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Taucher Busted


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Originally posted by mimid

I'll 2nd that......

Kris> we support you all the way hun. Don't let what some retard wrote upset you, all of us here on the board got your back. :D

"yah Kris we got your back .....remember that so you get us in free at ur clubs ...ok !! remember im ur "friend".....help me cut the line get me in free" i wanna feel cool .....thanks Kris!!

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Originally posted by beyondo

"yah Kris we got your back .....remember that so you get us in free at ur clubs ...ok !! remember im ur "friend".....help me cut the line get me in free" i wanna feel cool .....thanks Kris!!

Beyondo> as you've noticed I have'nt gotten involved with what you have said nor will I, i've known Kris since Shadow and she has never said any of those things, at least not in front of me. And as for me saying what I said about having her back, I will take up for her til the end. Not so she lets me in for free, cuz i'm not a back stabber like that, but just because she's always been kewl with me from the begining. We don't tell Kris all those things so she lets us in for free or to try to be kewl, we tell her that because we mean it, we all practically know Kris beyond the clubing life, we talk via telephone, etc.....I don't need Kris to make myself feel kewl or to cut the line in a club or to even get in free, because sometimes I wait the line like everyone else and sometimes I choose to pay just because i'm not a person to take advantage of a friendship just because she has the hook up... You don't know me or my relationship with Kris to comment me in that way. I totally resent that. Beyondo> we both have our opnions, and we've both stated them, lets leave it that way. You have no idea who I am to falsely write something like that, like if you've known me for years. Just my $00.2

Oh, check your pms beyondo....

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Oh boy...... talk about DRAMA!!!!! :rolleyes:

Mina.........don't bother with people that are just out to bother you!!!! We all know what he's all about!!!

Kris...........I haven't known you for too long, but you've been a kewl person in my book....don't let this COON.......get you worked up........I am sure that everything will work out for the best!!!! :) I know you've heard this before but........ You have many people that support you around here, so don't let one person get to you!!!!

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Oh please, banthebull is just jealous because no one ever asked him for those kind of jobs. Whatever he does, I am sure he will be stuck in his dead end job wishing of the day that Luis will pick him out of his little sh#thole and offer him a job...

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Beyondo, your an ass, plain and simple.

I think personally attacking my girlfriend like that is uncalled for. Being since she's basically one of like two people (GA2) on the board that finds the bullshit you write funny. This incident futher solidifies my opinion about you, something I care not to get into details ....

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Originally posted by icup

Oh please, banthebull is just jealous because no one ever asked him for those kind of jobs. Whatever he does, I am sure he will be stuck in his dead end job wishing of the day that Luis will pick him out of his little sh#thole and offer him a job...

:laugh: :laugh: LMAO..... :laugh: :laugh:

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I can't believe people can be so crue and evil to others who don't deserve it. Kris I don't know you personally but after reading all the great comments you must be an awesome person. People should be more considerate to others but I guess some of us are born on this earth to be assholes!:mad:

Bottom line keep doing the great job your doing at Space I personally love the place and I am there every weekend. You can either catch me Friday or Saturday. I like switching my nights.

:) :) Anyway Good Luck!!!:) :)

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