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Legendary has become "Legendary!"

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Hey Zeonstar. I haven't been for the last two weeks but I'm back in effect Saturday. That was also the last time I saw Legendary. Looking good as usual may I ad.

Hey RQ, where ya been hiding out girl? What's the scoop on you? Hope all is well.

Me, just flyin', just flyin'.


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I am still alive, work kept me busy for the last two weeks, I am sorry if you felt neglected, but I had no other choice. Besides that, I didn't have any good stories to tell lately, maybe I should go out more often, which then conflicts with the plenty of work I had to do, so maybe it's why I don't have anything to tell :) (Already confused?)

Anyways, I will get back to you guys as soon as possible, Zeonstar just tell me what I missed, give me something to think and write about! Fairie, thanks for the compliments, you are just too kind! ;)

Have a nice day,

I'll be back soon,

with all best regards,


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Hey Legendary! Good to hear from you.

Well if you read my last posts in the "Confidence" thread, you partially already know what's going on with me and my girlfriend Stacie. It's been 3 weeks today that I met her... but it feels like much longer.

Things are wonderful, and have gotten even better since my first posts about her. This past Friday was a very special night for us and one that was very hard for us to wait for. It was the first time we made love... and even more important it was the first time we told eachother that we loved eachother. For the week before the night we both hinted that we were going to tell eachother how we feel, so I knew it was coming and I think she did too.

We were in the room kissing and she stops to tell me she has fallen for me and is in love with me. To hear her actually say it just stunned me... and of course I finally got to say it back. The night was wonderful... went by fast though.

I definaly see a future with her. For once I love a girl and every feeling I have for her is returned. I never thought I would find this again. She has not loved anyone since her Husband who died 7 years ago and the fact that she chose me to love just means the world to me. I didn't even have to change for her, she loves me how I am. All that going to the club and everything, and I find someone who likes me now. I always knew deep down the kind of girl I would really want would like me as is... and she does.

Even though I cheated and was introduced to her by a friend, she is techinally a club girl who wanted a serious relationship. :)

Speaking of the club. I had to goto Polly's the night before me and her big night to meet my friend Brandi to give her something since she was helping me prepare the room. For the first time ever, I had NO desire to be there aside from meeting up with her. I stayed a bit and said hi to a few of my friends who had missed me, and I told them what was going on with me. That was the first time I had been back since the night I met Stacie there, 2 weeks before. Usually when I would meet a girl there, I would be right back the next night. There was never any real connection to make me think "Ok this girl likes me, I can see what happens between her." But of course, that happened with Stacie. I'll go again of course, with her. it's her favorite club too and I want to go back with her, we just haven't had the chance.

Hope to hear from you soon Legend. Don't work too hard bud!


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  • 5 weeks later...

Hey Legend and everyone.

How have you been man? I'm still doing great. I've scarcly been on the internet in weeks because I've hardly been home. Tonight is the first night 2 days shy of 3 weeks that I haven't been staying at Stacie's after work. :) She needed some time to study and clean so I will be going home after work tonight.

Thinks are still wonderful with her of course, drop me an IM Legend. I miss talking to you.


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