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Since the 'All Twilo Fanatics' post was CLOSED....

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which i dont see the point of, i still have something to say.

I too disagree. I feel that exit's potential has long since diminished. Its a place that has the capacity for a large crowd....yes. But the fact remains, that no matter how many good acts, and how many fellow Twiloites follow, uneducated (in the terms of clubland folk) people (and no not all, but c'mon look at the majority of that crowd) will still dominate over there. I say this bc this thread made me think of something i overheard 2 barbie-esque type females say at Twilo one night (DT, Digweed night) 'This club sucks!!! Lets go to Exit. Its such a better club, you can dance on the roof and EVERYTHING!!!'

if one moron can say that, then 5000 can.

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Originally posted by trippintrance64

i overheard 2 barbie-esque type females say at Twilo one night (DT, Digweed night) 'This club sucks!!! Lets go to Exit. Its such a better club, you can dance on the roof and EVERYTHING!!!'

:eek::jawdrop: :worry2:

Oh well more room for us :bounce: when "something" comparable to Twilo opens up...;)

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Originally posted by trippintrance64

which i dont see the point of, i still have something to say.

I too disagree. I feel that exit's potential has long since diminished. Its a place that has the capacity for a large crowd....yes. But the fact remains, that no matter how many good acts, and how many fellow Twiloites follow, uneducated (in the terms of clubland folk) people (and no not all, but c'mon look at the majority of that crowd) will still dominate over there. I say this bc this thread made me think of something i overheard 2 barbie-esque type females say at Twilo one night (DT, Digweed night) 'This club sucks!!! Lets go to Exit. Its such a better club, you can dance on the roof and EVERYTHING!!!'

if one moron can say that, then 5000 can.

First of all, I posted the thread, what the hell happened to it? I didn't even get to read anyone's response. Anyway, I completely understand what you are saying. But I'm telling you, on recent nights when they've had guest dj's the crowd has been a lot better. More people who know music go and Exitheads are starting to get the idea about good music. When Exit reopened I got on their messageboard and everyone was talkin about how awsome Draper was, and when I told them that they needed to experience good music they were like Draper is God. Now I go on that board and people are askin who Draper should be replaced with. I'm telling you if enough Twiloites go there on both the 18th and the 25th things will start changing there and we can have a Venue in NY that can be compared to Twilo.

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Originally posted by notallthere

i say exit is the best venue in the city..

Exit is like a girl that is super hot .....but is a so annoying you don't want to go near her.

Good point, but if you put tape over her mouth or maybe give her a new brain, she's gonna be irresistable.

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There is no better venue in ny than exit, nobody can disagree with that. I understand that most people who love Twilo, hate Exit. However, there is no better venue and if when good DJ's are spinning there Twiloites show up, Exitheads will leave. I'm talkin about completely taking over the fuckin club. It can be done.

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1) I don't know why the thread is locked up. I am trying to open it and for some reason it's not letting me. I even posted on it. 2) I do agree with somethings. Bt DAVERALPH has been moved back from the date he was supposed to play there. As I said we are talking with the club and when we get all the factual information from the owner himself we will bring the happy news to all the people that love this kind of Talent.

Otherwise venue itself is cool. Happy to finally see a wood dance floor in the place. We sponsored TIESTO's night at Exit. There is a picture thread around somewhere.

How abotu instead of calling people TWILOites and making the rest of the world seem musically retarded we just say PEOPLE THAT LOVE THIS KIND OF DJ TALENT MUST GO THERE IF JUST ONCE TO TRY IT. Clubplanet will be offering you the best opportunity to do so very soon anyway.

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Originally posted by wowndtite

There is no better venue in ny than exit, nobody can disagree with that. I understand that most people who love Twilo, hate Exit. However, there is no better venue and if when good DJ's are spinning there Twiloites show up, Exitheads will leave. I'm talkin about completely taking over the fuckin club. It can be done.

