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Its official!!!!!!! The Bunka lost money last night!!!!

Guest saleen351

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Guest saleen351

Yup, just got word from someone that works there....Place wasn't crowed at all......Lets put it this way, the person that works there said MERGE gets more ppl on a sat night!!! Yes Merge....They also lost money...I don't know how much, but they are in the red on this one....Next stop Chapter 11.................I told you max could not pull a good crowd...Hes not well known at all........... But no one will listen to me, even though I've seen him before...If you promoters at bunka take my advice on the exit Dj's you will see a turn out....But once again I know nothing...........I didn't see some of the promoters post on the NJ board today.......I wonder why..........................:laugh: Don't worry, I'm gonna bump this post up for a month until Dave Ralph forces you guys to sell drugs to make up for the lost money.........

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I could've put money on the fact that I KNEW you would post that you HEARD from someone that last night at Bunkas wasn't packed. Whatever Saleen. Why don't you try actually leaving your house and see for YOURSELF what goes on instead of sitting in front of your computer all day posting on club planet when you probably don't even go to clubs.

I was at Hunka Bunka last night and my friends and I had a really good time. The music was great. Max Graham showed NJ a new kind of music that it seemed to me alot of people enjoyed. I know I did. All the people who came out to support this new night at Hunka Bunka are going to spread the word and get more of a crowd for Dave Ralph on Feb. 8th. You have no clue about last night because YOU weren't there. :blown:

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Salteen - Nobody said it was packed. Most NJ peeps don't know shit!

(Pardon me NJ peeps who do actually know something about music and clubs outside of NJ.)

I would doubt they are in the red, they probably paid $1500 to $2000 for Max. That is based on the fact that it was for a Thursday night and dovetails with his appearance in Boston tonight.

The bottom line is that a lot of people who never heard of Max Graham got exposed to his sound and liked it. The next time HB books somebody the turn out will be better.

Axis in Boston has built it's reputation exactly the same way. They book quality DJ's, no cheeseheads need apply, and have over the period of time built up the trust their crowd has in them. This trust has risen to the level that now no matter who they book and what style of music that DJ plays, the crowd turns out for them. HB and Bon can achieve this if they stick with the program.

What short list of DJ's would you have booked Salteen? Since you are "The Fountain of Knowledge" as it were on all things club related share your sage wisdom with the rest of the CP community.

Signed - A Non-Promoter

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Guest saleen351
Originally posted by teresadf

I could've put money on the fact that I KNEW you would post that you HEARD from someone that last night at Bunkas wasn't packed. Whatever Saleen. Why don't you try actually leaving your house and see for YOURSELF what goes on instead of sitting in front of your computer all day posting on club planet when you probably don't even go to clubs.

I was at Hunka Bunka last night and my friends and I had a really good time. The music was great. Max Graham showed NJ a new kind of music that it seemed to me alot of people enjoyed. I know I did. All the people who came out to support this new night at Hunka Bunka are going to spread the word and get more of a crowd for Dave Ralph on Feb. 8th. You have no clue about last night because YOU weren't there. :blown:

Yup, I've never been to a club...I know no one. I make this stuff up.........CASH IS KING....< JUST REMEMBER THOSE THREE WORDS...

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Guest saleen351
Originally posted by laraver

What short list of DJ's would you have booked Salteen? Since you are "The Fountain of Knowledge" as it were on all things club related share your sage wisdom with the rest of the CP community.

Signed - A Non-Promoter



Who would i book? Good question....

Well I'll say this the 2am closing is handcuffing you guys, but lets say for arguement sake that the bunka stayed open till 4 am....

First off for my tastes God himself can't compete with xs and temps in the summer, or even surf,,,Well everyone knows this, so let say this is for the winter season only....

So who would I bring in....Well I would say talented Dj's but as a econ major and seeing things as a business, 99% of the ppl that go the bunka have NO idea who these big time DJS are...PPl want a fun night that they feell like they got their monies worth...So who would I bring it that would draw and change the scene???? Hmmmmmmmm let me think.............

I would have to say: I would bring in some of the DJ's from the other rooms from Exit...They are underrated and turn out some sick beats...Plus they are local talent, and everyone , well not everyone , but most that party in the city knows these guys or know of them..... Tons of ppl just go to Exit to hear them....Plus playing in these rooms they can play almost anything they want, being NYC at 7am....So bringing their style to NJ is a logical move, business wise and music wise.....Easy to promote, cheep to book them......But certainly don't give them their own night till they prove themselves....This is where I would START. I'm not saying that max and dave ain't "good" choices but you guys are hanging them out to dry...What if it flops???? Big TIME?

