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Too much fleeting, not enough substance with relationships


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I'm tired of hookups, of one-time run-ins. Does anyone else feel this?

Maybe i'm still struggling from a recent breakup, but lately it seems that more and more this life is turning out to be just superficial airfluff.

It's like when you get a hug from someone, but it feels like they're doing it as a chore. Or even the people who kiss me hello. I know it's polite and considerate, but for some reason it feels flat. Don't get me wrong, i LOVE hugs. I just feel that i want to find a stronger, closer bond with people in my life. Now how do i do that?

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I can totally understand...at times, I feel that I am ready for a long term relationship..but right now, my life seems to be filled with only guys that pop in and out of my life...for instance, last night I was with someone for New Year's...but I have no intention of seeing him again. I guess it's a matter of fate...when the right person for you is meant to enter your life at a certain time, they will. Until then, don't feel empty, fill your life with things to do and to keep yourself occupied...and distracted from your situation. Believe me, it works...although I can't vouch for those odd nights when you wish you had a strong pair of arms around you...or, in your case, your arms around a soft warm body.

Just keep going...that's life. :)

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Thanks, SaSs... btw, i LOVE that monkey for your avatar, i just realized the bubbliness around his head :D

I'm trying to fill myself. But i'm one of those people that loves to sample, be everywhere at once. The thing i liked about my ex was that she pondered things a lot. I loved to be in deep discussion with someone who truly saw things at a medium pace.

I think i'm gonna start reading more. I just got Doors of Perception by Huxley, and looking into some early Greek Writings as well.

Music's always been there to save my life. It always seems to readjust me into the right mood.

And another thing is Yoga. The breathing, holding of a stretch, expanding of the mind to reach far beyond comprehension is my kind of fun :)

::keep your head up::

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Hey I totally feel ya.... I'm soooo sick of hookups. Worse, I'm sick of guys leading me on like it's gonna be more then replacing me and acting cold two weeks later. NO MORE!!!! STOP!!!! :mad: But, as Graham Greene said... (of course totally out of context)

"For men may come and men may go, but I go on forever."

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Same here, at the beggining its fun nad you kinda look fwd to them :D , but after a while it gets old.

I think that at the satrt of this new year, we should all realize that whatever happens to us individually is under our own control and we can everything change for us by taking action on it.

Thought I had met someone but realized during this tim eof the year that it just would not work, which kinda sux, since everyone is happy and for a breif period I'm sad, but things like these happen and still I dont get discouraged.

While some poeple continue looking fwd. to the hookup scene, I guess thats what they fancy, but it just wont happen with me anymore..oh, well time to get back to work.....

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Originally posted by gmccookny

I'm tired of hookups, of one-time run-ins. Does anyone else feel this?

Maybe i'm still struggling from a recent breakup, but lately it seems that more and more this life is turning out to be just superficial airfluff.

It's like when you get a hug from someone, but it feels like they're doing it as a chore. Or even the people who kiss me hello. I know it's polite and considerate, but for some reason it feels flat. Don't get me wrong, i LOVE hugs. I just feel that i want to find a stronger, closer bond with people in my life. Now how do i do that?

OMG I totally am on this level right now...lifes a big circle and so is settling down...right now at this point I want someone I can just kick it with and sleep with on a regular basis , be friends with and chill, I get tired of meaningless sex, hookups and so forth..my rule is never to put all your energy in meeting ppl in clubs, theres alot of fishes and sharks out there, and really not a good idea if ur looking for a consistent , stable relationship, Im not saying its not possible, but i think its very unlikely

**Also remember you attract ppl with the same energy as yourself..**

my two cents


dr. chynadoll


"Im not your bitch dont hang your shit on me"


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Originally posted by vixenfoxxy

Biatch, are you saying I radiate stupid fag DJ energy??? :mad:

LMAO ANYTHING but that!!!!

haha down girl..lest you be defensive if you really think you do;) dont encourage flamer djs if you dont want attention from them





"Im not your bitch dont hang your shit on me"


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Originally posted by gmccookny

I'm tired of hookups, of one-time run-ins. Does anyone else feel this?

ABSOLUTLEY.....the novelty wears off.


lately it seems that more and more this life is turning out to be just superficial airfluff.

the fucking cherry on your purrfect cake statement!


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Originally posted by vixenfoxxy


But we know there's like a trillion out there, I probably know half of them

Hmmm Chyna who's this? --> 022.gif

:jawdrop: hahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa :laugh: :laugh: whered u get that ahhahahahaa!!!!!!!!!

is it ...could it be??

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