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What clubs r good out here?


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Hey, I just moved back to LA from NY. What clubs r good, that have good house music, good looking people, people who can dress and dance, and not those dirty fucken raver people who look strung out on drugz with their baggy clothes. They give drug users a bad name! What's up with club naked, anybody know anything about that?

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Originally posted by blowfish

They give drug users a bad name

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

That has got to be the quote of the year, I'm writing that one down...as if drug users ever had a good name to be tarnished by those damn raver kids! :rolleyes:

as to your question of naked (please be aware that the following statement is coming from an anti-naked supporter)...

not much good house music, lots of g-d out muscleheads and plenty of plastic women in tight clothing...so if you did just move out here from ny, then you'll probably fit right in

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Ha ha ha, u like that quote huh? Well yeah, out in NY and Jersey, people who use drugs look good unlike these fucken ugly trashy raver kids. But hell yeah, we call them guidos on the East Coast, not muscleheads, but yeah, being a former Sound Factory head, that's so my scene. Where is club naked at? Do u know? I'd appreciate the info, thanx again!

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club naked is on grand ave in down town i think, i've never gone there myself (but they do serve good ghetto-ass tacos across the street from that club tho). close to there is club red on fridayz (i heard there moving to arena soon) but chek it out, its got that old underground feeling, and good glowstickers come and practice too (if you're into that shit) full bars too!! :drunk:

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Originally posted by electronicaca

I dont know why you moved from NY to LA.

Let's see...yesterday, I looked out my bedroom window and it was absolutely gorgeous, I get outside it was atleast 75 degrees by 10:30am...check the temp in NYC...hmmm...a balmy 45 degrees...you sure are right, California sux...

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Yes I am...I live in Newport Beach one of the best places in USA "supposedly"..but this weather gets boring too...and oh yeah the beach is only good during the summer time and then even it's not that great...if u want some sun and great water and beach go to Italy or Carribeans...but the last place is LA!

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(preface: i know this topic started as a discussion strictly about clubs, but i believe there is more to life than clubbing)

the actual process of immersing yourself in water at the beach may only be good in the summer, but there are plenty of other things to do in/around the ocean that are solid year round, try exercising a bit, you can't beat a good run or bike ride on the boardwalk or the beach, or if you're into more of a sedentary activity, why not enjoy the natural beauty that is a coastline, can't really get that in nyc now can you, and if its cold, wrap yourself up in a blanket and enjoy a sunset, or sunrise for that matter, and maybe once try sleeping before the sun comes up, its a totally different experience...

as for the carribean or italy, sounds good to me, you paying...unfortunately some people do not have a trust fund to rest their weary heads on out here (as shocking as this fact may seem) and therefore have to work for a living, not to mention the fact that most people have families that they like to see ever now and again and moving thousands of miles away is not real conducive to such activities

then again if you are simply down for partying all night into the early hours of the morning and then waisting the entirety of day sleeping off a good dose of drugs, then sure...la sux...go hang out with "real party animals" in new york...

and when you do, gimme a ring when one of those noreasters comes rolling through and dumps feet of snow on you in one day, when the wind rips through the alleyways created by all those tall buildings and chills to the bone no matter how much fat or fur you are carrying, then tell me how boring 75 and sunny seems...some times change for the sake of change is not all its cracked up to be

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