But lets say I just wanted a big time guy to come in that would actually pay off, I would have to say.........J. Vicious......<no one can argue with that.....But you missed the boat, hes at Roxy now...You snooze you loose.....Maybee Tiesto, but remeber . "deeper" you go musically the worse the turn out and the worse the name reconition is....Money talks, if this max and dave ralph thing don't work out the promoters will not be allowed to try this shit again...Its a big risk to everyone, and a risk I would not take...

Yes there is contrarian view that lets start off with a bang, but makes no sense....Cheep talent that is localy known is where I would start....Lets face it the bunka is not exactly making the money they use to...Thats a fact.....I don't think their is enough ppl in NJ willing to go see these "big" time guys till 2am, when they can be in the city. Just my 2 cents......

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Saleen just a question, if you loathe this scene so much why do you bother posting here? Like, for real, this is your scene and you need to support it. I don't live in Jersey, I never have, and I still don't view it with the same nasty cynicism you do. No matter where the clubs are you need to support them or else the only scene that displays this kind of music and atmosphere dies. But I guess it's all about you right? :blank: And what's your beef with promoters? Did someone not let you on their list? Did someone not pay you? What's your deal?

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Originally posted by saleen351

..........And Laraver, are you kidding me, you post about being a raver in LA. Are you kidding me, little children go to raves.............

As usual, what we here on CP have come to expect from Salteen: a rational assertion that we can all agree on, NOT!

Salteen, the CP handle LA RAVER, comes from the fact that from 91-93 I lived in Los Angeles, you butt munch.

The Raver has to do with the fact that I was one of many DJ's who played in that scene. Maybe you have heard of some of the people I have shared the decks with:


Sandra Collins

Marquess Wyatt

Doc Martin

Mark Lewis

Originally being from NJ and then returning in 93, I can say I was, and continue to be, dissapointed by the narrowness of the mindset and booking policies exhibited by most (not all) club ownership and promotion teams in NY/NJ.

Basically most times it boils down this flawed rational:

Duh! We never heard your name, so you can't possibly be any good.

So you guys never heard of________________(fill in the blank with your favorite Int'l but never played in NJ DJ) so they must suck, right?

Your part of the problem Salteen, definitely not part of the solution.

You should think hard about that! How do you contribute in a postive way to improving the scene?

I don't see it, but if you can share it with us I'll be glad to listen.

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yo saleen, why all the rage??i think this is the first step to bringin in some great dee jays and maybe bringin in the peeps you like from exit..bashin somethin that i'm sure people worked very hard at doin isn't cool at all

maybe max graham can't pull in a crowd in jersey but i know he can pull in a crowd..hopin hb closes down or sayin that they are goin to file for bankrupcy aint cool either..makes you look like an asshole..i know you're not..i've seen some of your posts on the ny board when you weren't raging and also from the posts that you have here in jersey i know you have brains..it's a really good idea to bring out exit deejays cuz people in jersey can relate to exit..a canadian trance dj??i'm sure its allot harder to do

i don't know if you can change things but if you had any power to do so you are definatly goin about it all wrong

i ended up not goin but freinds that i told about this party did go and they said it was bangin..i got stuck workin til past 11..that fuggin sucked cuz i was psyched up all week on goin

it would've drawn a bigger crowd if it was on a friday..if you're readin this bonsolid think about it..pre-partyin to a world known dj then everyone runnin out to the city..seems to me thats what allot of people do anyways...that'd be awesome and i'm sure allot of people would've been down..another thong bonsolid - trendroid is bangin...if its cost effective why not let them spin all nite insteadof openen up??

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Originally posted by saleen351

Yup, I've never been to a club...I know no one. I make this stuff up.........CASH IS KING....< JUST REMEMBER THOSE THREE WORDS...

