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You Think Too Much

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Originally posted by phuturephunk

. . . . you see what I mean . . my big stupid left brain's insatiable need to hear itself talk has killed this thread with overthought . . . :laugh:

yeah you know....

Just when I thought I responded to Glowgrlnyc pretty articulately and without too much unnecessary deviation......

in comes Mike......:laugh:

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Originally posted by phuturephunk

. . . a word is our left-brain's attempt at trying to articulate the patterns and the beauty that our Right-brain knows . . . I am under the opinion , from time to time, that our ability to write and talk has somehow stifled us mentally . .. I mean, don't get me wrong, our ability to communicate in a concrete manner is what makes us special in the spiraling sea of stars that we call the universe .... it's just, when we constantly try to articulate we find that part of the thought is always lost in the translation . .

. . Is the loss due to what we're trying to convey. . or the method of transport? . .

. . . I believe it's the latter AND the former, especially when it comes to music . . . Better Living Through Circuitry had a very VERY interesting interview with BT . . For all of you that haven't seen it, one of the things he talked about was his fascination with a way to be able to control the musical instruments he wields with his mind . . . I was particularly excited about that . . because I too have dreamed about something to that effect for a long time . . but with a different transport . .

. . In my dreams I called it, simply, the Music Machine . . Its premise is perfect . . . As humans we only have two hands and two feet that we can use to manipulate objects in space (forget about the rest of the assorted orifices and appendages that the human body has for a sec . . ). . . When it comes to Electronic music. . it's almost impossible, with our current state of technology, to create the multilayered beauty of. . say, a BT or Hybrid track, completely REAL TIME. . . I don't care if you ARE BT or the blokes (LOL) from Hybrid. . at some point you NEED to have the sequencer track the tempo and keep the show tight for you, while at the same time you layer on the flair into the music. . This fundamental disconnection from the backbone of the music is what prevents beats from climbing to the next level . . The music machine that I thought up would cure that . . but the technology isn't, and won't be there in our lifetimes. . .

The Premise:

Have a main mixerboard with 2-4 tables in the middle console. . to the musicians left would be beat board . .which would simply be a grid array of assignable velocity sensitive pads . . to the right, a similar grid array and filter control for samples . . (sides can be switched depending on what handedness you are) . . In effect it's a mutant mixing station . . but that's not what makes it special . . the HANDS are what make it special . . I'll explain . .

. . Have a neural-net interface . . . in a choker that goes around the musicians neck, which can send and receive electrical transmissions to the brain and translate them into movement by floating hands . . Yes, I am talking about actual floating hands . .disconnected from your body (hence, the reason we can't create this with our technology. .)

. . stop laughing . . .

. . . . These floating hands would become extra hands that your brain controls through the interface . . . Now one would say that a complete neural net system where no physical interaction is needed would be more efficient, but the actual act of pressing the keys and tweaking the knobs is, a lot of times, what gives the music that "ride" that becomes irresistable to the listener . . Why do you think most samplers and beatboxes have a "shuffle" setting??. . . In a studio an electronic musician must do each track seperately . . laying the chords and basslines onto the beat, then layering any bridging in the harmony's and melodies that may happen throughout the song . . the key downfall to this system is that one must go through the song several times to get the complete picture . . the complete "articulation" . . drawn out . .

. . WHY??. .

. . cause we only got 2 hands . . With my system one could have a virtually limitless number of hands . . the more pieces you need to play, the more hands you add on . .the only limitation being your brain's ability to control them . . Think about it . . one person could control an entire 100 piece symphony at the same time with their mind . . WHILE maintaining a human feel . . as long as they have the mental strength to do it . .

. . There's sooo much more I want to convey about this . . It really does get me excited . . but I can't find the words . . I'm too Right Brained . .. I wish I could touch some of you on the shoulder and have you "see" what I see in my head . . . cause then you'd understand . . I do hope words did the job adequately though . .

. . any thoughts? . . .

Ok...First of all "WOW" ....second of all I understand and can completely visualize exactly what you are describing...I actuallu have it pictured in my head right now, and I'm blown away!!!

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Originally posted by phuturephunk

. . . a word is our left-brain's attempt at trying to articulate the patterns and the beauty that our Right-brain knows . . . I am under the opinion , from time to time, that our ability to write and talk has somehow stifled us mentally . .. I mean, don't get me wrong, our ability to communicate in a concrete manner is what makes us special in the spiraling sea of stars that we call the universe .... it's just, when we constantly try to articulate we find that part of the thought is always lost in the translation . .

. . Is the loss due to what we're trying to convey. . or the method of transport? . .

. . . I believe it's the latter AND the former, especially when it comes to music . . . Better Living Through Circuitry had a very VERY interesting interview with BT . . For all of you that haven't seen it, one of the things he talked about was his fascination with a way to be able to control the musical instruments he wields with his mind . . . I was particularly excited about that . . because I too have dreamed about something to that effect for a long time . . but with a different transport . .

