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tell us about your new year's!


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lordy lordy lordy, party peoples - this was the best new year's i've had in years :spin2: !!!

i went down south a wee bit to hang out with a few friends that i made just this year - they're kinda like my new old friends - and we spun records and danced all night and morning. so nice, to chat, lie on couches, dance, all whenever i felt like it. man, after clubbing so much i'd forgotten how nice it can be to just have a party with close friends at home.

took a nap for a few hours before i made the drive home, stopped for some in-n-out on my way, and was still doing the "cracked-out waddle" up to my door.



hope you all had a lovely one, too.

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my night/day/night involved, in no specific order, two hotel rooms, a couple of cab rides, a garage, a whole lotta dancing :bounce: , searching for lost keys for hours :mad: , finding lost keys :spin: (no better way to start the year), a blue ribbon artichoke heart dip, lots of great conversations with good friends, lots of not so good conversations with cracked out good friends, a ride from a spanish dj, and two bites of a slice of domino's pizza (in n out sounds so much better)

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Listen Jabroni the Rock was nice enough to buy your sorry ass that pizza. The Rock was nice enough to let you be in the Rock's presence in the Rock's hotel room. So losen up on the pizza pie. The Rock did think the artichoke dip was good. Happy New Year.

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the pizza was good (no blue ribbon winner) but let's not forget

i brought one rock

i brought two rocks

i brought three rocks (wouldn't that have been a sight)

i ate a chicken fried steak

i ate a sonic burger

and then i washed it all down with a glass of vodka, no ice, no mixer, just a tall glass of vodka


and that's the bottom line!

oh, and one thing i forgot to include in the summary above was the amazonian women that invaded our place of habitation for those few minutes compliments of dc and the boys...

those were some big bitches!

but not as big as the Rock

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giant: after security threw away my friend's make-up and all of our groups' lighters and chapstick, the night went by so quickly i forgot that i had so much fun.

surreal and djfrostcali (the super beauties): it was so nice seeing you guys. loved the eye make-up.

saw steve and hank briefly...always a pleasure to see friendly faces.

spundae afterhours: deep dish topped the new year for me but i couldn't dance anymore.

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A private party in Manhattan, three bars, a Turkish restaurant and a hotel room (nothing happened...I wasn't THAT drunk, and not attracted to the guy at all). I was pretty pissed off because I had to stay at the fucking hotel for 2 hours because they took my car and put it in a garage and I had to wait till 8 am to get it back....and I was upset at my "friend", for him assuming we'd fuck....assholes. I hate men. I swear.

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The party at Giant was simply *insane*. Too bad they don't know how to coordinate parties properly over there in Cali though. No order what-so-ever. Rather diappointing in that respect.

Other then that though, the party was *AWE*some (jersey accent) Sasha blew me away. Junkie XL kicked it up and PVD put me to rest NICELY!! At one point, I felt like It was just me and a friend in that room with PVD spinning just for us. UNREAL!

Im so upset its over though. Coming back to Jersey kinda sucked but I sat with a big group of drunken frat boys on the plane....OH YEA~

All in all, Olga, Ruben, Gaafar, Eric, and myself had an incredible time there. The weather was beautiful..crowd kinda blew ass but they got better as they evening progressed. I was approached by an Under Cover though and basically laughed in his face. He didn't even know it was Sasha spinning...how insulting!


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Originally posted by PFloyd40

Danny fawkin howells 12 hour marathon set at vinyl :D:D:D:D

Sowwy~ LA with Sasha, Junkie XL, and PVD was WAY more slammin'. Danny's got a residency in NYC now so I can see him every month. As for those other guys, they're a rarity which I must follow around the world now.


