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Ignorance is bliss aka CottonCandyDream's Story


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AureliaEnt AKA CottonCandyDream AKA Lanie:

In case ya don't know, I--KAT--made a post on CP about moderators and their behavior. It's located quite conveniantly in the drama section. She had the audacity to instant message me with her quibbling. I never knew I couldn't state an opinion and get crap for it. *sigh* That's life I suppose.

I wonder if I put this on CP if it would get removed.....Now where's that angel icon when ya need it?!

AureliaEnt: do we have a personal problem here?

Madam KittE: Do you honestly believe I'd answer such a question without a formal introduction first taking place?

AureliaEnt: Sorry I am COTONCANDYDREAM

AureliaEnt: or Lainie

AureliaEnt: and you are Katherine

AureliaEnt: or Kat?

Madam KittE: Okay...and as for the question...?

Madam KittE: Kat is just fine

AureliaEnt: do we have a personal problem here?

Madam KittE: What could you possibly mean by "personal problem"?

AureliaEnt: well seems that the word bitch is being thrown around alot

AureliaEnt: on the board directed towards a certain female moderator that also

AureliaEnt: happens to work at CP

AureliaEnt: hmmmmmmmmmmm

AureliaEnt: that is not a cool thing

AureliaEnt: considering she is doing her job

Madam KittE: First off, I never pinpointed CP's moderators solely. I directed it at all moderators on all boards.

AureliaEnt: yes the bitches and assholes comment

AureliaEnt: that was quite sweet

Madam KittE: Secondly, I said both male and female.

Madam KittE: Why thank you. I too thought it was a nice added touch myself.

AureliaEnt: considering

AureliaEnt: you said we shouldn't

AureliaEnt: use profanity

AureliaEnt: but continue

Madam KittE: Right. You as moderators should not

AureliaEnt: And where is that in the handbook?

Madam KittE: Posters are a different story. We, unlike you, do not work for the board. There's a certain business persona which you are supposed to display.

Madam KittE: I was merely stating my opinion.

AureliaEnt: Ahhhhh see your opinion however is not fact

Madam KittE: Who ever said it was written somewhere? I never knew I couldn't state what I felt.

AureliaEnt: we are basically tehre to keep it real

AureliaEnt: we are there to keep personal

AureliaEnt: promotion off the boards

Madam KittE: Right. "Keep it real" and be professional

AureliaEnt: and make it about the parties

Madam KittE: What do you think the word "moderator" means?

AureliaEnt: Hun I truely restrain

AureliaEnt: what we would like to say to some people

Madam KittE: I wonder why

AureliaEnt: on the boards

AureliaEnt: until a certain point


Madam KittE: You do not restrain

AureliaEnt: as in to moderatoe survey and host

AureliaEnt: a board

Madam KittE: You behave like a barbarian on the boards

AureliaEnt: Hmmmmmm

AureliaEnt: well

AureliaEnt: seems like you haven't been reading

AureliaEnt: all the boards

AureliaEnt: because

AureliaEnt: we have a couple hundred

AureliaEnt: people

AureliaEnt: enjoying themselves

AureliaEnt: at all these meet up

AureliaEnt: and giveaways

AureliaEnt: and sdoing in for


AureliaEnt: so I just wanted to know exactly

AureliaEnt: when you were gonna

AureliaEnt: get to a fact around here somewhere

Madam KittE: Honey, let me just tell you...a moderator is one who "mediates" and does not take sides. They keep neutral. And the neutrality is to remain on all levels. You are there to keep peace. Not run a muck.

AureliaEnt: are you a moderator?

Madam KittE: When "I" was going to get to a fact?

AureliaEnt: Well hmmm

AureliaEnt: when the owner of CP

AureliaEnt: tell someone

AureliaEnt: to do something

AureliaEnt: and they don't

AureliaEnt: and then

Madam KittE: Listen, if you felt you were doing nothing wrong, then you would not be sitting here trying to condone your behavior on the boards to me.

AureliaEnt: asks me to handle it

AureliaEnt: i do it

AureliaEnt: in whatever

AureliaEnt: manner I please

AureliaEnt: he knows how I am

Madam KittE: As to many others.

Madam KittE: do*

AureliaEnt: yes

AureliaEnt: and they seem to be fine with it

Madam KittE: You're supposed to arbitrate. But again, that is my opinion.

AureliaEnt: or did you miss our meet up pics?

