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*** Pics from pre-Vinyl at my place ***

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As usual, fun to have you all over. My place is quickly becoming the weekend pre-spot (DOA3, joeg??? :D )

(click any photo to enlarge)


men in gray I: phuturefunk and joeg


brooklyngirls for the night: danielle and kristy


extreme closeup!: yours truly and kristy


men in gray II: phuturefunk, brooklynkid, and joeg


represent the DJ, yo!


the group, all fresh and ready to party (clockwise): ron, mike, kristy, joe, danielle, brooklynkid


what's left of the group, the shameful next evening

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BkMike!!!! . . Wassup, great partying with you . . . on and on and on to the breaka-breaka dawn . .

. . Joey, I don't know how you fell asleep in under 5 mins when we got back to the house . . simply amazing . .you gotta teach me that trick . .

. . I unfortunately fell asleep on the train and ended up missing White Plains all together, which necessitated spending an extra 20 mins in the freezing cold waiting for the next local to come . . not fun. . but worth it nonetheless . .

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Nice pics BK. Sorry I couldn't hang for the afterhour cool down session but something really knocked me on my ass around 7-8 AM and I couldn't move a single muscle in my body. I must have slept for 18 hours yesterday.

Now I'm all ready to get going for Roxy this Friday. There is nothing like a free party. We even get to hear Kosheen live. Any of you peeps going?


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Originally posted by phuturephunk

. . Joey, I don't know how you fell asleep in under 5 mins when we got back to the house . . simply amazing . .you gotta teach me that trick

hahaha... you think thats impressive, I was fighting to stay awake in vinyl while I was standing up at one point.... I think I missed the la la land stop on my "train" and ended up going too far... Definately some lessons learned that night.... but all in all, one of the best nights of my life thus far....

haha, Your the last thing I remember before drifting to sleep... (and by drifting, of course I mean my face hitting the couch and going completely asleep in a matter of seconds...)... You guys woke me up because I was snoring or something, mike kept saying "turn over" or something, and it took about 100 reiterations of that before it made sense... then I just remember seeing you laughing, and then its black.... lol....

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Originally posted by snoozi8

oh my gosh I was a wreck I did not want to leave NYC Mike I'm so claiming that couch

okay from now on we're always taking pics at your house :)

if only i had a little more room and velvet couches it would be quite lounge-like...I wonder if Joe was mad that you were laying on his "bed" in that last photo :D

and yeah, when hanging out at my house, people must sign a disclaimer that states I am allowed to take photos of them, no questions asked, no matter what state they are in...

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