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Originally posted by misskittie

Sowwy~ LA with Sasha, Junkie XL, and PVD was WAY more slammin'. Danny's got a residency in NYC now so I can see him every month. As for those other guys, they're a rarity which I must follow around the world now.


what is your point

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Originally posted by PFloyd40

i would wish i was w/ you no matter where you were sweetheart :)

miss ya too hun.. come to roxy friday :)

ur such a romantic!

this friday comin up??? I *may* be there with nyc420 then I might hit DT @ Vinyl. What do I get if I show?? :D


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Originally posted by msbobois

giant: after security threw away my friend's make-up and all of our groups' lighters and chapstick, the night went by so quickly i forgot that i had so much fun.

surreal and djfrostcali (the super beauties): it was so nice seeing you guys. loved the eye make-up.

saw steve and hank briefly...always a pleasure to see friendly faces.

spundae afterhours: deep dish topped the new year for me but i couldn't dance anymore.


Nice seeing you too! I have a pic w/ u in it...shall I post it here??? Hmmm...hehe, jk, I'll send it to you if you'd like. I don't have your email addy though, but pm it to me or I'll just pm mine and you can respond. You look SO cute in the pic! BTW, when did DD come on at Spundae??? I saw you there, but...were you on something or was I? :tongue:;) We got there when it opened and stayed until 930ish...please don't tell me they came on after we left.

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Originally posted by ~surreal~


Nice seeing you too! I have a pic w/ u in it...shall I post it here??? Hmmm...hehe, jk, I'll send it to you if you'd like. I don't have your email addy though, but pm it to me or I'll just pm mine and you can respond. You look SO cute in the pic! BTW, when did DD come on at Spundae??? I saw you there, but...were you on something or was I? :tongue:;) We got there when it opened and stayed until 930ish...please don't tell me they came on after we left.

oh my gosh!!! you best not be posting my fugly pics. hee hee. Deep Dish was on at err...maybe 6? we left around 8...i could not walk in those platforms anymore...numb feet. numb feet!!!

were we on something? i forgot...hee hee.:eek: :eek: :eek:

i'll email you pics as soon as i get them developed.

oh yeah...so it looks like there will be a twilo part 2. if they open up...i'll be seeing you in nyc!!!

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Well, aside from my amazing trip (I'll just tell about the NYE night). We were on a huge 3 tier Ocean Cruiser and brought a generator, turntables, etc. to this private beach on the island across from where they filmed "The Blue Lagoon". We set our gear up, strung some lights and the rest of our 76 person crew came over...all rolling balls. We partied all night, skinny-dipped in the ocean when we got hot and had a damn good night. The locals loaded our gear back on the boat around 5AM and we continued the party on the deck. The next day we celebrated NYC's new years, then LA's, then Hawaii's (we had a couple in our group from there so we had to). Basically a 36 hour party in the most beautiful ocean, swimming with sharks and rolling balls with 76 amazing people. Pretty damn good new years.

If you want to hear about the rest of the trip and see pictures, you'll have to come to one of my Fijian Kava drinking ceremonies (I bought a kick ass Kava bowl and smuggled in some Kava)...the proper attire is Fijian (or Hawaiian) print shirts and Sulu's (long Fijian/Hawaiin print skirts)...and yes, guys wear them too...I wore a skirt most of the time there, keeps the jewels nice and air conditioned (and of course board shorts for snorkling, swimming, sailing, etc.)...it's a great tradition and it's good for you and cures hangovers.

Reality sucks....work sucks...driving on the right side of the road is confusing now.

Bula Vanaka!!!

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Will do...I highly recommend that everyone should go there at least once in their life...it is amazing...I wonder what the weather's like down there in the winter when you'll be there? I wonder if it rains alot then? Email me with any questions you have and I'll try to answer them. Also, the people that put our trip together are building an amazing resort on the main island, in Pacific Harbour and they live down there around 6 months out of the year...good people to know down there, I can introduce you if you like. They're coming back the end of this month to throw a re-union party at the castle in BH (that's where they live...that place where that kid was shot a few halloween's ago, not their fault though)...This is a site I checked out for info before I left...very informative:


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