AureliaEnt: I do arbitrate

AureliaEnt: to the point

Madam KittE: Well then that's fabulous but I was saying what I felt it how it should be done. Im not saying it will be followed.

AureliaEnt: I showed up

AureliaEnt: to a party

AureliaEnt: just to protect one of our members

AureliaEnt: from another board member

AureliaEnt: harrassing her

Madam KittE: The meetups have no relevance to this conversation. It's quite simple to get a group of people together. Remember, I set up the largest one going as of yet.

AureliaEnt: Ummmm

AureliaEnt: kat

AureliaEnt: you were cool with me that night

AureliaEnt: and that is great

AureliaEnt: understand something

Madam KittE: Well its sad that internet boards are brought into the real world when they are meant solely as entertainment.

AureliaEnt: for a long time cp

AureliaEnt: has been off

AureliaEnt: and now

AureliaEnt: it's back in the street

AureliaEnt: and on point

AureliaEnt: hosting

AureliaEnt: and doing great things

AureliaEnt: I can not be mary poppins

AureliaEnt: nor everywhere at once

AureliaEnt: between the office

AureliaEnt: boards

AureliaEnt: meet ups

Madam KittE: Lainie...are you reading what I type?

AureliaEnt: and nye

AureliaEnt: I am drained

Madam KittE: Stop for a moment here.

AureliaEnt: and Dave is in Michigan

AureliaEnt: This site

AureliaEnt: is not meant

AureliaEnt: for pure entertainment

AureliaEnt: it's that and more

AureliaEnt: come january

AureliaEnt: you'll see

AureliaEnt: this is a business

AureliaEnt: and a very good one right now

Madam KittE: I know exactly what it is

AureliaEnt: with a very small staff

AureliaEnt: great

AureliaEnt: you know so much

Madam KittE: But from a business perspective, you make the company look bad with your commentaries throughout the board.

AureliaEnt: like what

Madam KittE: You needn't be sarcastic with me.


AureliaEnt: thing?

AureliaEnt: or the BLOWFLYII thing

Madam KittE: You know what, this conversation has concluded.

AureliaEnt: yes and that is your opinion

AureliaEnt: and not fact

Madam KittE: I don't appreciate some girl I do not know IM'ing me in the middle of the night to harrass me about my POINT OF VIEW.

AureliaEnt: I am not harrassing you

AureliaEnt: I am explaining why

AureliaEnt: things are the way they are

AureliaEnt: and if you have a problem

Madam KittE: No kidding its my opinion. I clearly stated it was in the post and throughout this convo

AureliaEnt: with promoters

AureliaEnt: not being able

AureliaEnt: to promote

AureliaEnt: their lists

AureliaEnt: talk to dave

AureliaEnt: and he'll tell you the same thing

Madam KittE: I have a problem with moderators behaving like imbeciles.

AureliaEnt: Again

Madam KittE: Which is precisely what you are doing now.

AureliaEnt: your opinion

Madam KittE: Good night...and enjoy your holiday.

AureliaEnt: And I think you are a hypocritic

AureliaEnt: jealous

AureliaEnt: woman

AureliaEnt: Happy Holidays

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Yes that would be I the person that didn't appreciate a girl telling moderators not to curse and then calling them assholes and bitches. As for you FUCLUBBKID, I think you've made enough friends since FOLLOWTHERULES=FUCLUBBKID

You want drama no prob keep it where it is appropriate.

:D Thank you have a nice day and a BETTER tomorrow.



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The only people she has fooled is the people who are new to this business..Get some oldtimers who have been on CP for a while and see if they have the same opinion on her.. Oh yeah they wont post here anymore...Now its no mystery that I am friends with some people she has gone out of her way to hate and provoke..Now they will be pissed for me bringing them into this but I witnessed the whole thing... Lets see she hated Tina for being from Toronto and isnt a true NYer. Hmmm Dave and Ray where are you guys from originally???I guess they have no right being in the business either.. and lets see basically she detests anyone that disagrees with her. So you young CPers be fooled by her thats fine you are all shes got left... as long as you do what she says youll be fine, just try getting a mind or opinion of your own then you will feel her wrath! Do you think these people are going out of their way for no reason to tell you this , there is truth to it and if you dont believe it now you will eventually... Cotton candy true colors always comes out..

