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I met DT last nite


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yep, I finally met "the man" himself last nite at opium. I headed out last nite to opium at 1 am. Was hangin' out with the usual local crew, having a little sushi, shootin' the breeze, listening to ivano gettin' warmed up for whats always a great sunday night. I said good nite to ivano and headed home about 3 am, because I had to catch a noon flight (keep in mind I live within a block or two from opium). I got home and was winding down when suddenly,.....I felt compelled to go back to opium at like 4 am (1 hour later) and I did. When I got there I went over to the DJ booth and Ivano says "I thought you went home" to me. I said yeah but something made me come back. I look and next to me and the DJ booth I sense ( I actually felt him, I just had a feeling he was gonna be there) a familiar ressemblence of the few photo's of the man published (now i've never met him before and have no idea what he really looks like). So, I look at him and look at Ivano and now i'm pointing to ivano and then to this man, back-and-forth. I say to Ivano "Is It Him". Ivano nods, I whisper to him "Are you the Man" ? He smiles and acknowledges me. Ivano tells him something about me. We chatted for a few glorious moments. Then we shook hands, he gave me a big hug and I was considering kissing his hand when he in fact kissed mine (he read my mind). I graciously returned same.

Danny , Ivano, thanks for a great end to a very special evening!

All my love,


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a few months ago i was at Space on a saturday night and DT was spinning on sunday night and I saw him on the dance floor....i asked him if he was "danny t" and he smiled and said yes...i talked to him for awhile...nice, down to earth guy....

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Ran into him during last conference. He was hanging out on the patio at Space during the Deep Dish party, and had a water gun. He and I picked out people to hose down, that was about it. Some security guy got sprayed, got really pissed and rushed in our direction when Emi steps in and just gives the bouncer 'the look', and he goes away...

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Yeah well Miamijosh that is so funny cause last weekend I was all drunk at Bunkas in NJ and I was DYING to go to Vinyl after that to hear him... (cause I have never even HEARD him spin before... I know I'll hear hell from you guys for just writing that!) but anyway after like an hour of debating someone goes, "Wait, he's not even THERE tonight, he's in MIAMI!!!!!" :laugh: I was sooooo mad!!!!!!!

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Originally posted by StArBrYte

Yeah well Miamijosh that is so funny cause last weekend I was all drunk at Bunkas in NJ and I was DYING to go to Vinyl after that to hear him... (cause I have never even HEARD him spin before... I know I'll hear hell from you guys for just writing that!) but anyway after like an hour of debating someone goes, "Wait, he's not even THERE tonight, he's in MIAMI!!!!!" :laugh: I was sooooo mad!!!!!!!

LMAO !!! Don't feel bad, I'll tell ya a secret. I've never been to vinyl either. Maybe we should go.....???

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh::half::D:heart:

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yea, I believe Seth took that pic.

I have no idea as to where it is in my bat cave.

The flyer is up on a board, in the SPACE office.

Think I was wearin some red shades & a chinese hat I got @ ULTRA earlier.

I was next to Jimmy Toural (dj) & Gilfabulous (promoter)

(wondering if SPACE will notice the flyer missing (lol) )


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One time I was at the Marine base in Guantanamo Bay Cuba. We were interrorgating all of the taliban prisoners and in comes Danny Tenaglia. We were all like "WOW, it's danny T". He was really really kewl but then we interrorgated the suspected clubspace sympathizer using any means neccessary to get information out of him.

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my advice is not everyone should just go up running to Danny T and saying something..

hes a prick to many.

i had the privelage to talk to him for a long time the previos time he came (the one where he just showed up to Space driving)

we were in the Patio the fri before his set and one of my friends knows him from way back so we huddled up and talked for a very long time. Nice guy indeed.

but many people came up to him and he came short of humilating them and being so rude i was "OOOOOOK"

ask the people who deal with him first hand what kind of a prick he can be .hes very weird, mysterious, and private.

i vote him "DJ most likey to slug you if you ask him for a request"

hes the man !!

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Originally posted by pod

Danny is an enigma for sure. He prefers it that way, to the point of shunning the camera most of the time. I respect that, of anyone, and take the night off when Danny comes to town..

It's good to see that people can actually respect one's privacy. I like that.

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Totally. If someone says not to take their photo, I won't. Or if they inadvertantly stumble into a shot of mine, and they don't want to be in it, I won't publish it. I do not alter my photos, so if that happens, the shot is 'unusable'...

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Originally posted by pod

If someone says not to take their photo, I won't. Or if they inadvertantly stumble into a shot of mine, and they don't want to be in it, I won't publish it. I do not alter my photos, so if that happens, the shot is 'unusable'...

Well pod, I wish there were more photographers out there thjat feel the way you do.

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