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12/28 roxy


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Originally posted by quoth

JennEfer- always a pleasure, even if u DONT TELL people until the LAST MINUTE that yer going out. :tongue: btw...we need to have a lil talk bout some of the eye candy u arrived with. ::mmmnorthjerseygirlsYUM::

yeah you know what the funny part is? theyre all from the next town over from me....its a small world i guess

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I'm soooooooo whacked from friday night....

All I can say is the funniest thing all night (aside from getting lost in brooklyn after dropping boreese home & almost dying in a car accident....) was watching like 6 or 7 people doing the raver stomp led by the master himself when jv went on... :laugh:

blah, nice seeing everyone again... nice meeting those of you I didn't know...

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Originally posted by jennEfer

I had a great time last night. I had not planned on going out at all but it was my job to play babysitter for 4 new clubbers. They ended up in the hip-hop room the whole night, and that is just not my scene... so i let them do thier thing and I stayed on the main floor.

Deborah Cox was fawkin awesome!!! But I do have one speculation about Johnny V's set. Didn't it seem very similar to last friday's set? There were alot of tracks I remembered from last week, and they were played in a similar order and approximately at the same time of the nite.... weird.

Other than that... I had a great time last night, and It was great seeing you all again. Hope to see the pics up soon!!


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Originally posted by joeg

aside from getting lost in brooklyn after dropping boreese home & almost dying in a car accident....

was watching like 6 or 7 people doing the raver stomp led by the master himself when jv went on...

sowie bout the gettin lost etc. part :(

but the whole dancin by the b bar thingy was

coo coo coo

:D :D :D

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Originally posted by boreese

sowie bout the gettin lost etc. part :(

but the whole dancin by the b bar thingy was

coo coo coo

:D :D :D

haha, in retrospect, it was kind of funny (atleast it was in the condition i was in....)

ohhhh, and i almost forgot....

my quote of the night:


Boreese: I have low blood sugar...

Christi: Would you like an altoid?

Me and Mike (totallyoff): *looks at one another* huh?

Everyone: Uncontrollable laughter....


See christi, now someone mentioned you :D

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Originally posted by joeg

haha, in retrospect, it was kind of funny (atleast it was in the condition i was in....)

ohhhh, and i almost forgot....

my quote of the night:


Boreese: I have low blood sugar...

Christi: Would you like an altoid?

Me and Mike (totallyoff): *looks at one another* huh?

Everyone: Uncontrollable laughter....


See christi, now someone mentioned you :D

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:


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Originally posted by joeg

Me and Mike (totallyoff): *looks at one another* huh?

Everyone: Uncontrollable laughter....


That car ride was all a blur...

and two days later my calves are still killing me and i have sores on my feet for having to wear FAWKIN kenneth cole shoes all night...stomping all night with you "well dressed ravers" :laugh: :laugh:

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Originally posted by roninmess

Why do I not remember your name.. wtf this bothers me:mad:

Were you the girl I was tryin to figure out where I knew you from? Then its you. I have the WORST short term memory its not even funny.



I am definately the one who you couldn't remember "where you knew me from"... lol. Don't you hate when that happens?

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Originally posted by tottallyoff

Hey did you get your car out of the city? Did you have any problems finding it? :)

Yeah, when we finally woke up, we grabbed some food, and went to pick it up... it was there, and undamaged as best as i can tell... lol....

Thanks again for driving us back to mike's, REALLY appreciate it.

cya on nye!

How was snowboarding w/o sleep?

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Originally posted by brooklynkid

That car ride was all a blur...

and two days later my calves are still killing me and i have sores on my feet for having to wear FAWKIN kenneth cole shoes all night...stomping all night with you "well dressed ravers" :laugh: :laugh:

Yea, u looked like it was a blur.

:laugh: That was my 1st time seeing well dressed raverz :laugh:

Thanx for the CD man, awesome.

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Originally posted by boreese

Yea, u looked like it was a blur.

:laugh: That was my 1st time seeing well dressed raverz :laugh:

Thanx for the CD man, awesome.

see, you can take the raver out of the rave, but you can't take the rave out of the raver :D

glad you like the CD! Speaking of CDs, WTF happened to all the CDs I had with me in Mike's car? Did I drop them in his back seat or something? I'm missing a whole stack of them...

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Originally posted by brooklynkid

see, you can take the raver out of the rave, but you can't take the rave out of the raver :D

glad you like the CD! Speaking of CDs, WTF happened to all the CDs I had with me in Mike's car? Did I drop them in his back seat or something? I'm missing a whole stack of them...

TOTALLY :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

about the CDs, dude all I know is u gave a couple out and then u put em back inside ur coat; unless they fell out or somethin

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Originally posted by bigpoppanils


Damn now *that* was unprovoked :D

hey, i'm an old man, OK? but i think i did OK for myself with the kids and the stomping and the drinking and the BOOBIES EVERYWHERE. Ummmm...I think I just turned into Prof. Frink for a half second there :laugh:

and umm...didn't you leave early anyway? :confused:

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Originally posted by brooklynkid

Damn now *that* was unprovoked :D

hey, i'm an old man, OK? but i think i did OK for myself with the kids and the stomping and the drinking and the BOOBIES EVERYWHERE. Ummmm...I think I just turned into Prof. Frink for a half second there :laugh:

and umm...didn't you leave early anyway? :confused:

Yea, u did good for an older man!!!!!!!;)

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Originally posted by brooklynkid

Damn now *that* was unprovoked :D

hey, i'm an old man, OK? but i think i did OK for myself with the kids and the stomping and the drinking and the BOOBIES EVERYWHERE. Ummmm...I think I just turned into Prof. Frink for a half second there :laugh:

and umm...didn't you leave early anyway? :confused:

i left early beacuse if i got to my car after 6am the parking fare would have doubled, and i didnt have the extra money on me

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