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How to trick LavenderMenace in anything

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Way before LavenderMenace and I were talking about Winter music Conference and how she can't go for certain reasons, which I do not want to disclose. I said right away - let's go. She went bonkers calling me a crackhead and insane (in a good way)

Ok. So as you know I have been crazy about going to Gatecrasher this April and I was telling her that I want her to go with me. She, obviously, did not want to go because she is a girl and I guess that's what girls do (teehee). Ok. So I was talking to her trying to convince her to go with me and she said this:

'lets' compromise. Choose either Gatecrasher or Winter Music Conference'

Hmmm. Being a great lover of London, Gatecrasher and PVD and Scott Bond and Mario Piccotto and Roger Sanchez and (you get the point), I chose Gatecrasher. So she says:

'Think about this: Everyone of our friends will be in Miami'

Hmmm. How can you argue with that.

So guess where we are going Mar 23-27th?

YOU CAN NOT ARGUE WITH THE MASTER!!!!!!!! (me, if you were wondering). I wanted to go to WMC and Gatecrasher was perfect opportunity to counter her resistance. So she thinks she is getting the lesser of 'two eveil'. HEHEHEHEHEH. Little does she know, huh?

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Originally posted by tottallyoff

What did you say about knowing how to handle her? I might have missed that.

It was right before you left.... I was like "You can't actually argue with her.... you have to let her think shes won the arguement so she doesn't protest" and you were like "please.... look who your talking to here... " lol

btw, sorry I forgot you had to give pete a cd... I remembered like 20 min after you left.... DOH!

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Originally posted by joeg

Hey, did PhutureMike & Deb give you directions to Florida??? I hear thats where the rest of the retirement crew is....

I'm sure theres a really nice home... errr.... I mean club for you down there...


. . . . Hey listen, just because you don't know my pop-culture references does NOT mean that I'm old . . . well . . yes it does . . but . . . aaarghh . .

. .. Son, you're THIS close to goin in the trunk . . . :laugh:

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Originally posted by lavendermenace

OMFG! you are SO lucky you are in another STATE right now.



uh oh.....someone's getting senile....I have to try this technique sooner or later.....

Soon enough she'll be yelling: "OMFG! you are SO lucky you are TWO BLOCKS away from me right now.


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hahhaha nathan.... when your at a club w/ her shes like "Your so lucky your sitting across the table from me right now!!!" lol....

Although, I have to say, she did try to kick my ass when I stole one of her cigs yesterday.....

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