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joy at limelight last night.....

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Originally posted by foxyroxy20

I actually liked bliss a lot cuz of the hardcore room they had....give me hardcore n am set...:D

Last night's party was real bad, the last one I went was just as bad which was Stereotopia....yuck... music was totally dissapointing.



oh yeah, on the main floor, everyone but Beltram and May blew balls like no tomorrow but still....

The Jungle "room" kicked ass, so did the basement (even if people weren't there...:tongue:) I thought the music was great...

It's just that pleasurehead/x-dream/atomic babies/space girl/everyone 'cept beltram and may on the main floor SUCKED!

but well....the techno twins did me plenty of good that night :D

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Originally posted by xpander



oh yeah, on the main floor, everyone but Beltram and May blew balls like no tomorrow but still....

The Jungle "room" kicked ass, so did the basement (even if people weren't there...:tongue:) I thought the music was great...

It's just that pleasurehead/x-dream/atomic babies/space girl/everyone 'cept beltram and may on the main floor SUCKED!

but well....the techno twins did me plenty of good that night :D

well i was only on the mainfloor got there kinda late n was waitin for spacegirl to spin, but she def was dissapointing that night...not even one good trace...I should of went to check out the jungle room n the basement...

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Originally posted by xpander


The Jungle "room" kicked ass, so did the basement (even if people weren't there...:tongue:) I thought the music was great...

Yeah The JuNGLE RooM was AMAZiNG!!! I cAnt belive I 4got about that RooM!!! That was one of the OnLY good things ABoUt that paRTY...Did AnYone Go to THe After Party At Limelight after STREREOTOPiA????.......NOW THAT REALLLLLYYY SUCKED!!!!!:puke: :puke:

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Originally posted by dialectics

donald did kick ass... i just wasn't really feeling the party. nobody really seemed friendly at all (with the exception of transcend, joeyg, lav, jonstephen, siceone.... and firerydesire is a hottie!).

the night started off really poorly when the bouncer at the door wanted me to pay him $20 to "watch" my camera after a 2 hour line. my friends were throwing drama and basically ignored me all night... fuckers. couldn't breathe because all of the dust. tried to hang in a stairwell while watching people get kicked out every 5 minutes.

hey I would have been in that group of friendly people if I didn't also have a similar camera situation. After coming straight from Pseudo with my records and camera the door bouncer wanted to shake me down in order to let me in with my camera. Then some promoter kid bailed me out and told me leave my camera behind the cash register. No one back there wanted to watch it, so I was told to "find" this guy at the end of the night so he can get my camera back (like that was gonna happen). When it was my turn to pay I was like FUCK THAT to the bitchy girl behind the counter and demanded my camera back. She gave it back along with my discount ticket. So no, I never got to go in.

I should have demanded that I get back my <i>specific</i> 3 cans of white beans that I brought. :mad:

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Originally posted by brooklynkid

hey I would have been in that group of friendly people if I didn't also have a similar camera situation. After coming straight from Pseudo with my records and camera the door bouncer wanted to shake me down in order to let me in with my camera. Then some promoter kid bailed me out and told me leave my camera behind the cash register. No one back there wanted to watch it, so I was told to "find" this guy at the end of the night so he can get my camera back (like that was gonna happen). When it was my turn to pay I was like FUCK THAT to the bitchy girl behind the counter and demanded my camera back. She gave it back along with my discount ticket. So no, I never got to go in.

I should have demanded that I get back my <i>specific</i> 3 cans of white beans that I brought. :mad:

Well I got lucky last nite that I didnt' pay. Cuz one of the dj's told the girl by the register to put his camera next to his record bag, she was pissed at n shit and when i gave her the discount ticket, she was supposed to give me $5 back, but she was like fuck it and gave me my $20...so am glad I didnt pay for that fuckin crappy ass party...as far as the main floor.

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Originally posted by foxyroxy20

Well I got lucky last nite that I didnt' pay. Cuz one of the dj's told the girl by the register to put his camera next to his record bag, she was pissed at n shit and when i gave her the discount ticket, she was supposed to give me $5 back, but she was like fuck it and gave me my $20...so am glad I didnt pay for that fuckin crappy ass party...as far as the main floor.

Was that around 1:30am? Cause YOU might have been at the counter when that guy was telling the girl behind the counter to leave MY camera near his record bag. And she was yelling "THIS AIN'T NO COAT CHECK!!!" She was REALLY pissed...

sooo...maybe I was indirectly responsible for you not having a good time last night? :confused:

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Damn i'm so glad i decided to bail on LL. Jeremy, myself and my friend Veros saw the line when we got there around 1 and were just like Oh My God...

it looked packed, it looked like hell and i wasn't about to drop 15 bucks and carry 3 cans for 2 hours just so i could stand in one spot and jump up and down among other sweaty, tired and prolly aggravated kids... so i bailed after 45 minutes on line.

And after seeing you folks post what you've been posting, i'm so glad I did. :) Damn it sucks that the party lived up to my expectations- i knew Glaude and Feelgood would bust out some good sets, since Jer and i spent half and hour chilling with them in Satellite, watching them select their trax... too bad the atmosphere and vibe weren't up to the positivity they bring.

Man, it makes me realize how much NYC should stick to the "club" scene and leave the party/rave scene to Baltimore

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Originally posted by brooklynkid

Was that around 1:30am? Cause YOU might have been at the counter when that guy was telling the girl behind the counter to leave MY camera near his record bag. And she was yelling "THIS AIN'T NO COAT CHECK!!!" She was REALLY pissed...

sooo...maybe I was indirectly responsible for you not having a good time last night? :confused:

Yeah it was around 1:30 and thats what she exactly said that it isnt a coat check.

NO ur not responsible for me not having a good time. Am glad I didnt' pay thats all :o)....

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This one girl I calmed down some chick tried to rape her, WHAT THE FUCK IS UP WITH THAT. There was alot of shady people , wait thats an NYC party for you.. I *always* chill in the jungle room , and its really weird for me because I only went there one time........ I heard people was waiting online like 2-3 hours :( I was maybe online like 30 mins got there like 1:30- maybe got in at 2:00 .... omg my jaw dropped when I saw the line. I was 100% sober , and yes i even mean it real sober terms ;0 Omg you dont even wanna know how much I was feening to smoke a dippie, but I told myself SOBER & I kept my word :)

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I def agree with trancend on this.....THERE WAS NO FUCKING VIBE IN THE ENTIRE PLACE.

I visited every room that was in there and it was packed and played out. I don't mind the amounts of shadeballs b/c I'm used to seeing that shit, but for christ sakes......why violence between all the 15 year olds.......I guess they just needed to prove something.

It couldn't have been said better when we were downstairs and I go "I'm not feeling the vibe" and trancend goes "What Vibe?"

The vibe was dead even though Donald tore it up, so I thought. Popular tracks he just completely fucks with....I like.

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