. . In my dreams I called it, simply, the Music Machine . . Its premise is perfect . . . As humans we only have two hands and two feet that we can use to manipulate objects in space (forget about the rest of the assorted orifices and appendages that the human body has for a sec . . ). . . When it comes to Electronic music. . it's almost impossible, with our current state of technology, to create the multilayered beauty of. . say, a BT or Hybrid track, completely REAL TIME. . . I don't care if you ARE BT or the blokes (LOL) from Hybrid. . at some point you NEED to have the sequencer track the tempo and keep the show tight for you, while at the same time you layer on the flair into the music. . This fundamental disconnection from the backbone of the music is what prevents beats from climbing to the next level . . The music machine that I thought up would cure that . . but the technology isn't, and won't be there in our lifetimes. . .

The Premise:

Have a main mixerboard with 2-4 tables in the middle console. . to the musicians left would be beat board . .which would simply be a grid array of assignable velocity sensitive pads . . to the right, a similar grid array and filter control for samples . . (sides can be switched depending on what handedness you are) . . In effect it's a mutant mixing station . . but that's not what makes it special . . the HANDS are what make it special . . I'll explain . .

. . Have a neural-net interface . . . in a choker that goes around the musicians neck, which can send and receive electrical transmissions to the brain and translate them into movement by floating hands . . Yes, I am talking about actual floating hands . .disconnected from your body (hence, the reason we can't create this with our technology. .)

. . stop laughing . . .

. . . . These floating hands would become extra hands that your brain controls through the interface . . . Now one would say that a complete neural net system where no physical interaction is needed would be more efficient, but the actual act of pressing the keys and tweaking the knobs is, a lot of times, what gives the music that "ride" that becomes irresistable to the listener . . Why do you think most samplers and beatboxes have a "shuffle" setting??. . . In a studio an electronic musician must do each track seperately . . laying the chords and basslines onto the beat, then layering any bridging in the harmony's and melodies that may happen throughout the song . . the key downfall to this system is that one must go through the song several times to get the complete picture . . the complete "articulation" . . drawn out . .

. . WHY??. .

. . cause we only got 2 hands . . With my system one could have a virtually limitless number of hands . . the more pieces you need to play, the more hands you add on . .the only limitation being your brain's ability to control them . . Think about it . . one person could control an entire 100 piece symphony at the same time with their mind . . WHILE maintaining a human feel . . as long as they have the mental strength to do it . .

. . There's sooo much more I want to convey about this . . It really does get me excited . . but I can't find the words . . I'm too Right Brained . .. I wish I could touch some of you on the shoulder and have you "see" what I see in my head . . . cause then you'd understand . . I do hope words did the job adequately though . .

. . any thoughts? . . .

Here's is the problem with words, actually, language and communications in general.

We experience things through our five senses. That information is stored in our brains where we extract our interpretation of what these experiences are.

We communicate with each other in hopes of translating our understanding of these experiences. We often do not consider, however, the fact that our means of communication are really arbitrary assignments that has no undeniable link to the experiences that we seek to communicate. This essentially means that the words and the speech that we use holds no intrinsic meaning other than our own interpretations.

And there's another problem of "dimensionality", as I call it. And there's a significant dfference between our minds' capabilities in thinking (considerable) and our capabilities in communicating those thoughts (considerably LESS)

As a simple example, think about taking a cube and trying to transcribe it to paper. One can draw the simple 3-dimensional shape to paper, but if you showed it to someone who never experienced what a cube is, they'll never be able to grasp the experience of the 3rd dimension in that figure. No matter what brilliant piece of artistry you may draw, that drawing will forever be two dimensional, while an actual cube will be three dimensional. And while someone may understand a concept, they won't "know" in their heads exactly what that concept translates to in real life.

That is just a simple comparison to trying to conduce the dynamics of our experience to simple words and pictures.

. . There's sooo much more I want to convey about this . . It really does get me excited . . but I can't find the words . . I'm too Right Brained . .. I wish I could touch some of you on the shoulder and have you "see" what I see in my head . . . cause then you'd understand . . I do hope words did the job adequately though . .

Mike has perhaps unwittingly demonstrated my point to a T. What he understands in his mind as these experiences that he's had and the understanding that he has thus drawn from those experiences is what he's trying to convey. Unfortunately, all he has are words to try and describe all this to you the reader.

Kinda sad, I think. The frustration in not being able, perhaps never being able, to somehow transmit this almost transcendental experience through to another because there really isn't a way.

People say that music can be such a key. However, We must keep in mind that music is in that sense also a tool just like language. Everyone speaks of a "vibe" that's present in a certain place, as if we all have a common understanding of everyone around us, as if we all know somehow what everyone around us is feeling. But in the end, no one really knows what kind of emotions and experience the person next to them extracts from the music.

