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I would appreciate suggestions on this!!!!!!!!

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Guest bonsolidd

Rules and Regulations sounds like communism!!! U Need drama,U need some promotion, and the board needs to be feel alive! and about the Dave Ralph post...Old maybe to you because you are on the board everyday... some people visit once a month!!!Unbelieveable an international DJ gets moved I guess NJ does not like interntional DJ's.... come on guys! This Guy has played to tens of thousands at a time!!! UNREAL! Move the post back to Jersey is where it belongs!:mad: :mad: :mad:

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We had someone post a question to Image asking if it was true if Johnny Vicious was going to be at Image. We responded with the details and an offer for a comp. That was moved to the Promoters forum. That's bullshit. That should be the purpose of this board. If the moderators have a problem with Kosta , the manager of Image, then that's fine. But I am running a party and trying to hook up as many CP'ers as possible. If these kinds of threads are moved how can I do that. Check my posts, I never bash anyone's parties or flood the board. Please cut out the natzi bulshit and use a little common sense.

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Originally posted by boywonder77

Please cut out the natzi bulshit and use a little common sense.

Listen up, wonderboy.....You and I know alot of the same people and if you ask anyone one of them, they'll tell you the same thing, even Kosta, and that is I'M FAIR.....I am not the only one that is allowed to move posts. In fact, the only friggin post I moved was the Dave Ralph post and you saw how much flack that caused. I have not moved any others prior to or since moving that and I really do not like the tone you have taken with me. I was asked to be the moderator on this board, asked by DAVE, and I accepted b/c I am on the net all day at work and thought it might be a way to bring some fun back to the Jersey board. It has been nothing but a huge ball busting by people like you that just assume that b/c a thread or post is moved, I moved it. I didn't and in fact if I saw it, would have posted on it b/c I get along with Kosta. Sorry for the rambling but I had to get this off of my chest.


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Originally posted by boywonder77

We had someone post a question to Image asking if it was true if Johnny Vicious was going to be at Image. We responded with the details and an offer for a comp. That was moved to the Promoters forum. That's bullshit. That should be the purpose of this board. If the moderators have a problem with Kosta , the manager of Image, then that's fine. But I am running a party and trying to hook up as many CP'ers as possible. If these kinds of threads are moved how can I do that. Check my posts, I never bash anyone's parties or flood the board. Please cut out the natzi bulshit and use a little common sense.

The vicious question when i saw it was on the promoters forum. There is no problem with myself and CP. Everything was worked out. CP and I have gone over the guide lines for our advertising various parties on this site. Leave JBR alone he's doing what he asked to do by DaVe and he's doing fine. He's catching more bullshit from people than even I could endure so I dont know how he's putting up with shit like this.

As far as hooking up Cp'ers

a guestlist has been set up by CP for Image the List is open all night. Sign up under the guestlist section for free admission.

Chris call me at the club.


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