Saleen I'm not trying to start any drama with you I just don't understand why you are constantly bashing Hunka Bunka. If you don't go there and dislike it so much why do you post about it????? :confused:

I agree with you vixenfoxxy 100%. :)

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Guest bonsolidd
Originally posted by vision

yo saleen, why all the rage??i think this is the first step to bringin in some great dee jays and maybe bringin in the peeps you like from exit..bashin somethin that i'm sure people worked very hard at doin isn't cool at all

maybe max graham can't pull in a crowd in jersey but i know he can pull in a crowd..hopin hb closes down or sayin that they are goin to file for bankrupcy aint cool either..makes you look like an asshole..i know you're not..i've seen some of your posts on the ny board when you weren't raging and also from the posts that you have here in jersey i know you have brains..it's a really good idea to bring out exit deejays cuz people in jersey can relate to exit..a canadian trance dj??i'm sure its allot harder to do

i don't know if you can change things but if you had any power to do so you are definatly goin about it all wrong

i ended up not goin but freinds that i told about this party did go and they said it was bangin..i got stuck workin til past 11..that fuggin sucked cuz i was psyched up all week on goin

it would've drawn a bigger crowd if it was on a friday..if you're readin this bonsolid think about it..pre-partyin to a world known dj then everyone runnin out to the city..seems to me thats what allot of people do anyways...that'd be awesome and i'm sure allot of people would've been down..another thong bonsolid - trendroid is bangin...if its cost effective why not let them spin all nite insteadof openen up??

First off I'd like to thank everyone for coming out last night! The crowd was chanting, screaming, clapping, going nuts to every mix and every record!! People at the bars all had the headbob and there fists clinched in the air..simply put.... a great new vibe for HB..... a great new vibe for Jersey! Max Graham Himself had a great time and wants to come back!!! So be prepared Max Graham on the weekened coming soon ohhhhh my!!!! But first Dave Ralph feb 8th baby! Let's do this Jersey!!!! The door has been opened!:D Time to move on! It's time for a true revolution!

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Guest saleen351
Originally posted by bonsolidd

First off I'd like to thank everyone for coming out last night! The crowd was chanting, screaming, clapping, going nuts to every mix and every record!! People at the bars all had the headbob and there fists clinched in the air..simply put.... a great new vibe for HB..... a great new vibe for Jersey! Max Graham Himself had a great time and wants to come back!!! So be prepared Max Graham on the weekened coming soon ohhhhh my!!!! But first Dave Ralph feb 8th baby! Let's do this Jersey!!!! The door has been opened!:D Time to move on! It's time for a true revolution!

do u really think ppl think this post is not a joke,,,,Read the reviews, NO ONE WAS THERE.

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Guest saleen351
Originally posted by mikeynine999

just because ur fucking stanking ass wasnt there saleen doesnt mean no one was there grow up u fucking dirty loser

Hmmmmmmm, so you know for a fact I wasn't there???????

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im not a business major, but i am a business man. so with that in mind...

Business wise you are right and wrong, maybe it was a bad move for bunka, because they most likely lost money that night, but on the other end of it, im sure they werent disappointed at the same time. i wasnt there but the way ppl are talking about it on this board, it sounded like ppl had a great time, and that they like max music and style alot. now then again if you are a business man, say that yes, bunka lost money, but the owners were happy that the ppl did have a good time and the dj did not suck. so as an owner you did lose money the first time around, but what they say to themselves is, will i lose money the next time around, now keeping in mind the ppl that were there had a great time, he would say to himself if each person tells at least two ppl that they know, that they had a great time at bunka with new a dj with a new sound. the next time around, you will have triple the amount of ppl that you had the last time. hence, the next time around bunka MAKES $$$, have a new party, new sound, and started something new for ppl in nj. which puts bunka on top, having a brand new style for nj to run with. what happens after that for hunka bunka... MO MONEY, MO MONEY, MO MONEY.

the point is, taking chances is a part of the business, if you don't take chances and someone else takes that chance, and they make the cash then you look like the asshole. why do u look like the asshole you might ask? because the only reason you didn't take that business proposition was for the fact that you afraid to lose a dollar.



and........ Thats It I'm Done!!!

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Guest saleen351
Originally posted by lunalounge46


im not a business major, but i am a business man. so with that in mind...

Business wise you are right and wrong, maybe it was a bad move for bunka, because they most likely lost money that night, but on the other end of it, im sure they werent disappointed at the same time. i wasnt there but the way ppl are talking about it on this board, it sounded like ppl had a great time, and that they like max music and style alot. now then again if you are a business man, say that yes, bunka lost money, but the owners were happy that the ppl did have a good time and the dj did not suck. so as an owner you did lose money the first time around, but what they say to themselves is, will i lose money the next time around, now keeping in mind the ppl that were there had a great time, he would say to himself if each person tells at least two ppl that they know, that they had a great time at bunka with new a dj with a new sound. the next time around, you will have triple the amount of ppl that you had the last time. hence, the next time around bunka MAKES $$$, have a new party, new sound, and started something new for ppl in nj. which puts bunka on top, having a brand new style for nj to run with. what happens after that for hunka bunka... MO MONEY, MO MONEY, MO MONEY.

the point is, taking chances is a part of the business, if you don't take chances and someone else takes that chance, and they make the cash then you look like the asshole. why do u look like the asshole you might ask? because the only reason you didn't take that business proposition was for the fact that you afraid to lose a dollar.



and........ Thats It I'm Done!!!