Well i dont want exit to turn into Asia

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Originally posted by cotoncandydream

1) I don't know why the thread is locked up. I am trying to open it and for some reason it's not letting me. I even posted on it. 2) I do agree with somethings. Bt DAVERALPH has been moved back from the date he was supposed to play there. As I said we are talking with the club and when we get all the factual information from the owner himself we will bring the happy news to all the people that love this kind of Talent.

Otherwise venue itself is cool. Happy to finally see a wood dance floor in the place. We sponsored TIESTO's night at Exit. There is a picture thread around somewhere.

How abotu instead of calling people TWILOites and making the rest of the world seem musically retarded we just say PEOPLE THAT LOVE THIS KIND OF DJ TALENT MUST GO THERE IF JUST ONCE TO TRY IT. Clubplanet will be offering you the best opportunity to do so very soon anyway.

I'm not implying that everyone else is musically retarded. Honestly I woulnd't even consider myself a Twiloite. The fact is that Twilo generated the best crowd in NY, that brought good music such as PVD and Sasah and Digweed to NY. Without them nightlife in NY Just isn't the same. Exit is the only venue big enough to hold them. And I think that if most people who loved twilo, along with us people who know good music when they hear it, should go to Exit to hear Spacegirl spin. And every night they have a really good DJ spin. Eventually Exit will lose Draper and pick up someone hot.

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I think that is kinda wrong to say NYC nightlife is off without Sasha and Digweed. PEACE on Earth did fine with Christopher Lawrence, Sandra Collins, Bad Boy Bill, etc......... Centro still does their part with their lineups, TIMO MASS & Crystal Method rocked out NYE at w/ what was basically the TWILO Crowd.

And best crowd as far as what???

I basically could name 10 other places the crowd was better dressed or behaved. Depends on taste.

Music, Fashion, Vibe, etc..... are all in consideration here. If you want to state the reality of NYC nightlife in terms of SUPER CLUBS. EXIT is the Biggest. But needs work to become the best and I think they have a lot of potential too. But I will say it again. We'll get the info and get back to you. And sorry I am not feeling Spacegirl on the main floor unless it's a rave.

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Originally posted by cotoncandydream

How abotu instead of calling people TWILOites and making the rest of the world seem musically retarded we just say PEOPLE THAT LOVE THIS KIND OF DJ TALENT MUST GO THERE IF JUST ONCE TO TRY IT. Clubplanet will be offering you the best opportunity to do so very soon anyway.


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A lot of the ex-Twiloites go to Vinyl nowadays anyway. There's DT on FRiday, and now Bindra is promoting Sats, and bringing in some really good talent (eg, Danny Howells, Sander Kleinenberg, Pappa, etc).

The advantage with the venue was that it was small, thus fostering a more intimate vibe...Vinyl, though pretty crappy and small as a club, also does that.

Exit is just too large and has already made a name for itself as meathead haven (plus I've heard the owner is a jackass)!

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Twilo and Exit don't belong in the same sentence......

the space Twilo had was the way it was for specific reasons all contributing to how good the club was overall.......like raver_mania said, it created a more intimate setting.....you knew everyone you were partying with......everyone moved together.......not to mention sound-related reasons.......

Exit is a club you can go with your crew and have a great time but it never will have any sense of vibe and community that smaller venues have.......it's very big and very nice but it lacks that aspect and always will.......

on another note, Exit may be bringing in international talent but it is still different than the type of talent that Twilo saw.......guys like Tiesto, Oakenfold, and Dave Ralph are not representative of Twilo's lineups and I highly doubt that many former Twiloheads are frequenting those parties at Exit.........IMO that is a complete step backwards.......to each his own, but I just see Exit as cornball meatheads that need a place to bump k and cracked out raver kiddies.......to be clear, I have no problem with either cause I'm a pretty open minded person but I just choose not to party with that type of crowd........

besides, with Vinyl doing better and better, Centro-Fly still going strong and Glowbana on it's way, none of this will really matter.....:D

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