And what Mike said here about the music machine, that's but another method of trying to somehow directly funnel this music in our minds, this art in our minds, directly to those who would experience it rather than having to trying to create the beauty of it by manually manipulating a machine.

Trying but not yet succeeding. Trying in that perhaps it may never succeed.

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Originally posted by gmccookny

Well, when people meet me, they wonder, "George, why are you so happy?" and i tell them "There's 2 sides to everything in this world (well, ALMOST) and i just try to keep my noggin on the nicer side.

For instance, Many tmes i'll just stare up at the sky and breath in the wonderful white light. I've also spent time in places that are (i believe) good for the soul. The soul lives and breaths for natural beauty, so going to the beach, the mountains, clubbing, etc is all food for healthy mental thought (As opposed to staying in a basement watching tv, smoking or shooting shit in your veins with untrustworthy people---that's NOT GOOD)

So, to make a long story short, I feel happiness is when you can be content with yourself...whether it's for 2 minuts or 2 hours...just to not worry and look forward to good things in your life.

For Hacker, i know that's scoring a resident @ Baktun

For Glowgrl, it's heading to "I have a dream" and spending time with awesome music and awesome vibe (I'll be there:D


So my point is, just keep living for something better. Of course there'll be rough times ahead, but just focus on overcoming them!

Stay positive, and keep T H I N K I N G (but not too much, hehehe)

Heaven is what you make of it....hmm.....sigh.....hehehehe

but that stands aside for a moment for the belgian chocolate.....

:letsgo: :letsgo: :letsgo: :letsgo: :letsgo: :letsgo:

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Originally posted by smokesum

Tool Rocks!

He had alot to say.

He had alot of nothing to say.

We'll miss him.

So long.

We wish you well.

You told us how you weren't afraid to die.

Well then, so long.

Don't cry.

Or feel too down.

Not all martyrs see divinity.

But at least you tried.

Standing above the crowd,

He had a voice that was strong and loud.

We'll miss him.

Ranting and pointing his finger

At everything but his heart.

We'll miss him.

No way to recall

What it was that you had said to me,

Like I care at all.

So loud.

You sure could yell.

You took a stand on every little thing

And so loud.

Standing above the crowd,

He had a voice so strong and loud and I

Swallowed his facade cuz I'm so

Eager to identify with

Someone above the ground,

Someone who seemed to feel the same,

Someone prepared to lead the way, with

Someone who would die for me.

Will you? Will you now?

Would you die for me?

Don't you fuckin lie.

Don't you step out of line.

Don't you fuckin lie.

You've claimed all this time that you would die for me.

Why then are you so surprised to hear your own eulogy?

You had alot to say.

You had alot of nothing to say.

Come down.

Get off your fuckin cross.

We need the fuckin space to nail the next fool martyr.

To ascend you must die.

You must be crucified

For your sins and your lies. [sic]


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Something has to change.

Un-deniable dilemma.

Boredom's not a burden

Anyone should bear.

Constant over stimu-lation numbs me

and I wouldn't have

It any other way.

It's not enough.

I need more.

Nothing seems to satisfy.

I don't want it.

I just need it.

To feel, to breathe, to know I'm alive.

Finger deep within the borderline.

Show me that you love me and that we belong together.

Relax, turn around and take my hand.

I can help you change

Tired moments into pleasure.

Say the word and we'll be

Well upon our way.

Blend and balance

Pain and comfort

Deep within you

Till you will not have me any other way.

It's not enough.

I need more.

Nothing seems to satisfy.

I don't want it.

I just need it.

To feel, to breathe, to know I'm alive.

Knuckle deep inside the borderline.

This may hurt a little but it's something you'll get used to.

Relax. Slip away.

Something kinda sad about

the way that things have come to be.

Desensitized to everything.

What became of subtlety?

How can it mean anything to me

If I really don't feel anything at all?

I'll keep digging till

I feel something.

Elbow deep inside the borderline.

Show me that you love me and that we belong together.

Shoulder deep within the borderline.

Relax. Turn around and take my hand.


I heard Eulogy is about L. Ron Hubbard not Jesus (like everyone thinks).

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Originally posted by blowflyii

MOnseur x smoeksum,,,,,u guys r my best buds now. Tool has the most intricate progressive music out there right now. They are sabath, orb, bowie, devo, kingcrimson, floyd zepellin. all in one package

I saw them twice last year. Incredible. Maynard is the fawking man!!

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Albany was the best although I cried through most of it.

Maynard left us with some inspiring words...

Take what ever feeling you are experiencing now, good or bad, and in a few weeks remember that feeling and use it as a catylist to do something positive for yourself, and work on a method to try to heal everyone globally.

You can download the webcast too its funny.

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