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Mugz final post (goodbye NYC!)

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Originally posted by mugwump

where people don't care how you look

and judge you on "YOU"

the person..

The mind behind the body..

Where are you going Mugz? lala land!!

Did you take too much prozac this morning?

Are you being "beamed up onto the mothership" again?

What the hell was in the tacos you were eating in Mexico?

All I have to say to you is - FUCK YOU!!

You little whiney freak bitch, I know the ex got the dog, but did she get your balls too?!!

Take off your skirt and be a fucking man - stop running away from life - (I think I'm at step two right now - anger)!!

If you don't like the way the clubs in the city are, open up club-MUGZ and cater to the "other"!!!!!!!

Oh - poor mugz - I am crying for you!! For christ sake - you are not moving to Colorado or Kansas, and I know you are not moving to the utopia you describe!! So, get a grip - your crazy bald headed freak, you belong in NY with the rest of the Freaks!!

I know you aren't feeling like yourself, so take some paxil and then hopefully the old Mugz will come back!!!

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OOOOOOOOOOOO- I crrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrying for you mugz ooooooo hahahahahaha LMAO

Is this a desperate attempt to get sympathy sex??????

oooooo Looks like mugz is trying a new apraoch - I really didn't think he would stoop down this low

Get a grip baldy and come to your senses!!!!!!

or else crobra and I will tie you by your goatie to the bumper of the crobramobile and drag your freak ass through the streets of astoria. And then I will personally take you to EXIT and tie you to a speaker while DRAPER does a 12-hour marathon set!!!

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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Hey Mugz,

I am truly happy for you that you are going someplace to start over. I totally understand where you are coming from. You stand strong and remember your friends. On the other hand I am saddend for NY's club scene's loss. You depict how I see the club goer. You go for the music and not the big name. You generate an excellent vibe. You add heart and warth to a party. I was always happy to see you at my parties or any party. If there was such a place as Mugwumpia I would be honored to be one of its resident DJ's. Your attitude toward the scene is exactly what I was looking for from the people that go to my parties. Yet another loss for NYC. You will be missed my friend. Please keep in touch and much success and love in your travels.

Your friend

Mark Divine AKA DJ Divine

houseontrancest@yahoo.com or aol.com

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I posted this thread up expecting scuffs

and three people (if I'm lucky) responding..

I never expected it to develope into such a sap fest!

(then again upon re-reading the damn thing

I truely sound patheticly sappy myself!)

I actualy wrote it when

I was feeling REAAALLy down

and I ended up pouring

goops upon goops of missery from my finger tips

all over the mugwumpian keyboard.

Perhaps your right Crobra..

I am dreaming of "la-la land".

Hapiness is found within

not in a place

but being broke sure as hell dosen't help.

And to be honest with you all I'm NOT leaving

NY atleast for another month..

(I have bills to straighten up and lots

of furniture to sell and put into storage)

the thing is my friend in Colorado owns

a digital media post production house

and has asked me to help in late March.

They do comercials and movie station opener


So given my current situation

(No real job, no girl, no dog etc...)

I can just pick up and move..

and start fresh. But

it won't be till later on..

I just think it's time for me to quit

wasting so many hours posting

instead of trying to get my shit together

so that's where I say goodbye.

You WILL see me out from time to time

at my usual mugwumpian haunts..

and there are some KILLER parties

on the way that I will NOT MISS!

(Breakbeatscience just got a residency at MINT

as well as other really great stuff on the way..)

So I'm not like hopping on a train

tomorrow or anything..

but I don't think

I'll be posting on ANY boards


at least not like I use to..



Keep it real..

see you around

(from time to time)

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Thank God for Crobra and Mist (i love u guys) for taking a little of the piss out of this pouty piss pot of a thread. Mugz, u know I love you too, but this whole thread is a little over the top....

This is a message board, and while Mugz topic reads like a suicide note written by someone on too many 'scripts (Yeah, where exactly r u going, where the sky is purple and love last forever?), he's not ACTUALLY DEAD. He will survive, just as we all have survived our personal drama's, and sometimes...now I know this may hurt, guys...people need to do that out of the range of strangers computer screens.

So before I finish preparations for hari-kari over here, lets take a deep breath and repeat together....

"Its just a messageboard, Its just a messageboard..."

And trancend, ignore blowflii...what we don't need is some Lord of the Flies-style power struggle for board supremacy...or maybe that would be fun...actually, yeah, that's a great idea. Who are the challengers, though?

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i know why you're leaving; you can't take d11. c'mon, bitch, stay and fight like a mugz

seriously, don't go. you've done wonders for this scene, i really think. i entirely agree with Mark and Steve; you epitomize the true partier, you're cool as shit, and your posts sucked


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Damn i hated ur stupid ass posts.....but ur a kewl cat....i remember chillin with u up in twilo....shit....u even bought me a fucking red bull (remember?)....shit we almost ..well...i almost beat the shit out of u....lol....much love and respect...good luck my brothah and KIT.....


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  • 2 weeks later...

where are you going?????? a just partied with you 3 weeks ago in mexico.....so what's up with this going away crap????? e-mail me, and keep me up to date on your life.....

humm....I guess that means I/m not crashing with you hugh!!! he he he, just kidding......tell me all about it


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I never met you, that sucks. But I still don't want you to leave.

NY Night life still has hope. Twilo will never reopen again.

BUT, just wait until I get a residency at a NY club. I believe that my music will revolutionize electronic music as we know it (for the better). You have to stay and see what happens.

P.S. I need Weed

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damn mugz... ::here goes the repetition:: i only met you once, when you were working the table at roxy with lanie and the rest of the CP heads... i didnt get to meet you in your element, but i was just so glad to have finally put a face with the name and the insane posts...

:( i dont want you to go either, but like saigray said, it's a message board and this is life... so i say good luck with everything you do... and please stop by and say hi everyone once in a while...

love :heart: ~ moonie

i'm gonna miss you ~ :worry2: :cry:

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Guest jaxl

I only have one question.... are you taking the dog or leaving her behind to wander the streets of NY in search of food/shelter and a new master?

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