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Anybody Else Still Feel Shot Down????

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my god dreams can be crazy when u take 5htp. Id wake it in cold sweats cause i thought they were real. i was so fooled that once in my dream something happened to my leg and as soon as i woke up the first thing i did was check to see if it was really messed up! Now that i think about it it was pretty cool like i was in a movie or something, but when i got killed (i fell off a building i think) it scared the shit outta me. the mind is a terrible thing to taste :tongue:

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well here's my nightmare from about a week ago: i dreamed i was on a plane on a runway & we were about to take off. we found out that there were terrorists on the plane and that they were going to crash the plane into a building at the exact same time that the first plane crashed into WTC...which in my dream was 8:41 a.m. (is that right).......we were taxiing down the runway...i was terrified, thinking, "i wish this were a dream and i could wake up, but it's real!!! there's no way to turn back, we're screwed!!" so finally what happens is that instead of taking off, we crash into another plane on the runway and i wake up. whew!

and YES, i'm still in recovery mode!!! no partying for me this weekend!

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