chab. Have to.)

DJ V Feat K Mart - You Think You're Jesus (Weekend World remix. This is a sick, sick track.)

*Jayn Hanna - Lost (Hamel & Nobel mix. Whoever did the vocals on this tune, I'm in love with her. I'm guessing maybe Jayn Hanna?)

Pappa & Gilbey - Twisted (Had to get P&G)

Richard F - Cookie Dough Dynamo (I like the way the cookie tastes)

all the tracks up above i agree are sick, anything by pappa and gibley also chab is insane.... lost is a very good song

also check out:

*cass and slide and dt-fever rising (ben shaw remix)

*im in love with a track called stimulated by Marco V as well...great track

*so strong- adele and ben-(sander kleinenberg mix)

*sepia- NEW track by max graham

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You're mad! Shaiva and DAyna are cool, especially Shaiva. You can pitch it up and throw it in with some techno.

I know what you mean about the male vocals. I usually don't like them either, but when they're done right they're the shit. It's like the diva type vocals on some house tracks. I never liked them, but when they're done right with a sick-ass, deep track it's just beautiful.

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Originally posted by chynado11

*cass and slide and dt-fever rising (ben shaw remix)

I haven't been too impressed with Cass and Slide as of late. So I didn't even give that tune a listen yesterday. Unfortunately. :(

I used to love Cass and Slide. But their Fire999 stuff they've been putting out has been a little too out there for my tastes.

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I was at yoshi on...maybe wed i think it was...so shady, the best day to go is usually a thursday? i need those fucking records!!!

Push - The Legacy (Club Mix)

Push - Strange World (2000 Remake)

Three Drives - Sunset on Ibiza

I atleast need those three OR ELSE I'M GOING TO...:blown:

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Originally posted by shadygroovedc

I haven't been too impressed with Cass and Slide as of late. So I didn't even give that tune a listen yesterday. Unfortunately. :(

I used to love Cass and Slide. But their Fire999 stuff they've been putting out has been a little too out there for my tastes.

The snippet of Wicked Game that I heard on Yoshis site sounded cool, but I don't remember if that was Cass and Slide or just one of them and someone else like Healey. Otherwise I never hear their fire999 stuff because it sells out right away.

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Originally posted by dcsglow

I was at yoshi on...maybe wed i think it was...so shady, the best day to go is usually a thursday? i need those fucking records!!!

Push - The Legacy (Club Mix)

Push - Strange World (2000 Remake)

Three Drives - Sunset on Ibiza

I atleast need those three OR ELSE I'M GOING TO...:blown:

I think the best day to go may be Tuesday or Wednesday. If I'm not mistaken, they get their new releases on Tuesday. Although yesterday, it looked like they got a HUGE shipment cause the new release wall was jam packed. So maybe any day during the week has an equal shot of a new shipment coming in. I'd definitely say sometime during the week is the best time, though. By the weekend, it seems like every DJ in town has swung through and snagged every tune off the new release wall.

It's probably good to program Yoshi's number into your phone. Call them up every once in a while to see if they got a new shipment. Also if you're looking for a specific tune, call them up and ask them. They can look it up on their computer.

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