Now the three other people running CP they are the best... and thats why CP will survive despite her.. I will say this again I am a little biased because she did attack a few friends of mine.. anyone that knows me knows thats no secret.. cept there are so many other people just like them. Its a shame she cant just be nice to everyone and not just those that kiss her as*! That is my opinion and delete it if you must...William T

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Originally posted by cotoncandydream

Yes that would be I the person that didn't appreciate a girl telling moderators not to curse and then calling them assholes and bitches. As for you FUCLUBBKID, I think you've made enough friends since FOLLOWTHERULES=FUCLUBBKID

You want drama no prob keep it where it is appropriate.

:D Thank you have a nice day and a BETTER tomorrow.



You really need to realize that followtherules is not me....for some reason or another your out to get me, could it be cause i have my own opinion and your not able to mold me into something you like. im not a piece of clay that can be molded by lainie, im a human being, and if i have something to say then i say it loud and clear. I dont hide, i just say what i gotta say. Ahhhh but people will see your true colors, it did not take long for me to see them.

Etienne! :D

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ok here is proff that im not "followtherules" i have a dial up AOL connection and lainie used my IP to attempt to prove that "followtherules" is me. well it turns out that with AOL each time that i sign on and off i get a different IP number....so what happened is that "followtherules" whoever it is has AOL also and when they posted they happened to get the same IP number that i had from a few days past......

and whoever wants to believe me can, but lainie there are more thorough searches that you can do to find out if thie "followyourdreams" is me....and when u do them u will realize that it is not and then i expect a formal apology for this defamation of character

thank you

Etienne! :D

once again if i have something to say its said under this name...i think that u r rude and vile (and at first i thought u were nice)...im hopin that ur not hispanic (as i am) because you are the stereotype that gives all us hisapnics a bad name (a loud mouth low life who accuses people and tries to bring people down to full up the void that you have inside) Lainie grow up......ill post anything i have to say under this name...im not scared of you, you are not really anyone important and you probably never will be with this horrible attitude of your

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She told him to make sense when she can't even understand black and white text. Please Lainie, instead of telling me to "retract my claws cuz urs are bigger" (when its really ur ass thats bigger then mine) grow a friggin brain already.

Its common sense. Take it as constructive criticism rather then a blatant attack. Opinions are opinions which you do not seem to be capable of comprehending. The conversation which took place between both you and I was a ridiculous waste of. You didn't stick to the point at hand. Moderators should moderate and be civil. You need to posess a businesslike state of mind and not that of a *bratty child*. You're fighting a battle all on your own here. It's obvious to see how many have already taken my side...which, I never asked for assistance. They chose to agree on their own with my "opinions". YOU may feel Im wrong, but thats all a matter of opinion as you continuously state.

People can see for themselves what is going on. I need not defend myself to them/ But if you felt you were right here, you would know a rebutal on your behalf would not be neccessary. Try taking a business stand point rather then a sarcastic one. It does nothing for your image.

~kAt~ And, to clear things up honey, I was a moderator on more then one board. Removed from one for my posting on another and removed from the other by my own request. I know how to be one and know what it entails. You on the other hand, do not. Get a clue.

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Originally posted by q-ny

Ya know what's funny?

When people argue on the internet.

Let's face it.....you both end up looking like idiots. Who cares. Get over it and move on.

Im not "quarreling". Im "caroling".

Its really not an arguememnt. Just a matter of opinions. Im stating my point of view as is she and others. I find this to be humorous and a fun way to spend some "loner" time.

If you saw me now, you'd see my cheesecake smile and hear my chuckling. What do I care? Honestly, what could I care about in regards to this? It's not my money or reputation. Its just funny to see how people try to defend themselves...and I love pushing buttons. Guess its the Irish in me. :D


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Q-ny you are completely right as of now they are just not worth the time and effort, let them rant.

You know what they say People that can do and people that can't try to teach. Oh well teach on...... school us somemore with your wit. You are only wasting your own time.


I am Italian, Puerto Rican, French and Irish :D

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Originally posted by cotoncandydream


Q-ny you are completely right as of now they are just not worth the time and effort, let them rant.

You know what they say People that can do and people that can't try to teach. Oh well teach on...... school us somemore with your wit. You are only wasting your own time.


