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CP & ME: A year to remember..... (A Velveeta love story about a girl and her board)

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As New Years Eve approaches, I think it's only natural that we reflect on the past year, and as I began down introspection lane, I found an interesting pattern...a huge percentage of the many great ppl who have come into my life and important events in my life this year have in some way been connected to some silly online community, called Clubplanet.

It was a full year ago, in mid-January, that I decided I would no longer allow my lack of clubfriends to keep me from going out, screwed up my courage and went alone to a CP meet-up at Apple Bomb. There I met many cool ppl, found friends to go to PVD with, and met a boy with a cute accent. Within two weeks, my life barely resembled its former self....I had my first serious boyfriend, went out every weekend, was learning to beatmatch, had a whole corner of Twilo full of smiling familiar faces, or at least screennames, and was having a blast.

Then the downhill came, Twilo closed, me and the boy parted, I finished college, and had to face "the real world", my grandma died, Weyes moved to LA. I was alone and without a dancing partner for July.

But the end of a hard summer thawed things, and back at work on a computer, I began posting again....and once again ventured to the world of CP. Met Barvybe and hacker, went to PS1, met Lavendermenace and Mugwump, started going out again....kept up with the posting, till the America meetup where I met so many of you, into The Dumbo Troopers (doo-da-doo) and then next thing I know, I have a whole gaggle of buddies, all these places to go, with good ppl I know and who put smiles on my face whenever I see them...

I even got to help out with CP promotions, hang out with CottonCandy Dreamer, the CP diva par excellence, and proudly sport my technics baby-t.

So all in all this thread is really just a long thank you letter to everyone on CP that I have met, everyone I look forward to meeting, and the people like Lainey and Dave who work hard to make this board a place that brings good ppl together... I have had more fun this year, thanks to you, than I probably deserve. AND BEST WISHES TO YOU ALL FOR MORE GOODNESS IN THE NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Originally posted by sleepiswaste

your the best mary...uhhh...venessa...uhhh....linda...uhhh...etc etc


See, CP, still bringing saigray and boys with cute accents together.... god I luv ya!

Vincenzo, your the best! it was great seeing you at Vinyl on NYE...will you or Julio be at pseudo?

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Damn! I got top billing :)

Yo Sai, we talked about this and i'm right with u...PS1 days started me down the road with you. One of my favorite days was the one where everyone piled into u'r love van and headed to my place for PS1 afterhours.....

Even better times ahead girl! :)

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