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Omfg! I Just Had The Most Random Night!


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HOLY SHIT...I stress the HOLY SHIT because I had the most random night in the longest time, and I wasn't drunk, or high...I'll list the events in real time as they happened...sit back and be prepared to be like "WTF?"...

1. RANDOM PARTY - we goto a party, random party just walk in...the guys mom is like "oooh you must be davids friends, hes not here right now, but you can come in and sit down...would you like some potatoe salad?" We're like yah whatever, wheres the beer...then she kept being like, you really should have some potatoe salad, don't think you're a bother if you want some just come get it...we're like WE DONT WANT ANY FUCKING POTATOE SALAD LADY...then this guys sister is downstairs.. while we were waiting for david to come back right, his sister is like "oh i only watch country when no one else is around...its a secret." and im like yah , and i like to walk around in high heels and spandex when no one is up in my house...wtf? This is where this part gets good, they have like a poodel doggy, its like small and white...she tried to tell me it was haev raughtwiler half SPANISH CHICKEN!!! THE BITCH SAID SPANISH CHICKEN? WTF? Ok then one of my friends I was with, faked like he got a call, and was like uh...yah I'll come pick you up right now...that mother fucker dipped, he was a smart guy! We were still stuck there...so then for like an hour...no more like 40 mins...ok like 15 david is trying to get his dog to roll over, cause he has a chip in his hand "pollo, pollo, come on, come on girl, roll over..." then the dogs arms are like going through a convulsion, the dog only ever made it half way, then davids like, "come on pollo, your embarrasing me" so then he just pushes it the other half way over...and we're like...good trick???? ok, so then we're like "uh dude we're really hungry...i think we're gonna goto maleks..." so we finally dip

2. Maleks (restaraunt) / McDonalds - we goto maleks, and sit down, 5 mins later we're like dude we're not even hungry so we dip and the lady is like WTF, so then we're like dude where aer we gonna go so we goto mcdonalds, and we drive around the mcdonalds for no reason then we pull up in the line, we're like "yah can we have a # 10-3 = 7...a number 25 and a kids size blowjob? and before we even orderd we fucking laughed for like 10 mins like hysterical, you would of thought we were high...so then we finally order...and we are yelling this shit, so then the arab guy is like "OK, STOP LAUGHING, OR YOU CAN...YOU ...CAN...GO AWAY!" he didn't know what to say LOL, it was so funny so we're like "go away???" we started to bust out laughing again. so then he's bitching at us soooo loud, im like "look mother fucker, i cant even place my fucking order because your yelling at us, your food sucks anyways it gives me the shits"

3. LEAVING - so then we leave and we're like "yo where are we gonna eat this shit?" and we're like wanna go back to maleks and eat that shit there, and im like naw yo that would be bitch. so then we just drive around right, we're stopped at a red light, next to us there is a minivan with two girls in the front, a big candycane hanging out the drives side window, some guy with dreds in the back, and another guy in the back. the girl is like "jimi?" and im like yah who the fuck are you? I SERIOUSLY DONT KNOW THISBTICH ITS COMPLETY RANDOM PERSON and she's like omg i know you, im like yah grreat, so i give them a fry and we dip right...WRONG tell me why we followed them the whole way, we were like pull over, pull over so then we pull over infront of some house, we dont even know these people, all we want is to eat our fucking mcdonalds, it's been like 20 mins now right...

4. THE HOUSE - so she's like "wanna come inside my hosue" and we're like are you fucking serious, you dont even know us but whatever its a place to eat our shit so we go inside, and we walk in...and im like "alpha, dude is that dog shit on her floor?" she has wooden floors right, she's like OMFG my dog shit on my floor, then she's like, hey talking to her friend, she's like, hey ill give you a dollar if you pick that up, and he's like why am i always the bitch...oh yah to add to that shit, she was like shit im locked out, my grandma is blind and deaf...im like ook so then she's like ok my grandma can't find the key...im like SHES ON THE INSIDE WHY DOES SHE NEED A KEY" AND she's like oh yah, uh want to come in...like she totally forgot that we came there to go IN her house, it's cold as balls...

5. STRIP CLUB - ok so we dip that bitches house, and drive around...pull infront of busted as strip club, i think its 1324 or something like that...and thats were we eat or mcdonalds...


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Originally posted by vixenfoxxy

Jimi, it's okay, we all know you really do dress up in spandex and high heels when no one's lookin ;) hehehehe sexxxxxxxxxxy LoLz!!!

I didn't say there's anything wrong with Jimi being permanently drunk (or maybe high). I see tracers when anything moves and patterns I look at always squiggle just a little. We all have our afflictions.

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