I am Italian, Puerto Rican, French and Irish :D

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: too funny

I'm Russian, Latvian, Ukranian, and Polish. ;):)

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wow this is really deep, as if it were from some cyber- kafkaesque novel. multiple identities, internet followers, fake godesses, LOL. + a real drama after a while.

b, where did you get that conversation?

lol, i feel i'm missing some *matrix* action here.

ich glaube cottoncandydream wird ihnen club-respekt protektieren.


z:laugh: :blown::laugh: :laugh:

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Originally posted by zlatang

wow this is really deep, as if it were from some cyber- kafkaesque novel. multiple identities, internet followers, fake godesses, LOL. + a real drama after a while.

b, where did you get that conversation?

lol, i feel i'm missing some *matrix* action here.

ich glaube cottoncandydream wird ihnen club-respekt protektieren.


z:laugh: :blown::laugh: :laugh:

As always a gret post Z :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

well I used my special powers to obtain the conversation

Respect is alwyas good, but I don't think she needs any protection ;)


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Originally posted by fuclubkidd

ok here is proff that im not "followtherules" i have a dial up AOL connection and lainie used my IP to attempt to prove that "followtherules" is me. well it turns out that with AOL each time that i sign on and off i get a different IP number....so what happened is that "followtherules" whoever it is has AOL also and when they posted they happened to get the same IP number that i had from a few days past......

and whoever wants to believe me can, but lainie there are more thorough searches that you can do to find out if thie "followyourdreams" is me....and when u do them u will realize that it is not and then i expect a formal apology for this defamation of character

thank you

Etienne! :D

once again if i have something to say its said under this name...i think that u r rude and vile (and at first i thought u were nice)...im hopin that ur not hispanic (as i am) because you are the stereotype that gives all us hisapnics a bad name (a loud mouth low life who accuses people and tries to bring people down to full up the void that you have inside) Lainie grow up......ill post anything i have to say under this name...im not scared of you, you are not really anyone important and you probably never will be with this horrible attitude of your

I'm not taking any sides here, nor do i know fuclubkid or cottancandydream personally. But I will say that if fuclubkid is telling the truth about logging on from an AOL address (simple to correlate his IP logins to a domain), then he is right about the IP address thing. You really shouldn't jump to conclusions based on IP Address unless you yourself an an network/security expert. There are ways to hide and spoof IP addresses. I know how bulletinboard systems like vBulletin run technically, and I have hosted several web-sites/servers over the years.

I know this isn't a US court of law, but maybe you should take an ideal from it. Unless you can prove without reason of doubt that fuclukid is followyourdreams, then he really shouldn't be targeted like that.

And I apoligize if I'm missing some secret history/actions or what nots here.


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Originally posted by gqraver

I'm not taking any sides here, nor do i know fuclubkid or cottancandydream personally. But I will say that if fuclubkid is telling the truth about logging on from an AOL address (simple to correlate his IP logins to a domain), then he is right about the IP address thing. You really shouldn't jump to conclusions based on IP Address unless you yourself an an network/security expert. There are ways to hide and spoof IP addresses. I know how bulletinboard systems like vBulletin run technically, and I have hosted several web-sites/servers over the years.

I know this isn't a US court of law, but maybe you should take an ideal from it. Unless you can prove without reason of doubt that fuclukid is followyourdreams, then he really shouldn't be targeted like that.

And I apoligize if I'm missing some secret history/actions or what nots here.


thank you! :cool:------at least some1 thinks that some more investigation should b done

Etienne! :D

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wakes up after falling a sleep reading this thread.



Dear lord..

Complaining is ok..

It´s a public board but I just

counted four posts on the Drama

board with the same topics!


(No wonder I hardly ever read

this crapola)

seems to me that if I don´t like

something (or someplace)

I move along..


(But I still like my message board

sexual tension releasing angry orgy idea!)

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Originally posted by mugwump

seems to me that if I don´t like

something (or someplace)

I move along..

The rest of the issues aside I have to say, on this point, that a lot of us like CP as a whole, and I'm sure all of us have one or two people that we think suck nads *coughtrance00cough* but I don't see why that means anyone should have to leave and let that person win. For me there are far too many good points at CP to make me want to move and I see no reason why someone who didn't do anything wrong should have to move for someone who did. Simply enough, issue and apology, problem solved and off we go :)

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Originally posted by vixenfoxxy

The rest of the issues aside I have to say, on this point, that a lot of us like CP as a whole, and I'm sure all of us have one or two people that we think suck nads *coughtrance00cough* but I don't see why that means anyone should have to leave and let that person win. For me there are far too many good points at CP to make me want to move and I see no reason why someone who didn't do anything wrong should have to move for someone who did. Simply enough, issue and apology, problem solved and off we go :)


Etienne! :D

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