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confused HELP!!


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Originally posted by trancerxn112

Wow buddy ur fucking loaded why dont you buy her something that screams THOUGHFULNESS...

Yeah... I don't know what your girl's into but my favorite presents are ones that mean something other than "I have a big price tag"

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Originally posted by sonicinfusion

my gf birthday is on the 1st of feb .. now im very confused about the gift !!

my budget is not more then 1 GRAND

so here are my choices

1 = a cheap diamond ring around 1200$

2 = A Gucci Watch and tons of VS thongs!!


Im so out of IDEAS


Its not how much money you put into the idea... but how much thought and how much of your heart is in it... you can give anyone money or material things.. but not everyone gets and gives their heart!... I bought a star, a while back... the light that shined symbolized our eternal love... funny thing though that star is still burning but the love for one another is not... oh well! but something like that... how about a rose for everyday you been with her, not just any rose, because thats ordinary, something rare like the girl you found... or how about put together a scrap book of places you've been together, dates, match books, vacations, etc... and leave tons of empty pages for the future to fill up with ... or if youre going to go the buying route give it to her in a unusual place or someplace she'll remember something to differentiate that oridinary gift from others... but some lil tips... thats just some of the things I've done, just to give you some ideas... if all else fails, buy her a dildo, and a pair of sneakers... this way she can go fuck herself and walk to the store to return it.

Good Luck... let me know how it turns out!!! or what you did if you go this route!

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dude not to sound like an uncle scrooge or nothing but i spent way to much on chix be reasonable in your budget...thoughtful works out best surprise parties are a good way to go too at a nice place...(thanks michelle for the idea)

but look at me i'm breaking up with my girl now....:unhappy:

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Originally posted by nrgy112

To spend 1 thousand dollars on a girl, she's either a hell of a hot chick, your future wife, or your just a little whipped bitch!

haha whipped by a bitch:laugh: :laugh:

Hun, why is it money that matters so much. If she is your g/f the simplest thing will make her happy.

Well, maybe she is a goldigger?

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Originally posted by sonicinfusion

I got a really slick GUcci watch ! and the new COMPAQ IPAQ cause she needed a palm .. !!

how long have you guys been goin out..i agree with trancerrxn,,,its not the gift its the thaught....idk it just seems like a lot of money

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Originally posted by dgmodel

fair enough...

:tongue: ......haha....I found this thread finally! (it really was hard)

So can I contribute to this???? Sonic, not to burst your bubble but....

#1 - Gucci watches are shit on a stick....barely even stainless steel. If you wanted to go for a label, Movado or Coach.

#2 - Those gifts were waaaaaaaaaaaaay to practical. I hope you took her out for a nice dinner, or something along those lines.

~Sometimes the tiniest thing can mean so much. I will never get exhausted of saying....

*Quality, not Quantity*

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Well you have your taste and she DIgs the gucci watch !!

I did take her out for dinner!

Yes im gonna take her out in MARCH which is a part of her gift too the MIAMI WINTER MUSIC CONFERENCE

its goin to be off the hook!!

last year they had all the DJ's and this year its goin to be better!!

i cannot wait for march to come

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