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Yesterday I visited our local Irish pub, which I was looking for all week... as some of you might know, I work a lot, so I really focus on these few moments when I can leave the office and relax a little bit, go out to dance and have fun or just a drink, and hopefully a nice talk.

I had everything above yesterday, especially the nice talk. I talked to a woman who was really deep into esoteric stuff, she already knew the names for her children which all were some celtic names for earth, wind, air and so on. I found this really amusing and better than the usual small talk.

Besides that she was apparently attracted by me, especially when we talked about how I think a man should please a woman (of course I was teasing her, but hey, it was all fun) and that giving without obligation is one of the best things (and I truly believe that).

But later that evening something amazing happened to me. As the night went on and the pub was about to close, I knew I could take her home or follow her home and do some erotic instead of esoteric. WAIT, this is not what is amazing about that. Amazing is that I said NO. Amazing is that in this very moment I realized that I don't want to hook up with some girl from a club, that I don't want some woman to take me home, that my need for tenderness and the touch of a woman does not overrule my principles.

Sometimes when I meet someone I think about what could have happened, how it could have been like, but this time it was all in my hand, and I refused. She was nice, of course, attractive, great body, and she didn't seem at all like the girl who takes someone home everytime she goes out. The only reason why I didn't go with her was me.

And I am only telling you this because I think it's a good thing. What do you think?


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If only there were more men like you in this world....

I hit a few clubs over the weekend. My thing is to go out and meet people, talk to people and generally have a good time. Thing is, I'm married and whether guys don't pick up on this or just deny it (why they don't ask upfront blows my mind...I guess they just assume if you're alone you're available), when I have to tell them I'm married they get all upset. So, what's the deal? We're there having great conversation, enjoying each other's company, and once the guy realizes that things will never go beyond that (as in, into bed) all of a sudden a woman is no longer worthy of talking to?

What gives?

I guess what I'm saying is it would be great to be at a club where a guy honestly was just interested in having decent conversation, dancing, and making friends, not always searching for a hookup.

But I'm sure someone's going to tell me that I'm naive to think this could be the case. Oh well...not like I'm looking.

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This was the first message I got from this board in weeks, so I just HAD to respond right away. Actually I thought more people would respond to this rather unusal thread, but again - still surprisingly - I was wrong (until now).

Tigereyes, I can tell you, there ARE more men like me in this world, only that they all are already married to girls they fell in love with right after Highschool :)

No I'm kidding, of course. I think the main problem is that men just want totally different things when they go out. I just made up a real funny comparison for this: If you tell a man that you just want to have a nice talk when going out, it seems to him as if you are going to a restaurant looking for somebody who doesn't eat.

Maybe the comparison isn't as bad as I thought. As I wrote before, that night in the pub I had it on my plate, and when I had it on my plate I totally felt the difference between appetite and hunger.

So, when women go out, they have appetite, when men go out, they are hungry? To extend the image, for the man all women are like a big buffet, they look for the best food and then they just want to take it (and of course they don't expect the food to say 'no I don't want to be eaten by you' ;) ).

Don't give up, tigereyes, and next time somebody talks to you and tries to pick you up, just think of the food-comparison and you will laugh about it :)

Have fun and don't forget to eat enough vitamins!



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