There is a huge problem with your theory on HB and clubs in NJ...the ppl that posted really great reviews ALL work there or know someone that does or promotes their. Their reviews are tainted. The night was a flop business wise...Got news for you, the avg person that goes to the bunka has NO IDEA of who these djs are.. We are the minority. These DJ's can't bring in crowds its that simple. Thats why where ever scribbles goes there is a crowd. PPL know him, (i hate scribbles by the way). The promoters at clubs in NJ are lost and cant find their way out of a paper bag...Same old shit. Retro night, white party, bullshit gimmicks. I aplaude the fact they took a risk....its the old risk return ratio, the more the risk the bigger the pay off should be. But the fact is they started way off base on this one...Go get the exit Dj's (NOT DRAPER), but the other guys there...Trust me a friday with them will have all of the city crowd pregameing at HB. Also your correct if ppl there all told 2 friends, but what if they said it was terrible...I've seen Max before and I told everyone it would flop and it did. The man is overated and not well known enough....Don't bring the city to NJ, Make NJ its own, distinct scene...We simple can't compete with NYC. NJ needs to get back to old school, remeber abyss back in the day, HB tradewinds...Cover charges keep going up, parking rates keep going up, Alcohol prices keep going up, service keeps going down, price to check your coat keeps going up, bar tenders service is going way down, you simply don't get your monies worth any more. Stop the gimmicks. It ain't gonna working. create a buzz, not with high profile Dj's that no one knows but with service, prices, quality...Watch out, AC is doing all of these things and will take over NJ....Pick up a paper, read a business journal..... The party is moving south soon, just a matter of time. Hamptons, Jersey shore, AC, NYC, these local clubs are gonna be out business. Just my 2 cents......But once again I know nothing, max packed the place.......

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without a doubt, you made a number of valid points, i think your right when it comes to bringing djs (locals) that dj at exit, the party would take off, that is simply because they are locals,so the word of mouth helps out a great deal ( which makes promoting it very easy), they don't ask for $2,000 to spin, they spin with their heart which allows them to play alot better than most djs that u would pay $2000 and up for. for example i run mediterraneo(luna lounge) in totowa.last year when i first started the party, i had a no name dj (but a local), had the atmosphere, it had the look, and luna lounge blew up, and everyone made a shit load of money. my coat check girl even made $350 a night. the place only fits about 600 ppl. but in and out we had about 800ppl a friday.

this year added some things to the place, brought in my new resident dj nicky sibilia (which in my opinion is a great dj.) and we're doing just as well this year. so business i do know and i know where your coming from. and i didn't know that they were buddies talking to each other making the party sound great. and when there next event happens ill be sure to make an appearance to see if what there saying is fact or fiction. good talking to you, i def. know where ur coming from now.


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Guest saleen351
Originally posted by lunalounge46


without a doubt, you made a number of valid points, i think your right when it comes to bringing djs (locals) that dj at exit, the party would take off, that is simply because they are locals,so the word of mouth helps out a great deal ( which makes promoting it very easy), they don't ask for $2,000 to spin, they spin with their heart which allows them to play alot better than most djs that u would pay $2000 and up for.

Cough, cough,

promoters read this quote by lunalounge.....

place would be packed with a little amount of ads running on ktu or promoting....But i say wait till Dave ralph and that will be strike 2. Then they will wake up...and whats the worst that can happen if it flops, nothing, these guys would probaly do it for peanuts..

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  • 10 months later...
Originally posted by saleen351

Yup, just got word from someone that works there....Place wasn't crowed at all......Lets put it this way, the person that works there said MERGE gets more ppl on a sat night!!! Yes Merge....They also lost money...I don't know how much, but they are in the red on this one....Next stop Chapter 11.................I told you max could not pull a good crowd...Hes not well known at all........... But no one will listen to me, even though I've seen him before...If you promoters at bunka take my advice on the exit Dj's you will see a turn out....But once again I know nothing...........I didn't see some of the promoters post on the NJ board today.......I wonder why..........................:laugh: Don't worry, I'm gonna bump this post up for a month until Dave Ralph forces you guys to sell drugs to make up for the lost money.........

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