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when is enough enough....


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Now...my ex boyfriend who i'm completely in love with, When we were together, there was always weed, and a little X,towards the end some K....( but recreationally) I usually let this all slide, hating to be the paranoid and annoying girlfriend. But we're sort of friends now, and things are getting pretty bad....to a point where, i can't sit here knowing about all this without doing or saying anything. THe thing is that with him, it's not just a club thing (he doesn't go to those anymore), a party thing, or even just a weekend thing...it's always an almost everyday and an any hour of the day thing. Last week, he told me he did Heroin...I started crying, and he said after new years he'd stop both coke and heroin...what do i do?? someone i know saw him this weekend and he was coked out again...i'm terrified he's ruining his life, he's so talented, and i have to do something...People tell me i can't be his savior, that he's gonna do what he wants to do, but i can't sit here and do nothing! ugghh, where do i start??? ...... :confused:

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Originally posted by verv

Now...my ex boyfriend who i'm completely in love with, When we were together, there was always weed, and a little X,towards the end some K....( but recreationally) I usually let this all slide, hating to be the paranoid and annoying girlfriend. But we're sort of friends now, and things are getting pretty bad....to a point where, i can't sit here knowing about all this without doing or saying anything. THe thing is that with him, it's not just a club thing (he doesn't go to those anymore), a party thing, or even just a weekend thing...it's always an almost everyday and an any hour of the day thing. Last week, he told me he did Heroin...I started crying, and he said after new years he'd stop both coke and heroin...what do i do?? someone i know saw him this weekend and he was coked out again...i'm terrified he's ruining his life, he's so talented, and i have to do something...People tell me i can't be his savior, that he's gonna do what he wants to do, but i can't sit here and do nothing! ugghh, where do i start??? ...... :confused:

i have seen many friends of mine go through this. time and time again i tried to help them stop. ry to find some way to make them realize that they were destroying themselves. ultimately, i would give up. i have realized that if someone is getting messed up like that, it is their choice to do so. whenever i would interfere, i would end up being the one to get hurt. hopefully he will realize that his life is in the gutter and make the change for himself. when he does make the change, help him rebuild. just dont get sucked in, or you may be left alone to pick up the peices when everything falls apart

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